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Translate.vc / Inglês → Espanhol / [ I ] / It's just us now

It's just us now tradutor Espanhol

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Now if we can get him mixed up in the stealing end of it, just once. He's got to stick by us to save his own hide.
Si lo involucramos en los robos sólo una vez será nuestro.
Now it's just us two.
¡ Ahora, vamos a ver!
Now there's enough gravy washing around this town... to put us all on easy street... and just when we get it organized... you think we're gonna let a little cockeyed fool like...
Hay suficiente dinero en esta ciudad... para solucionarnos a todos las vidas. Y justo cuando conseguimos organizarlo... tú crees que vamos a dejar que un bobo como tú...
So now... it's just the two of us.
Así que ahora... Estamos los dos solos.
Dunja, now wait a moment if your excellency could wait just a moment, don't be angry, but it's the custom with us before a departure
Dunia, espera... un momento... Si su Excelencia permite un momentito, no se lo tome a mal... es la costumbre que tenemos aquí... cuando uno se va...
It's very nice here just now and it's not costing us a farthing.
Aquí se está muy bien. Y no nos cuesta ni un penique.
It looks to me like Dude and me we is gonna raise us about a bale an acre because the way I feel now, Ada, it's just like I used to feel every spring.
Parece que Dude y yo vamos a recolectar una cosecha de primera porque, ahora, Ada, me siento como me sentía cada primavera.
Now, Waldron it's gonna be a lot easier all around if you just tell us the whole story.
Será más fácil para todos si nos cuentas todo con detalle.
We wait for good weather all year, and we get it now just when this committee's on top of us.
Esperamos por el buen tiempo todo el año y lo tenemos ahora que tenemos encima la comisión del congreso.
It's just a toy now... but someday it may help us to crumble the walls of Rome.
Ahora es un juguete, pero algún día nos ayudará a derribar los muros de Roma.
Now... it's just the two of us.
Ahora... nos toca a nosotros dos.
It's just two of us now, and it'll just be two of us when we catch up with them.
Sólo somos dos y seremos dos también cuando les demos alcance.
It's just us two, now.
Ahora nos toca a nosotros.
- Now it's just the two of us.
- Ahora sólo quedamos nosotros.
That's it. Now, you just sit there quietly and don't give us any trouble.
Ahora quédate quieto y no nos des problemas.
Well, it's just that you've been washing and... and sewing and ironing for us and now you want to feed us.
Bien, es que justo usted ha estado lavándonos y... cosiendonos y planchandonos.... Y ahora usted quiere alimentarnos.
As Kaoru said just now, it's the only property father left us.
Como dice Kaoru, es lo único que nos dejó nuestro padre.
Now that the kid's staying here it's no longer just between us.
Como el niño tiene que quedarse, ya no es asunto de nosotros, ¡ no más! .
From now on it's just going to be the three of us you and me and the lord.
Soy muy feliz. A partir de ahora, seremos sólo los tres : - tú, yo y el lord.
Sir, if it's about us kissing just now, it's all right, sir.
Si se refiere a lo de besarnos, no hay problema, señor.
It's rather difficult for us just now... the school letting us down so badly.
Ahora mismo estamos pasando un mal momento... el colegio nos ha fallado y andamos mal de dinero.
It's only difficult for us just now with the school.
Lo estamos pasando mal sólo por lo del colegio.
only three And suddenly... bam! one of the boats go flying And there we were, just us two Just the two of us in the race Now I know it's time to leap...
De repente... un bote queda boca abajo... y quedamos dos de nosotros, sólo dos en la carrera.
It wasn't fair! Like, Sue was just messing around, just as much as us. The rest of the classroom and now Sue's in so much trouble just because of that one teacher ;
Pero no es justo, Sue solo estaba haciendo tonterías, como el resto de la clase.
It's just you and me now. No one can hear us.
Somos sólo tú y yo ahora, Nadie nos puede oír..
Right now, it's just the two of us.
Ahora estamos tú y yo.
So, we're all just fine, but whatever was on that ship used our transporter beam to come aboard with us, and now it's here.
Así que estamos bien... pero lo que habitaba esa nave usó el haz transportador... para venir a bordo con nosotros y ahora está aquí.
Now, just get it into the tanks and wait for it to attack the Nucleus in the same way it attacked us, microscopically. - It's neat, don't you think?
Ahora, simplemente introducirlo en los tanques, y esperar a que ataque al Núcleo... de igual forma que nos atacó a nosotros, microscópicamente.
'Cause now it's just between us two.
¿ Ya no juegan más? No, Johhny Firpo.
But now, it's just the two of us.
Pero ahora, somos sólo nosotros dos.
I guess... It's just the two of us now.
Supongo... que ahora sólo somos nosotros dos.
It's been following us for three miles and now it's starting to close in. Probably just another Sunday driver.
Ha estado siguiéndonos por 5 kilómetros ahora se esta acercando probablemente se trate de algún paseo dominguero
He just called, gloating about it. But worse than that he says that we broke faith by trying to trap him, so now he's really gonna punish us.
Recién llamó, deleitándose sobre éso pero peor que eso dice que quebramos la fé al tratar de atraparlo entonces ahora realmente nos castigará.
It's much better for both of us in the long run if we just split up right now and never see each other again. - I don't know.
- No lo sé.
I hate to break up a love scene, but I just thought that I would point out that instead of two of us being stuck in here, it's now three of us stuck in here.
Odio interrumpir una escena de amor, pero... Dire que en vez de nosotros 2 solos, ahora somos 3 presos. buen punto.
I'm convinced now it's right, not just for you, but for us, too.
Pero ahora estoy convencida de que es lo más correcto.
I mean it was daft enough 11 of us going to Birmingham right, and now there's only 6 It's just suicide Bex
Quiero decir que fue muy estúpido 11 de nosotros íbamos a Birmingham, y ahora sólo estamos 6
You can just tell us where the drugs are and save yourself a whole lot of trouble, or you can sit there with your mouths shut and we're gonna tear this place apart board by board. Now, how's it gonna be?
Podéis decirme dónde están las drogas y ahorraros un buen problema, o podéis quedaros con la boca cerrada mientras lo destrozamos todo tablón por tablón. ¿ Qué preferís?
It's just the three of us now. What's that expression?
Sí, sólo quedamos los tres.
But it's just the two of us now.
Cariño, ya estamos solos.
Jazz, what Mr. Banks means is that Geoffrey's not feeling well... right now, and it's just not the best time... for us to have houseguests.
Jazz, lo que el Sr. Bancos significa es que Geoffrey no se siente bien... ahora mismo, y no es sólo el mejor momento... para nosotros tener invitados en casa.
It's just us now, you piece of shit.
¡ Sólo quedamos tú y yo, desgraciado!
And now, it's us against the Nazi's. Captain, thousands of our boys are trying to regroup in El Alamein, and if we can buy them 24 hours, just 24 hours, we might make a difference.
somos nosotros contra los nazis. eso marcarla la diferencia.
Now if it was just us, hey... you pays your money, you takes your chances, but it's not just us.
Si fuéramos sólo nosotros... a quien Dios se la dé, San Pedro se la bendiga, pero no somos sólo nosotros.
But now they're all gone. It's just us.
Pero ahora se han ido todos y estamos solos.
I'm sad to think about everything we lived together and now it's all a memory that someday you'll tell what united us and now that feeling is just nostalghia.
Me acongoja imaginar que lo que vivimos juntos se haya vuelto sólo un recuerdo más que algún día cuentes lo que nos unió y que ahora sólo sea nostalgia.
It's just the two of us now, Frederick.
- Ahora somos solo nosotros dos, Frederick.
Yeah, but it's not just about you anymore, because everything you do now affects all of us.
Sí, pero ya no es sólo sobre tí, porque cada cosa que haces nos afecta a todos.
Well, no, it's just too soon for us to be celebrating right now.
Bueno, no, es muy pronto para que celebremos justo ahora.
So it's just us now.
Sólo quedamos nosotros.
It's just us now.
Ahora sólo estamos nosotros.

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