If you don't tradutor Espanhol
82,779 parallel translation
Such a good friend, but you don't know if she can read?
Es una buena amiga, pero ¿ no sabe si puede leer?
If you don't love Kevin yet, you will.
Si todavía no amas a Kevin, lo harás.
I don't wanna upset you, but... I don't know if I wanna go tonight.
No quiero molestarte, pero, no sé si quiero salir hoy.
I don't know if you knew that, which... yeah, just leads back to the biting, so...
No sé si lo sabías, lo que sí, nos lleva al asunto de las mordidas, y...
I don't know if you are familiar with the Vintage Fashion Forum?
¿ No sé si conoces el foro de Moda Vintage?
I don't care if you're dead, we're showering together.
No importa si estás muerta, nos ducharemos juntos.
If you're gonna get this worked up, it makes me think I don't really know you.
Si te vas a poner así, me hace pensar que realmente no te conozco.
You mind if I ask how you're so sure I don't want to come back here?
¿ Te importa si te pregunto cómo estás tan seguro de que no quiero regresar aquí?
And if you hadn't set me up with him after I was fired, I don't know what I would have done.
Y si no me hubieras recomendado con él después de que me despidieron, no sé qué hubiera hecho.
And if you don't, your boss is gonna get an anonymous tip that you sold trade secrets.
Y si no lo haces, tu jefe recibirá un dato anónimo de que vendiste secretos comerciales.
But if the Feds do come sniffing'around, you goin'missin don't look too good.
Pero si los federales vienen a husmear, no se verá bien que no estés.
We don't even know if Proctor's gonna call you up as his witness.
Ni siquiera sabemos si Proctor va a llamarte como su testigo.
Because you see, me, if I was in your situation, if some moppet had their hands on my girl... And I'm not ashamed to admit it, I don't think I'd be very restrained at all.
Que yo, si estuviera en tu lugar si algún mierda le tocara un pelo a mi chica y no me avergüenza admitirlo no creo que me contuviera en absoluto.
- Your family will die if you don't.
- Tu familia morirá si no lo haces.
If you don't talk, you're going down for this whole thing, bro.
Si no habla, pagará por todo esto, hermano.
if you don't mind me asking, what was the deal with that skirt?
¿ cuál era el problema con esa falda?
Hey, I don't know if you heard, but...
Oiga, no sé si escuchó, pero...
He was an elected chancellor, and if you don't care about that, he kept me alive for 3 months.
Fue canciller electo, y si eso no te importa, me mantuvo vivo durante tres meses.
I don't know if you've ever noticed, but while the sun rules the day, it is the stars that rule the night.
No sé si te has dado cuenta, pero mientras el sol rige el día, son las estrellas las que mandan de noche.
And if I don't get your son back, you don't pay.
Y si no consigo a su hijo de vuelta, usted no paga.
If we don't do this right, she could lose all interest in school and drop out, and the next thing you know, we're supporting her and her deadbeat boyfriend and our savings are drained, and then we have to sell the house!
Si no hacemos esto bien podría perder todo el interés en el colegio y dejarlo, y lo siguiente que sabremos es que la estamos manteniendo a ella y a su perezoso novio y nuestros ahorros desaparecen, ¡ y entonces tenemos que vender la casa!
If you don't mind.
- Si no le importa.
If I don't make you happy...
Si no te hago feliz...
If you don't mind, dr.
- si no le importa, Dr. Latham?
If you don't open up, imagine what might happen next time.
Si no te sinceras, imagina lo que podría suceder la próxima vez.
And I'm afraid if you don't take it, you are gonna die.
Y me temo que si no lo tomas,... puedes morir.
Natalie, if you don't call DCFS, I will.
Natalie, si no llamas a DSIF, yo lo haré. ( Depto. de Servicios Infantiles y Familiares
That's because you don't eat breakfast if I'm not there to cook it.
Eso es porque no desayunas si no lo hago yo.
And believe me when I tell you... I can make Siberia feel like a luau if you don't start giving me some answers.
Y créeme cuando te digo... que puedo hacer que Siberia parezca un luau... si no empiezas a darme respuestas.
Yeah, well, you won't be answering anything if we don't get that bullet wound patched up.
Ya, bueno, no responderás nada... si no arreglamos esa herida de bala.
If you don't think I'm alive and don't have a soul, then why did you feel the need to switch me on before killing me?
Si no crees que esté vivo o que tenga alma, ¿ por qué has sentido la necesidad de encenderme antes de matarme?
If you don't stop, you're gonna cause irreparable damage.
Si no paras, vas a causar un daño irreparable.
I asked you to meet me because I wanted closure, but if you don't have the guts to face me...
Te pedí que nos encontráramos porque quería un cierre... pero si no tienes las agallas para verme a la cara...
I know the real Coulson, and I believe in you, even if you don't just now.
Conozco al verdadero Coulson, y creo en ti... incluso si tú ahora mismo no.
But if you don't believe my story, you can ask Daisy once we rescue her.
Pero si no cree mi historia... puede preguntarle a Daisy cuando la rescatemos.
I don't care if you have to send 100 agents to their deaths.
No me importa si tienes que enviar 100 agentes a morir.
I don't know if you saw me, but I was at the steel mill when Coulson, Daisy, and the others jumped.
No sé si me viste, pero estaba en la siderurgia... cuando Coulson, Daisy, y los otros saltaron.
But what if I don't reach you in time...
Pero ¿ y si no os alcanzo a tiempo...?
Right, so, if Adam was in the pay of Sherwood, then he'd hired Easy and those other boys to assist him, don't you think that it's a coincidence that they all have ended up dead?
Vale, así que, si Adam estaba a sueldo de Sherwood, luego habría contratado a Easy y a esos otros chicos para que le ayudasen, ¿ No crees que es una coincidencia... que todos ellos hayan terminado muertos?
Even if I knew where she was... and I don't... I'd rather cut out my tongue than give her over to you.
Aun si supiera dónde está, y no lo sé, preferiría cortarme la lengua antes que entregártela.
You don't know if he will return.
No sabe si va a regresar.
If he accuses you of something, don't defend yourself.
Si te acusa de algo, no te defiendas.
Hello. - If you don't mind.
Hola, soy Defred.
I'm giving you Neil Stillman. Harvey, I appreciate that, but seriously, if you're just gonna give him to me when we're done, why don't you give him to me now?
Harvey, aprecio esto, pero, de verdad, si me lo darás cuando terminemos,
That's too bad, because slinging pizzas might be the only job you can get if you don't stop shitting the bed.
Qué lástima, porque arrojar pizzas puede ser el único trabajo que consigas si no dejas de hacer cagadas.
Because you don't clean up the balance sheet of your third largest division six months after you restructure if you're not looking to put it on the market.
Porque no limpia el balance de la tercera división más importante seis meses luego de reestructurar, si no busca venderla.
'Cause you also don't ram a transaction through if you don't have to.
No se fuerza una transacción - si no es necesario.
Louis, all I'm saying is if you don't deal with it, you're gonna keep abusing the associates, and then we're gonna have...
Louis, solo digo que si no lo manejas, seguirás maltratando a los asociados, - y luego tendremos...
If you don't count right now.
Si no cuentas esta.
- Harvey, if you don't get over there and find out before...
- Harvey, si no vas y lo descubres antes... Está bien.
- I need to talk to Louis. Whatever it is, it's gonna have to wait until tomorrow, because if you don't get over there before that money changes hands, you are opening us up to a shitload of trouble.
Eso tendrá que esperar hasta mañana porque si no vas antes de que intercambien el dinero, vas a hacer que tengamos muchos problemas.
if you don't mind 1583
if you don't mind me asking 146
if you don't eat 20
if you don't talk 19
if you don't know 82
if you don't believe me 187
if you don't like it 251
if you don't want 17
if you don't trust me 31
if you don't want to do it 24
if you don't mind me asking 146
if you don't eat 20
if you don't talk 19
if you don't know 82
if you don't believe me 187
if you don't like it 251
if you don't want 17
if you don't trust me 31
if you don't want to do it 24