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Translate.vc / Inglês → Espanhol / [ I ] / It's like i always say

It's like i always say tradutor Espanhol

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Say, I got an uncle who's an undertaker and with business like it is, he's always got an extra slab.
Oye, tengo un tío que es sepulturero... y por eso, te puede dejar dormir en la morgue.
Like I always say, it's always darkest just before the dawn.
Yo siempre digo lo mismo. Todo se pone más negro antes de que se haga la luz.
I don't know what to say. It's always like that.
No sé qué decir, como siempre.
Well, i felt a little queasy when we took off but like my late husband always used to say i've got a stomach that's just like... it's odd.
me sentí un poco mal al despegar, pero como decia mi difunto marido tengo un estomago como... Es vrdaderamente raro.
when people like primary colors and find it grey to hunt for the nuances between... black and white, but I must confess, it's the fanatics, the dogmatists... who are the boring ones, one always knows in advance what they will say,
Pero, en mi opinión... son los fanáticos, los dogmáticos que son aburridos. Además se sabe siempre, por adelantado, lo que van a decir.
It's like I always say.
Es como siempre dije.
It's just like I always say... if I want anything done, then I got to do it myself.
¡ Qué destino el mío... siempre que hay un trabajo difícil lo tengo que hacer yo mismo!
Well, it's like I always say, Your Majesty, children got to be free to lead their own lives.
Yo siempre digo, majestad... que los hijos deben poder llevar su propia vida.
It's like I always say we gotta blow it and we gotta blow it now.
Es lo que siempre he dicho, tenemos que volaria... y tenemos que volaria ahora.
I just can't let go, you know? It's like I'm always afraid to do what I want... or say what I'm really feeling.
Es que siempre me asusta hacer lo que quiero o decir lo que realmente siento.
She's about to go on a break, and when she does she'll come over here and say "Hi" to me... like she always does and that's when I'll do it.
Va a hacer una pausa. Vendrá a saludarme, como siempre hace, y entonces se lo diré.
- I know. Some people don't like their friends to say "I told you so," but it's a quality in you I've always admired.
A cierta gente no le gusta que sus amigos le digan "te lo dije", pero es una cualidad que admiro en ti.
Well, it's like I always say- -
Bueno, es como siempre he dicho...
It's not like the old days, People are jaded, I raise a demon from the underworld, and they say, "Big deal, I saw the same thing on Jerry Springer." ( laughter ) I've always loved a good scare for old time's sake,
No es como los viejos tiempos, las personas estan hartas, subo un demonio del Inframundo, y ellos dicen, "Gran trato, yo vi la misma cosa sobre Jerry Springer." Siempre he amado asustar por lo viejos tiempos,
It's like these swirling divine lights from God that say, "I will always protect you."
Es como si esas arremolinadas luces divinas de Dios dijeran, "Siempre voy a protegerte."
I always say to people trying to raise money for independent films... it's very much like hitchhiking, and I hitchhiked throughout the'60s and'70s.
Siempre digo que buscar dinero para el cine independiente es como hacer dedo, yo lo hice en los 60.
It's like I always say, Kevin.
Es como siempre digo, Kevin.
Well, it's like I always say... take my life... please.
Pues por favor.
Well, you know I--I was thinking you know, I- - I always imagine that since you're all guys and everything and- - and there's no one there to say no that, uh... you must be, like doing it constantly, right?
Yo pensaba....... siempre imaginé que ya que son hombres, y nadie les dice que no, seguramente lo hacen constantemente, ¿ Verdad?
It's like I always say- - Why let someone else do for you what you can do for yourself?
Es como digo : "¿ por qué dejar que otra persona haga lo que tú puedes hacer?"
It's like I always say, make new friends, but keep the old.
Como digo siempre : "Haz nuevos amigos, pero conserva los viejos".
I mean, a chair costs money, so it's like stealing, and you always say...
Las sillas cuestan dinero, es como robar, y tú siempre dices- -
Well, Alan, it's like I always say :
Bien, Alan, como yo siempre digo :
It's like I always say, communication is the key to a great relationship.
Es como siempre digo, la comunicación es la llave para una gran relación.
But like I say, he... it's like he always knew it was gonna happen for him, you know what I mean?
Pero como dije, él es como si siempre hubiera sabido que iba a triunfar ¿ me entiendes?
The RD guys finally did it. It's like I always say.
Es como siempre digo.
Why is it that I always feel like there's something you wanna say and you never do?
¿ Por qué tengo ese sentimiento de que hay algo que me quieres decir y no lo haces?
It's like I always say : sometimes you find things!
a veces no encuentras cosas.
It's like I always say... hopelessness is the greatest aphrodisiac... in Ünderland.
Como digo siempre la desesperanza es el afrodisíaco más grande en Ünderland.
You always say that like it's something to be proud of, But the day i see even a glimmer of myself in you Is the day that i realize
Siempre dices que no estoy orgullosa de ti, pero el día que vea algo de mí en ti será el día en que me de cuenta de que finalmente has empezado a... crecer.
It's like I always say, it's gonna get ugly before it gets pretty.
Como siempre digo, la cosa se va a poner fea antes de mejorar.
Es como siempre digo : "Si no puedes repartir el tocino..."
It's like I always say. Church is not a place for answers.
Como siempre digo, la iglesia no es para encontrar respuestas,
She said, "Don't worry," like she always say, "everything is going to be fine. Everything is going to be perfect. I know it's you."
Ella dijo, "no te preocupes", como siempre dice, "todo va a estar bien... todo va a estar perfecto... sé que eres tú."
It's like I always say to Rose, she decides how far she goes in an operation.
Es como siempre le digo a Rose. Ella decide hasta dónde llegar en una operación.
I always say it's like a dysfunctional functioning family.
Yo siempre digo que es como una familia disfuncional en funcionamiento.
It's like I always say, if you want to get laid in the 21st century, make sure you have at least one gay friend.
Es lo que digo siempre : Si quieres acostarte con alguien en el siglo XXI, asegúrate de tener al menos un amigo gay.
It's like I always say, I'd put myself down before I let a client come to harm.
Como siempre digo, primero muero antes de arriesgar la seguridad del cliente.
Like I always say, when you know you're right it's worth taking a chance.
Como siempre digo, cuando sabes que tienes la razón merece la pena arriesgarse.
If a girl's down and she's blowing you, you know, she's wailing out, doing her thing, and you're like just about to bust, and like me, you know I'm always like, "I'm going to come," you know,'cause I want to say it, just'cause I'm a gentleman.
Una chica está haciéndote sexo oral y está concentrada en lo suyo, y tú estás por acabar, así que le dices : "Estoy por acabar", porque soy un caballero y le aviso.
It's like I always say :
Es como digo yo :
It's funny, I always thought it sounded ridiculous when people say it but it's like having a piece of home.
Es gracioso, ¿ sabes? Siempre pensé que sonaba ridículo cuando la gente lo decía pero, es como tener un pedazo de casa.
It's like I always say, "If you're going to be a bear..."
Como digo yo : "Si vas a ser un oso..."
It's like I always say.
- Es lo que digo siempre.
- It's like I always say.
- Es lo que digo siempre. - ¿ Qué? ¿ Qué dices siempre?
I'm like, "Yeah, it was hilarious when I was getting grounded," which is why I always say to people, it's like,
Yo les digo : "Sí, era graciosísimo cuando me castigaban" que es la razón por la que siempre digo :
Mine is-I always say, it's like, uh - people say, "Why are you in the business?"
Siempre digo que lo mío es como... La gente me pregunta : "¿ Por qué estás en el negocio?"
It's like I always say...
Es como siempre digo...
It's like I always say.
Es como siempre digo.
It's like I always say, follow every lead.
Es como siempre digo, sigue todas las pistas.
I always say I'm gonna be ready in like two seconds, and it's, like, two hours later.
Yo siempre digo que voy a estar listo en dos segundos, Y es, unas dos horas después.

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