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Translate.vc / Inglês → Espanhol / [ I ] / It's just me and you

It's just me and you tradutor Espanhol

3,445 parallel translation
Just let me look at it and I'll tell you if it's inverted.
Déjame verlo y te diré si está invertido.
It's just that I thought we had a really good time, and you keep blowing me off.
Solo pensé que la habíamos pasado bien, y sigues evitándome.
You know, because of my childhood, I won't be able to process the fact that you've all just done something nice for me, so if I run into you in ten years and start crying, this is what it's about.
Saben, por culpa de mi infancia, no seré capaz de procesar el hecho de que estén haciendo algo bueno por mí, así que, si en diez años me encuentro con ustedes y comienzo a llorar, sepan que es por esto.
It's been such a shock for all of us and I just wondered if you wanted to talk?
Ha sido tal choque para todos nosotros que sólo me pregunté ¿ y si usted quisiera hablar?
Gary made me a broth, which is just soup, but it's called broth if you're ill for some reason, and Stevie sang me a song of my choosing which was instrumental, so that went well, yeah.
Gary me preparó un caldo, que tan solo es sopa, pero se le llama caldo cuando estás enfermo por alguna razón, y Stevie me cantó una canción de mi elección, elegí una instrumental, así que le salió bien, sí.
That's just the kind of thing that you would say to me, and then I'd go home and obsess about it.
Ese es el tipo de cosas que me dirías y por la que me iría a casa y me obsesionaría.
It's just you and me.
Somos solo tú y yo.
Well, it's just kinda sitting there idle, and I was wondering if you'd like to buy any of it.
Bueno, está ahí dejado de lado, y me estaba preguntando si te gustaría comprar algo de esto.
So, I mean, you know, it's just, like, between me and Marnie and Ray, it's kind of like an orphanage, you know what I mean?
Por lo tanto, quiero decir, ya sabes, es sólo, como, entre yo y Marnie y Ray, que es algo así como un orfanato, ya sabes lo que quiero decir?
You know, fella, it's the end of the day, so I don't have a whole lot of time to shoot the shit about cranes and such, so why don't you just tell me what I can do for you.
Sabe, amigo, estamos al fin de la jornada y no tengo tiempo para desperdiciar en mierdas como las grullas así que, por qué no simplemente me dice qué puedo hacer por usted.
But I have got to do something because it's just too sad to look at you and I just can't take it anymore.
Pero tengo que hacer algo porque me entristece mucho mirarte y ya no puedo soportarlo más.
Well, I guess it's just me and you.
Bueno, supongo que somos solo tú y yo.
It's just, I like you, Reggie, and I try to be honest with the people that I like.
Es solo que, me gustas, Reggie, e intento ser sincero con lagente que me gusta.
It's... It's not just about you and me, Alison.
No se trata solo de ti y de mí, Alison.
It's just that I dated you. And now you're dating him, and by doing that, you're putting me and Keith the Teeth on the same level.
Es solo que yo solía salir contigo y ahora tu estás saliendo con él, y estás poniendome a mi y a Keith el diente al mismo nivel.
All right, youngster, looks like it's just me and you.
De acuerdo, jóvenes... parece que sólo quedamos tú y yo.
It looks like it's, uh-it's just you and-and me.
Parece que solo somos tú y yo.
It's just, you know, he spent all those years raising me, and... that was his chance to... to make it.
Es solo, ya sabes, que pasó todos esos años criándome, y... esa era su oportunidad para... hacerlo.
And now you see me doing this- - it's just so embarrassing.
Y ahora me veo haciendo esto - es tan vergonzoso.
You just tell me who's supposed to get what, and I'll take care of it.
Solo dime cómo se supone que hay que hacerlo, y me encargaré de ello.
It's just you and me.
Solo tú y yo.
It's just that I can see that it's loopy and you can't.
Solo que a mí me parece una locura y a tí no
Okay, far be it from me to bug the guy who's just been slugged, but you have kind of been all over the map with me and I can't really figure it out.
fastidiar al tío al que le acaban de dar un puñetazo, pero como que has estado desperdigado conmigo y realmente no puedo entenderlo.
I've been looking forward to you coming down ever since we knew this series was coming back, and it's just for me been an enormous pleasure.
He estado tratando de traerte desde que supimos que la serie retornaría, y ha sido para mi un enorme placer.
It's not the life I want for him, and I know it's not the life you want for him, so I will stay, I won't fight you, but it's just- - it's just gonna be you and me.
No es la vida que quiero para él y sé que no es la vida que quieres para él así que me quedaré, no lucharé contigo pero seremos solo tú y yo.
It's just been the two of us for so long, you know, just me and my boy...
Simplemente hemos sido nosotros dos por tanto tiempo, solo yo y mi hijo...
So it's just you and me.
Así que somos solo tú y yo.
There's something here and I can figure it out if you'll all just go away and let me think!
¡ Hay algo aquí y yo puedo entenderlo si todos se largan y me dejan pensar!
- Looks like it's just you and me.
- Parece que solo somos tu y yo.
Or you could just tell me what's inside of it and why you gave it to me.
O podrías decirme qué hay dentro y por qué me la diste.
Not for a good while, so... That means it's just me and you for a little bit.
Todavía falta bastante, así que... eso significa que estaremos solos durante un rato.
Now there's just you and me, and I didn't take it.
Sólo quedamos tú y yo, y yo no se lo quité.
- It's just you and me.
- Solo tú y yo.
- Looks like it's just me and you.
Parece que nos hemos quedado tú y yo solos.
Just so you know, who's in the gang what we do, what kind of guns we use or if we go and join a damn monastery, it's all up to me.
quién está la pandilla... qué clase de armas usamos... depende de mí.
Roger, I just want to say what you're doing for Jeff and me... it's something I'll never forget.
Roger, tan sólo quería decir que lo que estás haciendo por Jeff y por mí... es algo que nunca olvidaré.
It's just you and me.
Es sólo tú y yo.
You're just saying all this to try and make me wanna leave, and it's not gonna work.
Solo estás diciendo eso para hacer que quiera irme, y no va a funcionar.
She's dead and it's just you and me and... fish fingers, pension books... world without end.
Está muerta y solo somos tú y yo y... palitos de pescado, libros de pensión... mundo sin fin.
All right, Dave, all these gals are gonna go home and braid each other's hair, so I guess it's just you and me.
Está bien, Dave, todas estas nenitas se van a casa... a hacerse trenzas las unas a las otras, supongo que sólo quedamos tú y yo.
It's just you and me.
Solo somos tú y yo.
Let's put Cee Lo out of our minds and tonight it is just about you and me.
Vamos a sacar a Cee Lo de nuestras mentes y esta noche es sobre tú y yo.
From now on, it's just you and me.
Desde ahora, solo tú y yo.
It's just, you know, I-I... Sometimes it feels like we're just moving so fast, and I feel crazy that we're just... jumping in blindly.
Es sólo que, ya sabes... a veces se siente que nos movemos tan rápido... y me enloquece que nosotros sólo... estemos saltando ciegamente.
I just care about you so much, and it's important to me that... that you know that, Teddy.
Me preocupo tanto por ti, y para mí es importante que... que lo sepas, Teddy.
Me and you. It's not just...
Tú y yo, No es solo...
It's just you and me now.
Solo somos tú y yo ahora.
Don't tell me, Marty, that you don't know that there's something here, and that whatever it is, just has you too scared to move a muscle.
No me digas, Marty, que no sabes que hay algo aquí, y sea lo que es, te tiene muy asustado para mover un músculo.
Well, looks like it's just you and me, bud.
Bueno, por lo visto seremos tú y yo solos, amigo.
Just so you know, who's in the gang what we do, what kind of guns we use or if we go and join a damn monastery, it's all up to me.
Para que sepas, quién está la pandilla qué hacemos, qué clase de armas usamos o si nos unimos a un maldito monasterio, depende de mí.
It's like she has Stockholm Syndrome... that thing where you go to Stockholm and you're, like, "I'll just stay here."
Es como si tuviera el Síndrome de Estocolmo... eso que te da cuando vas a Estocolmo y dices, "me quedaré aquí".

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