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Translate.vc / Inglês → Espanhol / [ I ] / It's nothing to do with you

It's nothing to do with you tradutor Espanhol

473 parallel translation
It's nothing to do with you.
¡ Ésto no va contigo!
Oh, it's nothing to do with me, you'll find the door open.
No tiene nada que ver conmigo, encontrarás la puerta abierta.
It's nothing to do with you.
Nada importante.
You're getting paid plenty for it, ain't you? That's got nothing to do with it.
Y ahora bien, si eso no os vale y queréis poneros duros,... nosotros también nos podemos poner más duros.
No matter what you think, what's happened to you has nothing to do with it.
Pienses lo que pienses, lo que te pasó no tiene nada que ver.
It's nothing to do with you, it's me.
No tiene nada que ver contigo. Soy yo.
You know, it's perfectly ridiculous. I had nothing to do with this.
No tuve nada que ver.
but you've taught me to appreciate the higher things in art, my aunt the sublime not to be compared to daily life marriage has nothing to do with art it's a matter of interest of the state and the interest of the state must tell him that he cannot marry his... what's her name anyway?
pero usted me ha enseñado a apreciar las cosas superiores en el arte, mi tía, lo sublime para no ser comparado a la vida diaria el matrimonio no tiene nada que ver con el arte es una cuestión de interés de estado y el interés del estado debe decirle que no puede casarse... ¿ cuál es su nombre?
He's got nothing to do with it. I hope he never knows anything about you.
Él no tiene nada que ver, espero que nunca sepa nada de ti.
It's all right with me if you want to interpret your life through fingernail parings, but that's got nothing to do with me.
Me parece bien que quiera interpretar su vida... según las uñas, pero eso no tiene nada que ver conmigo.
It's nothing to do with me if you quarrel with your ma.
Que discutas con tu madre no es cosa mía.
It's nothing to do with sense. It's how you feel.
- Ninguno, se trata de sentimientos.
I want you To understand That if there's been anything In my manner to hurt you, It's been nothing To do with John.
Quiero que comprendas que si ha habido algo en mi conducta que te haya herido ello no ha sido por causa de John, es solo que bueno, tal vez nosotros nos expresamos de modo diferente.
If you want my opinion, I also dislike pianos, it's nothing to do with the noise that doesn't bother me, but, when you move, pianos and cupboards always damage the staircases and scratch the walls.
Si quiere mi opinión, también me molestan mucho Ios pianos, no es que sea por culpa del ruido, que eso a mí no me preocupa, sino que, cuando hay mudanzas, Ios pianos y Ios armarios son Ios que más estropean Ia escalera, y rayan todas Ias paredes.
- It's nothing to do with you.
- Nada que le incumba.
It's nothing to do with you!
No tiene nada que ver contigo.
It's nothing to do with you...
No es nada contigo.
- not again - no, it's nothing to do with the ship... it's about that ammunition I'm returning to you.
No, no se trata del naufragio... sino de las municiones que le tengo que devolver.
It's better for you than running around with those Eastmans and all those rich girls with nothing to do.
Es mejor para ti que andar correteando con los Eastman y todas esas chicas ricas y desocupadas.
It's nothing to do with you or her.
No tiene nada que ver con usted ni con ella.
It's got nothing whatsoever to do with you.
Ya no puedes protestar.
- It's got nothing to do with you.
- No tiene nada que ver con Ud.
It's nothing to do with, well, being frightened, you know?
No tiene nada que ver con, bueno, estar asustado, ¿ sabe?
It's got nothing to do with all these things you're talking about.
"Jeff, no tiene nada que ver con todo eso que dices."
"All I know is that whatever it is, it's got nothing to do with me or you..."
"Sólo sé que sea lo que sea, no tiene nada que ver con nosotros..."
Well, I know that in comparison with Althoff has nothing to do, but it seems he's crazy for you, which I can understand.
Bueno, ya sé que en comparación con Althoff no tiene nada que hacer, pero parece que está loco por ti, cosa que puedo entender.
- It's nothing to do with you.
- No tiene nada que ver contigo.
It's nothing to do with me, but why were you chosen for this job?
No es asunto mío, pero ¿ por qué lo eligieron para este trabajo?
It's got nothing to do with you.
- No tiene nada que ver contigo.
Let them take it up, it's nothing to do with you and me.
Que ellos se encarguen, nosotros no tenemos nada que ver.
Well, it's just that my mother thought that if you've got nothing to do, you'd like to come back and have supper with us.
Pues es que mi madre ha pensado que... si no tiene nada que hacer, puede venir a casa a cenar.
~ It's nothing to do with hitting you.
- Nada de pegarte.
I had nothing to do with my father's death, and you know it.
No tuve nada que ver con su muerte. Bien lo sabes.
It's nothing to do with you.
No, tú no tienes nada que ver.
It's got nothing to do with you.
Esto no tiene nada que ver contigo
And why it's got nothing to do with you.
Y por qué esto no tiene nada que ver contigo.
- It's nothing to do with you, is it?
- No tiene nada que ver contigo.
You don't believe me, do you, jiggs? Oh, that's got nothing to do with it.
Tú no me crees, ¿ verdad, Jiggs?
It's nothing to do with you, is it?
Todavía conservo cierta autoridad.
- It's nothing to do with you.
- No le incumbe en absoluto.
It's got nothing to do with you, darling.
No tiene nada que ver contigo, cariño.
- It's nothing to do with you. Give me the papers.
Cirilla, dámelos!
It's past quitting time now, so there's nothing we can do tonight... but tomorrow morning, you're gonna have all that equipment transferred to clear ground... and you're gonna supply me with all the trucks and labor I need to move the Whitlock memorials... and I'm gonna see the job gets done.
Ya se ha terminado la jornada laboral, así que no podemos hacer nada hoy... pero mañana trasladarás todo el equipo a la tierra despejada... pondrás los camiones y unos peones para mover lo de los Whitlock... y yo me encargaré de que eso se haga.
It's nothing to do with you. Nothing!
¡ Esto no tiene nada que ver con vosotros!
It's got absolutely nothing to do with you.
No tiene nada que ver contigo.
Keep calm. It's nothing whatever to do with you.
Nada que ver con ustedes.
But it's nothing to do with you.
Pero no tiene nada que ver con usted.
- Neesa, it's got nothing to do with you.
- Neesa, no tiene nada que ver contigo.
You think it's got nothing to do with you.
Os creéis que no tiene nada que ver con vosotros...
It's got nothing to do with you, woman!
¡ No tiene nada que ver contigo, mujer!
It's got nothing to do with whose bloody house it is. Doc Tydon, you old bastard.
¡ Doc Tydon, viejo bastardo!

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