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Translate.vc / Inglês → Espanhol / [ I ] / If that's what you really want

If that's what you really want tradutor Espanhol

114 parallel translation
- If that's really what you want...
- Si es lo que quieres...
If that's what you really want to do, Son.
Si es lo que realmente quieres hacer, hijo.
Resign if that's what you really want!
Si quieres dejarlo, adelante.
Well, if that's what you want, but... We can't really leave these people like this.
Si quieres nos vamos, pero no podemos dejar a esta gente así.
If it's what you want, really want, that's all that should matter to either of us.
Si eso es lo que quieres, lo que realmente quieres tendremos que estar en esto juntos los dos.
"if that's what you really want."
Si eso es lo que en verdad quieren.
If that's what you really want.
Si es lo que realmente quiere, señor.
If you want to know, that's what really bothers me.
Si quiere saber, eso es lo que me molesta.
Look, kid, listen, if that's really what you want, I will say that these stones have a master,
Mira, muchacho, óyeme, si de veras es eso lo que pretendes, te diré que estas piedras tienen un amo,
I'm ready to discuss them with every scholar of the Church, if that's what you really want.
Estoy dispuesto a debatir Con todos los letrados de la iglesia, Si eso es exactamente lo que quieren.
If that's what you really want, then why not?
Pero les advierto. Son imágenes un poco monstruosas.
If that's what you really want.
Si eso es lo que realmente quieres
If that's what you really want, tell me And I won't bother you any more
Si de verdad es eso lo que quieres, dímelo y no te volveré a molestar más.
I mean, if that's what you really want.
Si realmente lo quieres.
I'm sure a loan can be arranged if that's really what you want. To play cards, I mean.
Hablo de jugar a cartas.
Listen, Amos, there's something that I think I ought to tell ya... that I don't really want to tell ya, if you know what I mean.
Escucha, Amos. Hay algo que debería decirte, pero... no quiero hacerlo. ¿ Comprendes lo que digo?
If that's what you really want to write...
Si eso es lo que realmente desea escribir...
Sure, honey, if that's what you really want to do.
Claro que no, si es lo que realmente quieres hacer.
If that's what you really want to do.
Si eso es lo que quieren hacer.
Very well, Prime Minister, if you're serious. I will arrange a genuine inquiry if that's what you really want.
Muy bien, si lo dice en serio, organizare una autentica investigación si es lo que quiere.
Press the middle one to turn it off... if that's what you really want.
Pulsa el del medio para desconectarla si eso es lo que de verdad quieres.
If that's what you really want, Zack.
Si es lo que realmente quieres, Zack.
I could give you your beauty back... if that's what you really want.
Puedo devolverte tu belleza si eso es lo que realmente quieres.
- If that's what you really want.
Si eso es en verdad lo que quieres.
Very well, if that's what you really want, we'll leave.
Muy bien, si es eso lo que quieres, nos marcharemos.
You'd die instantly, if that's what you want. But I don't think that it really is.
Morirás al instante, si eso es lo que quieres, pero no creo que sea el caso.
If that's really what you want.
Si eso es lo que quieres.
Only if that's what you really want?
Únicamente si es lo tú realmente quieres.
Well, I suppose that could be arranged if that's what you really want.
Supongo que eso podría arreglarse, si es lo que en verdad quieres.
If that's what you really want I don't give a good goddamn.
Si eso es lo que quieres,... me importa un carajo.
And if that's what you want to do, you should come back, and you should really keep writing.
Y si eso es lo que quieres hacer, debes volver, y realmente debes seguir escribiendo.
I mean, if that's really what you want, okay.
Si es eso lo que quieres, está bien.
You can go ahead and die if that's what you really want.
Puedes ir y morirte, si eso es lo que quieres en realidad.
You may want to reflect on if that's how you'd really characterize what happened.
Pero deberías pensar si quieres definir así lo que ha pasado hoy.
We don't have a problem with you going to California or New Mexico or Alaska, if that's what you really want.
No nos molesta que vayas a California New Mexico o Alaska, siempre y cuando sea lo que quieras.
If that's what you really want.
Si es lo que quieren.
We say what do you want, what do you really want, what do you want that for and they start to talk about it and they kind of get intimate with what's going on. What we're doing with that technique is unpeeling the onion. If you want to think of a person as having layers and layers and layers of protection, thoughts and belief, we want to get to the center core.
y ellos comienzan a hablar y se vuelve algo intimo acerca de lo que esta pasando lo que estamos haciendo con esta tecnica es pelar la cebolla si tu piensas en una persona como que tiene capas y capas de protecion, pensamientos y creencias
If that's what you really want...
Si eso es lo que quieres realmente...
If that's what you really want.
- Si es lo que quieres.
If that's what you really want.
Si es realmente lo que quieres.
If that's really what you want, then here.
Si eso es lo que quieres, toma.
Look, I know that this is one of those big ideas... but it's really just better if you just say yes to the movie... because otherwise, I have to charge you 25K just for the info. That's what they want at AFI for a year.
Sé que ésta es una gran idea pero sería mejor que hagas la película, porque sino te tengo que cobrar 25 mil dólares por la información.
But if my fleeting encounter with a girl named Maureen O'Flaherty is all you really want to talk about, then that's what we'll do.
El encuentro con esa chica en el departamento es lo que quiero contar eso es todo.
If that's what you really want, I'll do it.
Si eso es lo que realmente quieres, lo haré.
That's cool. You know what you gotta do if you really want to get her?
Genial. ¿ Sabes qué tienes que hacer para conseguirla?
If you really want to do this, you will need a real victim, and that's what I wish to be.
Si de verdad quieres hacerlo necesitarás una verdadera víctima. Y yo quiero serlo.
If that's really what you want.
Si eso es lo que quieres de verdad.
Listen to the tape, that's my advice, if you want to know what she's really like.
Escuche la cinta, ése es mi consejo, si quiere saber cómo es ella realmente.
I don't mind if you want to discuss my... my... you know, I mean I really don't mind you running behind my back and... but look, I know what you're going through, I understand and I know that it's hard, um... and I know that it's frightening, um, and I know that you don't wanna face it.
No me importa si quieres discutir mi mi, tú sabes, no me importa si hablas de mí a mis espaldas pero, sé por lo que estás pasando, entiendo y sé que es difícil y sé que es atemorizante y sé que no quieres enfrentarlo.
If that's what you really want, then I have a way for you to get her back.
Si eso es lo que realmente quieres, tengo una forma de recuperarla.
- he is a repeater - what your big hero here, he was an intern last year that's why he got to know some of the stuff £ ¬ he's already been through it but if you want learn from someone really really learnt
- Él es un repetidor. - ¿ Qué? su gran héroe era un interno el año pasado y por eso sabe tantas cosas, porque él ya ha pasado por eso pero si quieres aprender de alguien que aprendió de verdad busca a un residente, no a este tío.

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