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It's just that i tradutor Espanhol

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And it's just too much burden for me to feel like I am the reason that you don't talk to your parents and god forbid something should happen to them.
Es simplemente demasiada carga para mí sentir como que yo soy la razón por la que no hablas con tus padres
It's just that if she helps me, I might never know what part is me and what part is her and if I'm gonna do this, then I need to know what I'm really capable of, you know? Like really capable of as in alone.
Es sólo que si me ayuda, puede ser que nunca sepa que parte de mi soy yo y que parte soy ella voy a hacerlo, así sabré se que soy realmente capaz... capaz de hacerlo sola.
It's just that I'm supposed to be meeting someone here, is there someone I can call for you?
Se supone que tendré una reunión con alguien aquí, ¿ puedo llamar a alguien por usted?
It's just that I specified that we...
Es que especifiqué que nosotros...
I said that, you know, it's just like, whatever.
Dije que como sea.
cos it's gonna cause it to your reaction to our records that really matters, and I'd just like to say...
cos que va a hacer que se su reacción a nuestros registros que realmente importa, y sólo me gustaría decir...
It's just a body that I feed, and wash, and clothe.
Es sólo un cuerpo que alimento y lavo y visto.
If that's the hand that just touched your vag, I'm gonna kill you. It was this one.
Si esa es la mano que acaba de tocar tu vagina, te mataré.
"I have always believed that God called you " to preach the definite time of the Lord's coming in 1844, " and that it was just as it should be.
Siempre creí que Dios lo había llamado para anunciar el tiempo definitivo... del regreso del Señor en 1844... y así es como debería haber sido.
But it's not just a ship that I am sending.
Pero no se trata sólo de una nave lo que estoy enviando.
I just don't think that it's a good time.
Me parece que no es un buen momento.
It's a sexual term that I just made up.
Es un término sexual que inventé.
It's just that... I'm just a little worried that you are... boring.
Es que... me preocupa un poco... que seas... aburrido.
I'd do it myself,'cause sometimes that's just what you got to do.
Lo haría yo. Porque a veces eso es lo que tienes que hacer.
I just also feel like it's tearing you away from me and everything that we've talked about wanting together.
Pero también siento como si te estuviera alejando... de mí y todo lo que hemos hablado que queremos juntos.
It's just that it's so close to the spine... and I haven't been well recently.
Es sólo que es tan cerca de la columna vertebral... - y no he estado bien recientemente.
It's just that i- -
Es solo que Yo...
It's just to let you know that if anything happens, I'll always be there for you.
Solo es para que sepas que si algo pasa, siempre estaré ahí para ti.
I think it's just like that.
Creo que es simplemente así.
It's just that you're the only one I think Mother might listen to.
Es que creo que usted es el único a quien mi madre podría escuchar.
It's just that of all the people, I thought Mother would listen most to you.
Solo pensé que de todos, mi madre lo escucharía más a usted.
I was just singing it, that's that thing.
Recién lo cantaba.
It's just that I don't like it here.
Solo que... no me gusta este lugar.
It's just because I can actually feel that you guys are paying attention.
Es sólo porque puedo sentir realmente que Uds. están prestando atención.
I know in your little documentary thing you're just gonna paint me out to be, like, the bitch, but... if I give him an inch, that's it.
Sé que, en su pequeño documental, van a retratarme como la puta... VENTAS pero si le doy el brazo, se toma el codo.
- I thought he'd be good at this. - No, it's just that it's not...
- Pensé que sería bueno en esto.
It's just, like, some kind of tax or something, I guess, but then Ace played a prank on me that really wasn't funny.
Es como, Un tipo de impuesto, creo, pero luego Ace me hizo una broma que no fue graciosa.
And, me, I just fought in a few small competitions, that's it.
Yo sólo he peleado en unas cuantas competencias menores.
It's just that right now, I think this is the best for both of us, you know?
Sucede que ahora mismo creo que es lo mejor para los dos, ¿ si?
- I'm just trying to do my job and that's it.
- Sólo intento hacer mí trabajo y eso es todo.
- Look, that's not what I said, it's just... God, um.
Mira, eso no es lo que he dicho, es sólo que... ¡ Dios!
I don't know why, that's just how it is.
No sé por qué, pero así es.
I'm so sorry. It's just that I've got this family business thing.
Es que tengo un asunto de familia.
Yeah, I understand that. But unfortunately, it's just that with an interview like this, it's...
Entiendo, pero lamentablemente, con una entrevista como esta...
No, I think everyone should get the letter if they went through the BMI test, because it just says whether you're above, below, or in the... In the acceptable range, that's all it says.
No, creo que todos deberían recibir la carta si se hicieron la prueba del IMC, porque sólo te dice si estás encima, debajo o en la media aceptable, nada más.
I mean, I wouldn't ask, it's just that for some reason, the VBC use an American contractor and, I mean, no offense, but they're all, like, goatees and "fat-strong".
No te Io hubiera pedido, es solo que por alguna razón, ¿ Sí? Ia VBC empleó contratistas estadounidenses y, sin ofender, todos tienen barba de chivo y son robustos.
Yeah, to be honest, I'm just glad that it's over and that no one got hurt.
Sí, para ser honesto, estoy contento de que haya terminado y que nadie resultó herido.
That's what it is. You know what? I hate to agree with Dante,'cause, it's just a bad look.
Odio estar de acuerdo con Dante pues se ve mal.
But it's like it's so far removed that I have a... I just don't feel bad enough.
Pero es algo que me es tan ajeno, que no me siento lo suficientemente mal.
I just... I know that it's been a really long time, I just...
Yo sólo sé que ha pasado mucho tiempo, y sólo...
Now, I thought it was just his guys that wanted her dead, but it's more than that.
Creí que sólo la querían muerta sus hombres, pero es más que eso.
Not that there's anything wrong with that, I just mean... It's okay.
No es que haya nada malo... con eso, sólo quiero decir...
I figured it was just another call for attention. That's all.
Pensé que era sólo otro... llamado de atención.
I really do feel like learning about the men's movement and their specific issues, the issues that they have issue with, it's hard for me to completely understand them and... Just automatically feel welcome in that space of talking about these issues.
De verdad siento que al aprender acerca de los activistas por los hombres y sus problemas específicos... los problemas que enfrentan, es difícil para mí entenderlos completamente y... sentirme automáticamente bien recibida en ese ambiente al hablar acerca de estos problemas.
I mean, it is not true, but let's just assume that there is gender symmetry in domestic violence, that women hit men as much as men hit women.
Quiero decir, no son verdaderos, pero asumamos que sí lo son que hay simetría de género en la violencia doméstica, que las mujeres golpean hombres tanto como ellos golpean mujeres.
I just hope we're not two minutes too late to save him because it's you who's going to be looking back at this time that you've wasted that could have been better spent saving a life rather than drinking it away!
Sólo espero que no lleguemos dos minutos demasiado tarde para salvarlo porque eres tú quien va a mirar hacia atrás en este momento que has perdido eso podría haber sido mejor usado ¡ salvando una vida en lugar de beberla!
It's just a part of me and I have to accept that.
Es sólo una parte de mí y tengo que aceptar eso.
Well done. I'm just telling them how it is, that's all.
- Sólo les digo como son las cosas.
I just wanted to get this data to established journalists like yourselves, so that you can present it to the world, and the people can decide either I'm wrong or there's something going on inside the government that's really wrong.
Sólo quiero llevar esta información... a los periodistas establecidos como ustedes, para que la presenten al mundo, y que la gente pueda decidir, si estoy equivocado, o si hay algo en el interior del Gobierno... que está realmente mal.
Now I just pray that it's actually authentic.
Ahora, rezo que en realidad sea efectivamente auténtica.
It's just best that I go see him.
Es mejor que vaya a verlo.

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