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Is something going on tradutor Espanhol

1,587 parallel translation
- Is something going on between these two? - Grigg, you have to...
¿ Pasa algo entre esos dos?
Milo... Yes, I, I was hurt, but... if there is something going on between you and Doyle, I just... I want you to know that it's it's okay.
- Si, estaría herido, pero si algo está pasando entre tú y Doyle, yo solo quiero que sepas que está está bien.
Is something going on?
¿ Ocurre algo?
What, is something going on you're not telling me about?
¿ Qué? ¿ Hay algo que no me estéis contando?
Is something going on at the sidelines?
¿ Sucede algo en los laterales?
Is something going on with Kyle?
Algo está pasando con Kyle?
- Is something going on? Look, do you have the toxicology reports on Holmstrom or not?
Mira, ¿ Tienes el informe de toxicología sobre Holmstrom o no?
- Something fishy is going on.
- Está pasando algo sospechoso.
Something weird is going on.
Algo extraño está pasando.
And if you look very closely, you'll see that the book is full of little clues and codes and secret messages that indicate that something very mysterious is going on.
Si prestan atención, verán que el libro está plagado de pistas, códigos y mensajes secretos que indicaban que sucedía algo muy misterioso.
His outburst cannot hide the fact that there.. .. is definitely something fishy going on.
Su arrebato no esconde el hecho de que... hay definitivamente algo sospechoso en todo esto.
If I know you very well then something dangerous is going on in your mind?
Te conozco muy bien, ¿ tienes algo peligroso en la mente?
Something weird is going on here.
Algo extraño ronda por aquí.
Something is going on, okay?
Algo esta pasando, ¿ ok?
Something is going on, okay?
Está pasando algo ¿ ok?
Algo extraño está pasando.
Barry is going crazy, something on the publication of models.
Barry esta enloqueciendo, algo sobre la publicación de modelos.
Is there something going on between Jenna and Gerhardt?
¿ Acaso Jenna está con Gerhardt?
Is there something going on between the two of you that I should know about?
¿ Ha pasado algo entre ustedes dos que no me hayan dicho?
Folks in town said something fishy is going on up at your place.
La gente del pueblo dice que algo extraño... sucede en tu casa.
Allison, look, I know you know this, but, uh... Leukemia is not something she's going to catch on the playground.
Allison, sé que sabes esto, pero..... la leucemia no es algo que vaya a coger en el recreo.
Is something really bad going on?
¿ Está pasando algo muy malo?
Is there something going on?
¿ Sucede algo?
Daddy, is something going on?
Papi ¿ pasa algo?
Something is going on here.
Algo está ocurriendo.
Something weird is going on.
Algo raro está pasando.
Well, you obviously know something I don't about what's going on here, so now that you've scooped me out of a crime scene, why don't you tell me what the hell that is?
Bueno, obviamente sabes algo que yo no sé sobre lo que sucede aquí, entonces ahora que me has sacado de la escena del crimen, ¿ por qué no me dices qué demonios es?
Yeah. Now do you believe me that something is going on? !
Sí, ¿ me crees ahora cuando te digo que algo está pasando?
Something big is going on.
Lo sé.
Is there something going on here we don't know about?
¿ Es que va a pasar algo aquí sobre lo que no sabemos nada?
hey, Danny i don't know come on trust me one ok final I trusting on you if we're going to have to rush to do something i think this is the one to do it
Oye, Danny. No sé- - Vamos, confía en mí una vez.
Look, something really bad is going on.
Está pasando algo grave.
Something is going on, and I have a right to know where my friend is!
- Algo esta sucediendo y tengo derecho a saber.
Something big is going on, and the American people need to know what!
¡ Algo grande está pasando, y el pueblo americano necesita saber qué es!
Something is going on and I have a right to now where my friend is.
¡ Algo está pasando, y quisiera saber dónde está mi amigo!
Something big is going on and the American people need to know what!
¡ Algo gordo está pasando, y el pueblo americano necesita saber qué es!
The thing is that mom knows something's going on between justin and tommy.
La cuestión es que mamá sabe que pasa algo entre Justin y Tommy.
Is there something going on with all the women that when I speak, they simply ignore it?
¿ Sucede algo con todas las mujeres, que cuando yo hablo, simplemente me ignoran?
I'm sayin'there's something goin'on with her, And i am going to find out what it is.
Digo que algo pasa con ella, y voy a averiguar qué es.
Is there something going on at home?
¿ Está ocurriendo algo en casa?
Is there something else going on?
Sucede algo más?
Is there something going on at home, Luke?
¿ Pasa algo en tu casa?
Whenever they're around, there is always something going on.
Cuando ellos están cerca siempre sucede algo.
Something is happening. I don't knowwhat is going on.
Algo está sucediendo y no sé lo que es.
Something else is going on here and we're just not seeing it.
Algo más está sucediendo y lo estamos pasando de largo.
dan... something is going on, and i just want to be let in on what it is.
- Dan - Está pasando algo, y yo sólo quiero saber qué es.
When I tried to warn you that the crew was in danger you threw me out of here and now you drag me back and ask me to explain something? What the hell is going on?
no me hicieron caso y me echaron... y ahora me traen para que les explique..
I can't talk long. But something is happening. I think it going to be a big impact on Mexico, so I want you to come home.
No puedo hablar mucho, pero está pasando algo... y creo que tendrá un gran impacto en Méjico, debes venir a casa.
No, what I'm saying is that it's... it's a symptom, of, of something else that's going on.
No, lo que digo es que es es un síntoma de otra cosa que está ocurriendo- -
Dude, you know deep, deep down that there is something weird going on here. With Mira.
Tío, tu sabes que muy, muy en el fondo está pasando algo raro por aquí.
Shawn, I'm telling you. Something else is going on here.
Shawn, te estoy diciendo... que algo más está pasando aquí.

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