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It's awesome tradutor Espanhol

2,158 parallel translation
Oh, man, this is just like The Hangover, which is awesome, because it's exactly like The Hangover 2...
Tío, esto es como Resacón en Las Vegas, y es increíble, porque si es exactamente como Resacón en Las Vegas...
It's awesome.
Yeah, it's awesome!
Sí, ¡ es genial! Gracias, mamá.
- It's awesome.
- Es impresionante.
Yeah, it's awesome to be on your show.
Si, es genial estar en tu show.
I think it's awesome.
Creo que es genial.
Yeah, it's gonna look even awesome when you actually put it up.
Sí, va a parecer hasta alucinante cuando en realidad lo levantes.
It's gonna be awesome.
Va a ser impresionante.
It's freakin'awesome.
Es impresionante maldito.
Yeah, it's really awesome.
Sí, es realmente impresionante.
But i bought it because it's # % * £ @ § awesome!
¡ Pero lo he comprado porque es una p... maravilla!
- It's awesome.
- Es increíble.
I think it's awesome.
Creo que es impresionante.
It's glamorous, and it's awesome.
Es sofisticado y es fantástico.
It's about to get real awesome up in hea. ( Simple minds'" don't you
( Mentes simples " ustedes no
It's going awesome.
me Va genial.
- It's pretty awesome, right?
- Es bastante alucinante, ¿ verdad?
- Come on, it's awesome. We can all vacation together.
Podemos ir de vacaciones todos juntos.
Oh, it's awesome.
Es increíble.
It's really awesome to see you too.
Es increíble verte a ti también.
Although it was awesome and it was one part we were fighting for... for me it was quite clear it's not the end of the story.
Aunque era impresionante y fue una parte luchábamos por... para mí era muy claro no es el final de la historia.
It`s awesome.
Es impresionante.
Sagar it's awesome!
Sagar es impresionante!
It's gonna be awesome.
¡ Va a ser genial!
It's gonna be awesome.
Va a ser increíble.
That's awesome. Is it?
Es fantástico.
Yeah, it's awesome.
Sí, es grandioso.
It's awesome.
Es impresionante.
It's awesome. You're going to have a book published one day, too, you know.
A ti también te publicarán un libro algún día.
It's so friggin'awesome.
Debe ser fabuloso.
- That's why it's so awesome.
- Por eso es tan increíble.
It's awesome. Oh!
Es impresionante.
It's awesome.
- Impresionante. Creo que deberías cogerla.
It's awesome.
Es asombroso.
It's pretty awesome. Kind of hoping the bug would be here.
Es asombroso.
I mean, it's like, what's so great is that one minute he's here, being awesome, and then the next minute, he's, like, there, doing something classic.
Es decir, es como, es genial que un minuto esté aquí, siendo fantástico, y al siguiente minuto, está ahí, haciendo algo clásico.
Hey, you know, um, dude, I know that, you know, this sort of early relationship craziness that you're going through right now is kind of awful, but it's... it's also kind of awesome, you know.
Oye, ya sabes, tío, sé que, ya sabes, esta locura al principio de la relación por la que estás pasando ahora mismo es horrible, pero es... también es genial, ¿ sabes?
It's almost awesome.
Casi mola.
I... it's awesome to, eh, run into you here.
Alice! Hey, ¿ qué pasa?
And it's gonna be awesome.
Y va a ser impresionante.
- Come on, mom, it's gonna be awesome.
- Vamos, mama. Sera increíble.
It's awesome!
¡ Es increíble!
- It's called the Awesome Android.
- Se llama Increíble Androide.
Dallas, I think it's really awesome, what you did.
Dallas, creo que lo que hiciste es impresionante.
Oh, and can I just say it's been awesome spending so much time with you.
Oh, puedo simplemente decir que ha sido asombroso pasar tanto tiempo contigo.
It's... awesome.
Es... asombroso.
It's awesome to see Project
Es impresionante ver Project
It's awesome.
Es fantástico.
It's awesome to win one of these challenges.
Es Impresionante Para Ganar Uno de Desafíos Estós.
I'm gonna do a Risotto, it's gonna be awesome.
Voy a hacer un risotto, que va a ser impresionante.
It's... awesome.
Es... impresionante.

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