It'll be me tradutor Espanhol
4,597 parallel translation
I'll be sure that it's done.
Me aseguraré de que se haga.
Trust me, it'll will be fine, Ok? You go back with Stig.
Steph, confía en mí, todo estará bien.
Well, it'll be good to see you building something.
Me alegra verte construir algo.
Tell me it'll be alright.
Dime que todo estará bien.
I'll follow you as far as the Council building, and when they find you guilty, it's gonna be me who puts a bullet in your head.
Yo los seguiré hasta el edificio del Consejo, y cuando te encuentren culpable, seré yo quién ponga una bala en tu cabeza.
Baloo, my boy, lie still and sleep It grieves me sore to hear thee weep If thou'lt be silent I'll be glad
A Field in England ( 2013 ) Una traducción de TaMaBin
I put on my mask and my gloves. Then, I looked away and said, "It'll be fine."
En el consultorio, cuando un paciente tenía miedo, me ponía mi tapabocas, mis guantes, miraba para otro lado y decía... todo va a ir bien.
So... from now on it'll be without me.
Y entonces... creo que a partir de ahora será sin mi.
I'll get some money for track, but it won't be enough.
Me darán algún dinero para correr, pero no alcanza.
It'll be good for you, and for me.
¿ Quién dijo algo sobre la pérdida de mí?
And someday you'll get a letter from me. And you will look up, and it'll be me who's handing it to you.
Y algún día recibirás una carta de mí, y veras para arriba, y yo seré quien te la entregue.
So we're a very fortunate country, and the good lord willing, we won't have to be engaged in wars, but I'm afraid, human nature being what it is, that we'll have to continue to ask young men and women
Así que somos un país muy afortunado, y Dios mediante, no tendremos que entablar más combates en guerras, pero me temo que siendo como es a naturaleza humana, tendremos que seguir pidiéndoles a hombres y mujeres jóvenes
I'll be glad to have it, so that I'm comfortable...
Me encantará tenerlo. Para estar más cómoda...
It was my dad's turn to embrace a new identity... ♪ I'll be coming for you anyway ♪ ♪ Take on me that of a man who was finally ready to date.
Era el turno de mi padre para abrazar una nueva identidad... de un hombre que por fin está listo para las citas.
Try me again and I promise it'll be more fun this time.
Ponme a prueba de nuevo y prometo que será más divertido esta vez.
I'll be able to see the demon if it comes anywhere near me.
Voy a ser capaz de ver al Demonio si se acerca a mí.
I'll just show it to them and they'll be like, and I'm like, "You forgot, obviously"
Me limitó a mostrarles y están como, y yo digo como, "lo olvidaste, obviamente"
Well, if you come with me, It'll be a journey for the first time, And we'll win together.
Bueno, si vienen conmigo, va a ser un viaje por primera vez, y ganaremos juntos.
There's this new vegan place I've been dying to try, and it'll be my treat since you helped me move.
Hay un nuevo lugar vegano que he estado muriendo por probar, y que va a ser mi regalo por ayudar a mudarme.
Mm. And then me, you, him, and Brody can all go on double-dates together, and it'll be so much fun.
Y entonces Brody, él, tú y yo podremos ir a citas dobles juntos, será muy divertido.
♪ I told you, give me a minute and I'll be right back ♪ ♪ 50 million'round the world, and they said ♪ ♪ That I couldn't get it ♪
# Te dije que me dieras un minuto y volveré # # 50 millones por todo el mundo y dijeron que no podría conseguirlo #
I know if you don't give it to me, it'll be all over tomorrow's news.
Lo que yo sé es que si no me da la guita, mañana es tapa de todos los diarios.
If it's within my breakfast budget it's small change to me so I'll let you be.
Si está dentro de mi presupuesto para el desayuno... sería un gasto pequeño, así que te dejaría en paz.
I dare say it'll all be gone by the morning.
Me atrevo a decir que se irá por la mañana.
Well, me and Finn haven't spoken about it yet but we'll deffo be going out by the end of next week.
Bueno, Finn y yo no hemos hablado sobre eso todavía pero seguro que vamos a estar saliendo a finales de la siguiente semana.
It makes me sad tο think yου'll all be sad.
Lo siento mucho porque seguramente estarán todos tristes por mí.
- I just worry that if I peel it off... - Ooh! -... there'll be nothing left underneath.
Me preocupa que si me quito las capas no haya nada debajo.
I'll be sad to leave it.
Estaré triste si me voy.
If you want me out of Birmingham it'll have to be in a wooden box.
Si queréis que me vaya de Birmingham tendrá que ser en una caja de pino.
Oh, that's a great idea, but it'll have to be tomorrow, because I'm leaving the day after that.
Es una gran idea, pero tendría que ser mañana, porque me voy pasado mañana.
It'll be just me and a girl.
Solo seremos yo y una chica.
Mark told me that he wouldn't have survived without your leadership no, that's not true, it was a team effort be safe alright guys, I'll see you later, bye I really need to go but you guys have fun, alright hey, I'm proud of you.
Nadie va a estar en la oficina hasta el martes.
It'll pay a pittance, but at least I won't be spending my time biting my tongue and trying not to wallop people.
Me pagarán una miseria, pero al menos no estaré todo el tiempo mordiéndome la lengua y procurando no golpear a nadie.
Now if Nurse Miller helps me rearrange the bedclothes, it might well be when we examine you, you'll be ready to start helping baby on its way.
Ahora, si la enfermera Miller me ayuda a reorganizar la cama, estaría bien que te examinara y estarás lista para ayudar al bebé en su nacimiento.
You do that for me, And it'll be a time of revelation.
Haga eso por mí y será la hora de la revelación.
Louise, at some point soon we'll want to make contact with Helen and I'm wondering, subject to what Superintendent Dodson thinks, if it might be best if YOU were to make that call, initially.
Louise, en algún momento próximo contactaremos con Helen y me estoy preguntando, según piensa la Superintendente Dodson, que sería lo mejor que tú hicieses esa llamada.
I didn't want to fell my wife, "because I didn't want her sa ying," If it's this dangerous, "why don't you stop now, and then we'll be happy?"
No quería decirle a mi esposa, porque sabía que me diría que si era peligroso, lo dejara ya mismo y que estaríamos todos felices.
And I don't think he'll be giving it back any time soon.
Y no creo que me lo vaya a devolver pronto.
Well, I'm listed as her next of kin, so it'll be sent to me.
- Aparezco como su familiar. - Me lo enviarán.
Well, I'm listed as her next of kin, so now that the Flynn case is wrapped up, it'll be sent to me.
Bueno, estoy en la lista de familiares, y ahora que el caso Flynn está resuelto, me lo enviarán.
And if it turns out not to be, I'll just travel farther.
Y si resulta no serlo, me limitaré a viajar más lejos.
I need to be certain you'll grant it before I'll take the risk of being more specific.
Necesito saber que me lo harás antes de correr el riesgo de ser más preciso.
So you know she knows that you know? Mm-hmm. She'll tell me when she's ready to be happy about it.
Así que, ¿ tú sabes que ella sabe que tú lo sabes? Me lo dirá cuando esté preparada para estar contenta por ello.
I understand this can be tricky at first, but once you get the hang of it, you'll see why a dozen hospitals around the country have already adopted this approach, and I've already had inquiries from a dozen more.
Entiendo que esto puede parecer complicado al principio, pero una vez que le cojas el punto, verás por qué una docena de hospitales por todo el país ya han adoptado este procedimiento, y una docena más me han consultado sobre él.
The board has to rubber-stamp me, there'll be a party for me later this week, then I have to drive around with my headlights off until someone flashes me, then I have to - - Well, it's not important.
La Junta debe aprobarme. Me harán una fiesta esta semana. Luego debo conducir sin luces, hasta que alguien me haga señas.
And if I recover and we're meant to be together, then it'll happen.
Y si me curo y tenemos que estar juntos, pues eso ya pasará.
I'll never be sorry, not for a moment of it.
Jamás me arrepentiré, ni por un momento.
If it'll lead to me being a salesman, I'll pretend to be your friend.
Si eso me lleva a que yo sea un vendedor, voy a fingir ser tu amigo.
And I was thinking it's only fair that you help make this decision since they'll be sitting at your desk, next to your wife.
Y estaba pensando que es justo que tú me ayudes a tomar esta decisión, ya que se sentará en tu mesa al lado de tu mujer.
If they are there, if it's me, they'll be at the house in an hour.
Si ellos me atrapan, si fuera yo, estarían en la casa en una hora.
And it'll be too late for me to jump in.
y será muy tarde para que yo me meta.
it'll be alright 64
it'll be okay 411
it'll be over before you know it 17
it'll be our secret 35
it'll be 123
it'll be over soon 59
it'll be all right 327
it'll be ok 114
it'll be worth it 51
it'll be your fault 21
it'll be okay 411
it'll be over before you know it 17
it'll be our secret 35
it'll be 123
it'll be over soon 59
it'll be all right 327
it'll be ok 114
it'll be worth it 51
it'll be your fault 21