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Translate.vc / Inglês → Espanhol / [ I ] / Is there a problem with that

Is there a problem with that tradutor Espanhol

87 parallel translation
Is there a problem with that?
¿ Hay un problema con eso?
is there a problem with that?
¿ Qué problema hay con eso?
Is there a problem with that?
- ¿ Hay algún problema con eso?
is there a problem with that?
¿ Tienes un problema con ello?
Well, is there a problem with that?
¿ Te molesta?
"Is there a problem with that?"
"¿ Hay algún problema con eso?"
Is there a problem with that?
Trabajo 4 días al mes. ¿ Quién se opone?
- Yeah. Is there a problem with that?
Sí, ¿ eso qué tiene?
Is there a problem with that?
Hay algún problema con eso?
Is there a problem with that?
¿ Algún inconveniente?
Is there a problem with that?
¿ Hay algún problema?
Yeah. Is there a problem with that?
si. hay algun problema?
- Is there a problem with that?
¿ Hay algún problema?
Is there a problem with that?
¿ Hay algún problema con eso?
- Is there a problem with that?
- ¿ Algún problema?
- Is there a problem with that?
¿ Hay algún problema con eso?
Is there a problem with that?
¿ Cuál es el problema?
I'm sorry, is there a problem with that?
Lo siento. ¿ algún problema con eso?
- Is there a problem with that?
¿ Hay algún problema con eso? Para empezar, no tienes el gen antiguo, y no puedes volarlos pero eso ya lo sabías. Varios.
Yeah, is there a problem with that?
Si, ¿ hay algún problema?
Is there a problem With that?
- ¿ Hay algún problema con eso?
Is there a problem with that? TV : At last united!
Es eso un problema?
- Is there a problem with that?
- ¿ Hay algún problema con eso?
From the action of the mechanics, it would appear that there is a problem with the rear suspension.
Por el movimiento de los mecánicos, parecería... que hay un problema con la suspensión trasera.
I think that it's an important question that there is no particular pattern which would make you feel the crime is in any way a problem associated with those of Italian extraction.
Pienso que es una pregunta importante que no hay una forma particular que le haga sentir a usted que el crimen sea de cualquier manera un problema asociado con aquéllos de procedencia Italiana.
Is there anybody in your family that had a problem with television?
Piensa, ¿ hay alguien en tu familia que haya tenido problemas con la televisión?
And then, after there was a problem with it, doing mathematics in that kind of rather over-exposed way is certainly not my style, and I have no wish to repeat it.
Luego, después que hubo un problema con esto, Hacer matemáticas de esa manera tan sobreexpuesta sin duda no es mi estilo, y no tengo deseos de repetirlo.
The biggest problem with not driving... is that whenever there's a patient in the back, you're also in the back.
El mayor problema cuando no conduces es que si va un paciente detrás, tú también vas detrás.
There is one problem. You know that girl Caroline who comes to practice with Molly?
Hay un problema. ¿ Conoces a Caroline, su hermana?
I mean, there's not a problem with that, is there?
Supongo que no hay problema con eso, no?
With feelings running so high, there is a real risk this problem could escalate, and that would not be in anyone's best interests.
Con sentimientos así, hay riesgo de que este problema podría escalar, y no sería en el mejor interés de nadie.
Is there something wrong with a girl being attracted to me? Is that a problem?
¿ Tiene algo de malo que yo le atraiga a una chica?
It asks whether there is or there isn't an infinite set of numbers bigger than the set of all whole numbers but smaller than the set of all decimals. It sounds straightforward, but it had foiled all attempts to solve it since Hilbert made it his first problem way back in 1900. With the arrogance of youth, the 22-year-old Paul Cohen decided that he could do it.
La gente que jugaba usaba números en su tiempo de ocio intentando superar a su oponente haciendo cálculos mentales muy rápidos, y así calculaban en su tiempo de ocio sin pensar en que estaban haciendo un duro esfuerzo matemático.
There is a problem with the English, They think that just because invented this game they have a divine destiny to be the best.
El problema con los ingleses es que creen que porque inventaron el fútbol... su destino divino es ser mejores que el resto.
Due to insufficient evidence as to the witness's problem with the truth there's no proof that the defendant has committed the acts in question and so the defendant is acquitted.
Debido a la evidencia insuficiente, así como el problema de la testigo con la verdad no hay pruebas de que el acusado haya cometido los actos en cuestión, y por lo tanto, se absuelve al acusado.
The problem with gunrunners going to war is that there's no shortage of ammunition.
El problema con traficantes de armas que va a la guerra es que no hay escasez de municiones.
The problem is, though, Hugh, that there's been a bit ofa rush, with you not in place, every department trying to unload all the stuffthat they didn't want.
El problema es que hubo mucho ajetreo y como tú estabas de vacaciones todos los Ministerios aprovecharon para colocarte todo las cosas que ellos no querían.
We need our teams out there gathering intel on the Ori threat... instead of sitting on their hands here, waiting for normal Gate operations to resume... and that won't be possible until this problem is dealt with.
No puedo hacerlo. Necesitamos que nuestros equipos salgan a recoger información sobre los Ori en vez de estar sentados de brazos caídos aquí esperando a que se reanuden las operaciones normales de la Puerta. Y eso no será posible hasta que se resuelva este problema.
Problem with the L.A. Thing is that Santos is gonna be there.
El problema con el de Los Ángeles es que Santos va a estar allí.
Mrs. Stamp thinks that Magnus O'Connor is the prime suspect, but there's a little problem with that one, the guy committed suicide a week ago.
La señora Stamp cree que Magnus O'Connor es el sospechoso principal, pero hay un pequeño problema con eso, el tío se suicidó hace una semana.
- There are lots of people, for instance, me, who have no problem with gay people, but still believe that marriage is fundamentally a religious institution that has nothing to do with the state.
- Mucha gente se opone por ejemplo yo, que no tengo nada contra los gays pero que creo que el matrimonio es una institución religiosa que en nada se relaciona con el Estado.
- Yeah, there is. And, you know, a lot of people take'em and I don't see that there's a problem with it.
Y mucha gente los toma y no veo que haya un problema con ello.
The problem is that when people think about alcoholism, they think about the chap sitting over there in a doorway with a bottle of cider.
El problema es que cuando las personas piensan en el alcoholismo, piensan en el joven sentado en un andén con una botella de cidra.
And I think the big difference is people down there are willing to face and admit that there's a lot of things going on around them, where here sometimes, I think, people don't want to believe that their community could have a problem with that kind of stuff.
Algunas veces pienso que la gente no quiere creer que su comunidad podría tener un problema de ese tipo de cosas.
Is there pressure that goes along with always trying to be perfect and do everything right and being in denial and not wanting to come clean when you really got a problem, and, you know, talk about people that just have...
Estar en negación y no querer admitir que hay un problema.
The problem is that one of your men who says he is Lalo Sardiñas is down there with a group of rebels, and if a patrol arrives they're going to burn my shack and kill my family.
Lo que pasa es que uno de sus hombres que dice que se llama Lalo Sardiñas está allá abajo con un grupo de alzados y va a venir una patrulla del ejército me va a quemar mi bohío y me va a matar mi familia.
And the problem with spending a lot of time focusing on what's very now and very next is that it isn't very forever. And that means it doesn't last, because there's someone else coming along trying to design what's now and next after that.
es que no es muy "para siempre", y no lo es porque ya hay alguien diseñando lo que es más "ahora" y lo que viene después.
I believe that there is a problem with leaving things in their current state.
Como la persona que está a cargo de la fábrica de Shanghái... creo que hay un problema si dejamos las cosas como están.
- Well, see the problem with that is there's a superhero union called coon and friends.
El problema con eso es que hay una unión de superhéroes llamada Coon y sus amigos.
Yes, but there is a problem with that.
Sí, pero hay un problema con eso.
If there's one thing I've learned from satisfying the escapist fantasies of men, it's that sometimes the best way to deal with a problem is not to deal with it.
Si hay una cosa que he aprendido de satisfacer las fantasías esquivas de los hombres, es que a veces la mejor forma de afrontar un problema, es no afrontarlo.

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