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Translate.vc / Inglês → Espanhol / [ I ] / It's all over now

It's all over now tradutor Espanhol

831 parallel translation
And now it's all over.
¡ Y ahora todo ha terminado!
"It's all over with him by now."
"Por ahora, todo ha terminado para él."
It's all over now.
Ya acabó todo.
It's all over now, Roy.
Todo acabó, Roy.
Now it's all over.
Ahora se acabó todo.
Uh, now that it's all over, the excitement, etcetera,
Ahora que ya pasó todo, la ansiedad, etcétera...
But it's all over now.
Ya se acabó.
Now, it's all over. It's all over.
Ahora, ya terminamos.
Pero ahora todo acabó.
- It's all over now, dear.
- Todo terminó, querida.
Well, it's all over now.
Ya ha pasado todo.
And now since the escape, it's started all over again.
Y ahora desde lo de la fuga, todo comenzó de nuevo.
There, dear heart, it's all over now.
Querida, ya todo pasó.
Now it's going to be all over.
Va a terminar todo.
Oh, but the double-crossing's all over now, isn't it, Shane?
Pero el engaño ya se terminó, ¿ no es así, Shane?
I married him, but it's all over now.
Me casé con él, pero eso ya se acabó.
Looked bad for a minute, but it's all over now -
Por un momento tuvo mal aspecto, pero ya ha pasado todo...
But if the police catch us now, it's all over.
Pero si la policía nos pilla,... se acabó todo.
It's all over now.
Ya todo se terminó.
Now it's all over but the kiss.
Ahora ya está todo menos el beso.
It's over, I'm all right now.
Se terminó. Ahora estoy bien.
Now that it's over, you ought to tell us what it's all about.
Ahora, explíquenos lo que ocurre.
Well, it's all over now.
Bueno, todo ha acabado.
You can tell me. It's all over now.
Puedes decírmelo ahora que todo ha acabado.
Now it's all over and I've got to get to work.
Ahora todo ha acabado y tengo que conseguir trabajo.
It's all over my body now.
Está en todo mi cuerpo.
It's all over now. It might have been a lot worse.
Ya terminó y pudo ser peor.
Only Miss Melly, she feeling kind of poorly now it's all over!
¡ Pero ahora la Srta. Melly está débil!
Rhett, how could you do this to me... and why should you go now, after it's all over and I need you?
¿ Cómo me haces esto por qué te vas ahora, cuando todo terminó y yo te necesito?
If that's the way you want it, I give you leave now - all of you - to talk it over again.
Pero si eso es lo que queréis, os dejo, haced lo que queráis.
- Now it's all over.
- Ahora ya se ha acabado todo.
It's all over now, ma'am.
Todo acabó, señora.
- Todo acabó.
It's all over now.
Ya se acabó todo.
Well, it's all over now.
Bueno, ya acabo todo.
It's all over now.
Se acabó.
- All right, it's over now.
¡ Vale, basta ya!
Well, now it's all over, huh?
Bueno, eso es todo, ¿ eh?
Ya se acabó todo.
Well, now it's all over and I feel the way I did when they took the bands off my teeth.
Ahora, todo ha terminado, y me siento como cuando me quitaron el aparato dental.
Well, it's all over now, Cornell.
Todo terminó, Cornell.
It's all over now, honey, you're as free as a bird.
Ya se acabó todo, eres libre como un pájaro.
Now I find out it's nothing but a cheap racket, cooked up by him and two of my employees for the purpose of collecting dues from John Does all over the country.
Y ahora descubro que no es más que un sucio truco, planeado por él con dos de mis empleados, con el único propósito de conseguir las cuotas de los Juan Nadie de todo el país.
It's all over now. Alvin York cut center five times and won Lem's beef critter on the hoof.
Ya se ha celebrado, Alvin York ha echo cinco blancos y se llevó el ternero para él solo.
It's all over now, Hardy.
Todo ha pasado, Hardy.
But now it's all over.
Pero ahora todo ha terminado.
I'm sorry there was a disturbance, folks, but it's all over now.
Disculpas por la molestia.
Si. Ya está.
It's all over now.
Ya ha pasado todo.
Well it's all over now.
Bueno eso ya es pasado.
It's all over now.
Todo acabó ahora.

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