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Imus tradutor Espanhol

36 parallel translation
In girum imus nocte et consumimur igni.
In girum imus nocte et consumimur igni.
- Ere, eo, is, it, imus, itis, eunt.
- Ere, eo, is, it, imus, itis, eunt.
Let me ride herd on him, and I'll mold that son of a bitch into another Don Imus.
Deje que le meta en vereda, y convertiré a ese hijo de perra en otro Don Imus.
And you know, I hope you can get them, because, see, you don't have a real good voice like Imus or Captain Frank or nothing, so we're gonna have to practice it.
Y bueno, espero que lo cojas, porque ya sabes que no tienes una gran voz, como lmus o el Capitán Frank, ni nada de eso, así que tendremos que practicar.
You've gotta listen to Imus.
Tienes que escuchar a Imus.
Imus does it perfectly.
Imus lo hace perfecto.
I'm gonna take you down to Imus'office right now, and you're gonna hear how he does it.
Te voy a llevar al despacho de Imus ahora mismo, y vas a oir cómo él lo dice.
I always saw myself sort of something different than Imus.
Siempre me he visto como alguien diferente a lmus.
You say a lot of offensive things, and occasionally you are real funny, but you've got to learn to do what Imus does.
Dices muchas cosas ofensivas, y a veces eres realmente gracioso, pero tendrás que aprender lo que hace Imus.
Mr. Imus?
¿ Sr. Imus?
Back then, Don Imus was the number one disc jockey in New York, so I guess I was kind of curious to meet him.
Don Imus era el locutor número uno en Nueva York, así que supongo que sentía curiosidad por conocerle.
Imus : You are interrupting me.
Me estás interrumpiendo.
A point and a half higher than Imus.
Un punto y medio más que Imus.
Don imus--not so funny.
Don Imus, no es tan gracioso.
She also mentions Don Imus.
Mencionó también a Don Imus.
Viacom seems to have no problem with imus referring to arabs as "ragheads."
A Viacom no le molesta cuando Imus llama a los árabes "cabeza de trapo".
- I heard he would if Imus was coming.
- Sólo si lmus venía.
And Imus wasn't showing up if Howard was.
Y lmus no venía si Howard aparecía.
By the way, I was Dave in the Morning before he was Imus in the Morning...
Yo tuve el programa matutino antes que lmus...
- Isn't Don Imus in his 70s?
- ¿ Don Imus no tiene 70 años?
You take Don Imus'advice, and you tell this Tommy Thompson and Tom Ridge, good try, nice going, we'll see you later, and in charge of the whole domestic thing, you put Rudolph Guiliani,
¡ Seguir el consejo de Don Amos! ¡ Y decirle a Tommy Thompson y a Tom Ridge : "Buen intento, gracias, nos vemos después!"
The producer goes on Imus and says Bartlet's a coward who's siding with censors and that he's no friend of the First Amendment.
El productor tachó a Bartlet de cobarde que apoya a los censores y va contra la Primera Enmienda.
- Yes. We've got these... - Morgan Ross went on Imus?
- ¿ Morgan Ross habló con lmus?
And that's why you went on Imus and said what you did.
Por eso le dijiste eso a lmus.
Hugh Hefner, Don Imus, Howard Stern.
Hugh Hefner, Don Imus, Howard Stern.
She was Don Imus in a dress.
Ella era Don Imus con un vestido.
Don Imus — not so funny.
Don Imus, no es tan gracioso.
Viacom seems to have no problem with Imus referring to Arabs as "ragheads."
A Viacom no le molesta cuando Imus llama a los árabes "cabeza de trapo".
Cos whenever something racist goes down, they always manage to find one black person that can't believe it.
Siempre que ocurre algo racista, hay un negro que no lo cree. "No puedo creer que Imus dijo eso".
It happened to Don Imus.
Le pasó a Don Imus.
We're on Imus, for God's sake.
Estamos en Imus, por Dios.
imus, isaiah washington, you know, the list goes on!
Amice, Isaiah Washington... Y la lista sigue.
I had dinner with Don Imus last night.
Oye, Jackie D, tuve una cena con Don Imus anoche,
Your generalness, I am Pete-imus Maximus of the Lattimer Legion.
Señor, soy Pete-imus Maximus. de la legión de Lattimer
"I can't believe Imus would say that." I'm like, "Where the fuck you from?"
¿ De donde demonios eres?

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