It's all about you tradutor Espanhol
2,771 parallel translation
Just remember, it's all about how you die.
Solamente recuerda, es todo sobre como mueres.
It's not all about you.
No todo se trata de usted.
If it's all right with you, we'd like to ask you some questions about your husband.
Si le parece bien, Nos gustaría hacerle unas preguntas. sobre su esposo.
It's all about the two of you.
Esto es cuestión de los dos.
That's all you know about him, isn't it?
Y eso es todo lo que sabes de él, ¿ no?
Well, I-I-I can see why you'd think that'cause of the punches and all, but it's just that Jeff's been so angry about immigrants.
Bueno, entiendo que pienses así, por los puñetazos y todo eso, pero es que Jeff se enfada mucho con los inmigrantes.
I'll tell you one thing, it's all about the beads down there.
Y os diré una cosa, allí solo importan los collares.
It's all about you.
Todo se trata de ti.
Then you know it's all about neutralizing your opponent as quickly as possible.
Entonces sabrás que su función es neutralizar a tu oponente tan rápido como sea posible.
Anyway, we'll see whether you know how to dance soon enough, but it's not worth it to get all excited about that.
Sin embargo, nosotros veremos si usted sabe bailar bastante pronto, pero no merece la pena à © l a consiga todos excitados sobre eso.
All right, you know what, I think it's time to see what Melanie Ayers has to say about this.
De acuerdo, sabes qué, creo que es el momento de ver qué tiene que decir Melanie Ayers sobre esto.
Art forgery... it's not all about painting, you know?
Falsificación de arte... No todo es sobre la pintura, ¿ sabes?
Right, then, art forgery - it's not all about painting, you know?
Bueno, entonces, el arte de la falsificación no es solamente sobre la pintura, ¿ sabes?
It's all you care about, isn't it, Mark?
¿ Es lo único que te interesa, Mark?
It's all you care about, innit?
Es todo lo que le importa, ¿ no es así?
the books i read the tales they tell are now all about you our conversations are taking flight leaping into the light slipping and sliding away uh oh uh oh what just happened uh oh uh oh i think it's called love
los libros que leo los cuentos que cuentan Ahora todo sobre ti nuestras conversaciones están tomando vuelo saltando a la luz deslizando y patinando por ahí uh oh uh oh lo que ha pasado uh oh uh oh, creo que se llama amor uh oh uh oh, creo que podría ser verdad
It's all about you.
Se trata de ti.
I think it's about time to figure out how this football plays into all this, don't you?
Creo que ya es hora de descubrir qué papel juega este balón de fútbol en todo esto, ¿ tú no?
It's a long story and I'm sure she'll tell you all about it.
Es una historia muy larga y estoy segura que te lo contará todo.
But before I go any further, the wonderful thing about musicals is that something has to happen that brings them all together. I mean, you can have a really great musical and one aspect of it could be wrong, whether it be the production, whether it be something to do with how it's staged or anything, and it might get buried and then take years to find again.
Pero antes de seguir adelante, la cosa más maravillosa sobre los musicales es que algo pasa que los une a todos es decir, puedes tener un gran musical y alguna parte de él puede estar mal, la producción,
Plus it's not all about you today, man.
Además no todo hoy es sobre ti, hombre.
It's clear Jimmy feels conflicted about whether or not he belongs in rehab, but his loved ones... all of you in this room... are here because you care deeply about helping him.
Está claro que Jimmy tiene sentimientos encontrados sobre si debe estar o no en rehabilitación, pero sus seres queridos... todos los de esta habitación... estáis aquí porque os importa mucho ayudarle.
I'm dealing with a situation and it's kind of about my love life, so I know that might be weird for us to talk about, but in this area, as you know, all my other friends are just so stupid.
Tengo un problema y es sobre mi vida amorosa, así que sé que quizá sea raro que hable de eso contigo pero en este tema, como ya sabes, el resto de mis amigos son bastante ignorantes.
This is about getting news about your grandmother in realtime it's about seeing people you haven't seen in years through a device that you're holding on to and that's what's powerful about having something so connected in such a really meaningful way at all times.
Es acerca de recibir noticias de tu abuela en tiempo real Es acerca de ver a gente que no hsa visto en años a traves de un dispositivo que sostienes, eso es a lo que se refiere con poder tener algo tan conectado en formas tan significativas en todo momento
But when you start to think about it, there's something deeply strange about negative numbers, cos they don't seem to correspond to anything real at all.
Pero apenas comienzas a pensar en ello, hay algo profundamente extraño en los números negativos, porque no parecen corresponder con nada en el mundo real.
So you'll tell us all about what's it's like In Santas all over the world.
Cuéntanos cómo están en todos los santas del mundo.
And when it's done, all you can do then is carry on with the operation, knowing that it's your job to repair the hurt you're about to cause and the damage you're about to do - - or die trying.
Y cuando está hecho, todo lo que puedes hacer es seguir con la operación, sabiendo que tienes tu trabajo para reparar el dolor que estás por causar y el daño que estás por hacer.... o puedes morir intentándolo.
From our point of view, you know, it's all about trying to get the feeling of being with these whales. With these whales, there's no bother with that. They're so confident.
- Desde nuestro punto de vista todo se trata de sentirte ahí con las orcas y con estas orcas no hay problema, porque son tan confiadas.
It's all right. What are you worried about?
Todo está bien. ¿ Qué te preocupa?
There's nothing to be surprised since you knew about it all along
No debería sorprenderte, ya lo sabías.
So, uh, I don't know what, uh, my bro here told you about me, but, uh, it's all true.
Bien, no se que mi hermano te haya dicho de mi, pero, Uh, Todo es cierto.
And what I could do now is tell you about how it's made in a hermetically sealed factory and that all of the components are heated to the same temperature before assembly so they are in the same state of thermal expansion
Y lo que podría hacer ahora es contarles cómo es arma en una fábrica sellada herméticamente... Y que todos los componentes son calentados a la misma temperatura antes del ensamblaje... Para que todos estén en la misma etapa de expansión térmica
Rohan, I know today's your day and all but you really don't need to go to town barking about it
Rohan, sé que hoy es tu día y todos los Pero en realidad no hace falta ir presumiendo al respecto
It's about all the years, it's about all the people and all the lives that slipped away when you did your best.
Se trata de todos estos años, se trata de todas las personas y de todas las vidas que se perdieron mientras hacías lo mejor que podías.
Now before you get all high and mighty on me about demanding why I'm talking to you about this during your wife's funeral, it's because Jo wouldn't have had it any other way.
Ahora, antes de que te vuelvas loco conmigo reclamándome por qué estoy hablándote de esto en el funeral de tu esposa, es porque Jo no podría haberlo hecho de otra manera.
It's about time for you to cash in on all the beatings you've saved up.
Es hora de que recibas todas las palizas que has estado acumulando.
From our point of view, you know, it's all about trying to get the feeling of being with these whales, and with these whales, there's no bother with that because they're so confident.
Por unos momentos el equipo tiene un encuentro cercano similar al de la foca.
And so, the equations of quantum mechanics turn out to be amazingly accurate and precise, so long as you can accept that it's all about probability.
Además las ecuaciones de mecánica cuántica han resultado ser increíblemente exactas y precisas, en caso de que puedas asumir que todo esto es cuestión de probabilidad.
Plus, have you seen the new history books? It's all about the Werewolf-Vampire wars.
Además, los últimos libros de historia todos van sobre guerras entre vampiros y licántropos.
That's why they give you those jobs that could get hairy because if they were to get hairy, then you would take care of it and that's all they care about, services rendered, no loose ends.
Por eso te dan los trabajos que pueden ser duros porque si se ponen duros, entonces tú te ocupas de ello y es todo lo que les importa, servicios prestados sin cabos sueltos.
When you're young it's all about your career.
Cuando eres joven todo se trata de tu carrera.
♫ Gather around, y'all it's about time you learnt
¶ Gather around, y'all It's about time you learnt
It's got all the famous calls you told me about.
Tiene las narraciones famosas que mencionó.
Do you ever feel as though you're just reading about yourself, like it's all in a book from the lending library to be returned when you've finished?
¿ Alguna vez te has sentido como si sólo leyeras sobre ti misma, como si todo está en un libro de la biblioteca que devolverás cuando lo termines?
If you're a fan of the HBO series The Wire, you see this emphasized over and over again, that it's all about statistics and numbers.
Si eres un fan de la serie de HBO The Wire, veras que esto es enfatizado una y otra vez, de eso se trata todo, de estadísticas y números.
You know, it's all about who you lay down with when the lights go out.
Todo depende de con quién te acuestas cuando se apagan las luces.
Matthias is dead, The Colony is about to fall, and it's all thanks to you.
Matthias está muerto, La Colonia está a punto de caer, y todo gracias a ti.
It's all about you and me, and that's it!
¡ Mi amistad es sólo contigo y nadie más!
For her it's all about loving her husband, if you know what I mean.
Para ella se trata de amar a su marido, si, ya sabes a qué me refiero.
It's all about who you know.
Se trata de a quién conoces.
Let's hear all about how bad you had it.
Cuéntame lo mal que te fue.
it's all right 8832
it's all in your head 59
it's all good 878
it's all gone 158
it's all over 506
it's all my fault 457
it's all yours 403
it's all fine 67
it's all bullshit 56
it's all the same to me 49
it's all in your head 59
it's all good 878
it's all gone 158
it's all over 506
it's all my fault 457
it's all yours 403
it's all fine 67
it's all bullshit 56
it's all the same to me 49