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It's nothing tradutor Espanhol

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It's nothing fancy, you know.
No es ninguna imaginación, usted lo sabe.
You say nothing, it's yours, and then you go down for kidnapping and rape.
Si no dice nada, es suyo, y luego caerá por secuestro y violación.
♪ Really, you should do it There's really nothing to it ♪
De verdad, deberías hacerlo No es tan importante
It's nothing.
Es nada.
Well, here's my guess, you had all that time because you have nothing else to do and no-one else to do it with.
Bueno, aquí está mi conjetura, ¿ Ha tenido todo ese tiempo porque no tienes nada más que hacer y nadie más lo haga con.
Nothing I don't understand, it's just, I...
No es nada que no entienda, es sólo que...
Sorry, there's nothing in here about it being able to hunt and kill zombies.
Lo sentimos, no hay nada aquí sobre ello ser capaz de cazar y matar zombies.
It's probably nothing, but we just learned his pooch had one of those GPS tracking devices.
Probablemente nada, pero simplemente aprendió su chucho tenía uno de esos dispositivos de seguimiento GPS.
Yeah, nothing's ever easy with you though, is it, Sarah?
Sí, aunque para ti nunca es con calma, ¿ verdad, Sarah?
It's probably nothing, but there's something I thought I should mention.
Probablemente no sea nada, pero hay algo que pensé que debía mencionarle.
I'm sure it's nothing.
Seguro no pasa nada.
It's nothing.
No es nada.
You invested your money in that house because of me, and it's been nothing but problems.
Invirtieron su dinero en esa casa por mi culpa, y no han sido más que problemas.
It's easy to get that, it weighs nothing.
Es fácil de conseguir eso, no pesa nada.
It's nothing.
No fue nada.
No, it's not nothing if your husband doesn't know about it, but your daughters do.
No, no es nada si tu marido no sabe acerca de eso, pero si tus hijas.
It's nothing to worry about.
No hay nada de qué preocuparse.
It's better than nothing.
Es mejor que nada.
♪ It's like nothing that I did was quite enough ♪
* Es como si nada de lo que hacía fuera suficiente *
I've got a perfect alibi for that, so it's nothing to do with me!
Tuve una coartada perfecta para eso, asi que no tiene nada que ver conmigo
I was asked a question, I gave my opinions and there's nothing that them or anyone else can do about it.
Me hicieron una pregunta, di mis opiniones y no hay nada o cualquier persona puede hacer al respecto.
Look, I have a great instinct in these things and that instinct is telling me that at the end of the day, it's nothing but a rock!
¡ Mira, tengo un buen instinto para estas cosas y ese instinto... me dice que al final del día, no es nada más que una roca!
Yeah, but it's like you think that nothing can touch you.
Sí, pero es como si creyeras que nada puede tocarte.
- It's nothing. He helped me on a few cases.
No es nada, me ayudó en unos pocos casos.
I imagine when you all close your eyes at night, it's just... nothing.
Imagino que cuando todos cierren los ojos por la noche, es... nada,
It's nothing.
- No es nada.
He's got nothing to do with it.
No tiene nada que ver, pero...
See, when a civilization has become so big, it starts to get lazy, and that's when you get Memberberries. They're nothing new. They date back all the way to the Roman Empire.
empieza a flojear y es cuando llegan los Berry - ( re ) cuerdo no hay nada nuevo ellos datan desde la epoca del imperio romano, un dia muchos romanos comieron los Berry - ( re ) cuerdos no hubo mas crecimiento
Big Head, you can insult me all you want by involving your self-described shylocks, but to insult Richard and humiliate him, that's like kicking a child who's done nothing to deserve it.
Big Head, puedes insultarme las veces que quieras involucrando a tu propio Shylock, pero insultar y humillar a Richard... es como pegarle a un niño que no lo merece.
Nothing left. You have your stash, but at the rate you're going through it, man, that's gonna last, what, a few weeks?
Tienes tu reserva, pero al ritmo al que van, viejo, eso durará, ¿ qué, unas semanas?
It's called, "The tooth, the whole tooth, and nothing but the tooth."
"Todo lo dental y nada más que lo dental".
No, it's not nothing.
No, eso no es nada.
Nothing, literally it's all good.
Nada. Todo está bien.
Compared to the rest of what he said, it's nothing.
Comparado con lo otro que dijo, no es nada.
But you don't need it to be on the phone if you can see it on the phone, even though there's nothing there at all.
Pero no necesitas que esté allí. Puedes verlo en el celular, aunque no haya nada en realidad.
You people really have nothing better to do? What he did online is his business. Or maybe it's me.
lo que hizo online es su problema o quizas fui yo quizas me gusta ser orinada y le pedi eso a él sabias que orina es 100 % esteril?
It's nothing new.
No es nada nuevo.
It's got nothing to do with me.
No tiene nada que ver conmigo.
it's nothing like that.
no es nada por el estilo.
- It's nothing.
- No es nada.
It's nothing to be embarrassed about.
No es nada de lo que avergonzarse.
Is there nothing so beautiful that they won't keep exploiting till it's worthless?
¿ No hay nada magnífico que no sigan explotando hasta que no tenga valor?
It's nothing at all like The Departed.
No es para nada como "Los Infiltrados".
Oh, it's nothing personal.
No es nada personal.
You know, it's a shame nothing will come of it.
Sabes, es una lástima que no salga nada de ello.
Oh, it's nothing, really.
- No es nada.
I mean, it's nothing.
No es nada.
Well, sometimes it means nothing. Mmm. Uh, sometimes it means it's your aunt Lucy, and she hasn't seen you since you were 11, but sometimes...
Bueno, a veces no significa nada. A veces es como si te besara tu tía Lucy, que no te ve desde que tenías once años, pero, a veces...
It's like nothing counts unless it's some kind of pedigree.
Es como si no valiese nada a menos que sea algún tipo de pedigree.
I-I don't know how he does it, but there's... there's nothing I can do, Bets.
No sé cómo lo hace, pero no hay... no hay nada que pueda hacer al respecto, Bets.
We can say that you were taken ill that it's a postponement, nothing more.
Podemos decir que te enfermaste. Que es un aplazamiento, nada más.

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