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Translate.vc / Inglês → Espanhol / [ I ] / It's time to get up

It's time to get up tradutor Espanhol

299 parallel translation
Yah, it's time for her to get beaten up. Wait a second, I'll be back.
Sí, es hora de que alguien le de una paliza.
It's time to get up.
Querido, es hora de levantarse.
Jim, it's time to get up.
Jim, hora de levantarse.
It's up to us to prove whether Norris could or could not Get up to the Lane house, kill a man, and get back in that time.
Probaremos que no tuvo tiempo de matar a Lane.
It's time to get up.
Ahora tienes que levantarte.
Wake up, my dear, it's time to get up.
Despierta, querida, es hora de levantarse.
There comes a time in everybody's life when he's got to get up and let it rip!
Ah, queridos amigos, hay un momento en la vida... cuando uno tiene que pararse en el escritorio y confesarlo.
Now that we've warmed up, it's time to get down to business.
Después de estos juegos de manos, permítanme hacer cosas más serias.
Darling, it's time to get up.
Es tiempo de irnos.
It's time to get up and go to work.
Y reintegrarnos al trabajo.
She's not going to get away with it this time, because I'm going to speak up.
No se saldrá con la suya esta vez, porque yo hablaré.
You'll know it beforehand, they'll get insolent. That's the time to fort up.
Ya sabes lo que pasa, se vuelven insolentes, es el momento de actuar.
It's unfortunate the accident occurred at this time, But i think that just as soon as you get kate's affairs wound up, You'd better go to reno and get it over with.
Es lamentable que el accidente haya ocurrido en este momento pero apenas termines con los asuntos de Kate, debemos ir a Reno y terminar con todo.
I get up in the morning, then suddenly it's time to go to bed.
Me levanto en la mañana y de pronto es hora de dormir.
Miss Blucher, it's time to get up.
Señorita Blucher, es hora de levantarse.
Wonderful morning, and it's the best time to get up,
La mejor hora para levantarse
Drink this, and then it's time to get up.
Bebe esto, es hora de levantarse.
- Well, it's time to get up!
- ¡ Hora de levantarse!
It's time to get up.
Hora de levantarse.
It's morning. It's time to get up.
Ya ha amanecido, ¿ no?
Well, by the time we kiss and make up, it's too late to get to the arena.
Cuando hicimos las paces, se había pasado la hora del combate.
Because it's time to get up, Boris!
¡ Ya me levanté, Boricito!
Get up warriors pilgrims, why to sleep when it's time... to thank the Lord?
Levántense, guerreros peregrinos, ¿ por qué dormir cuando es hora de de dar gracias a Dios?
It's just'cause every time I get a good deal going, I got him around to foul it up.
Sólo porque cada vez que sale un negocio él está allí para fastidiarlo.
Uh, it's time to get up.
Uh, es hora de levantarse.
Get up, Linus, it's time to go to school.
es hora de ir al colegio.
Well, it's 13 minutes to the hour of nine, nine, nine here on wonderful radio one-one-one so if you're still lying in your big, big bed now's the time to get up out of it.
30 minutos para las 9, 9, 9, aquí en Radio 1-1-1. Si todavía estáis en la cama, cama, es el momento de levantarse.
Hurry up, get dressed, it's time to go,
Vístete, linda es hora de irnos.
It's time to get up, put the coffee on because you love me.
Ya es hora de que te levantes y prepares el café, porque me amas.
It's time to get up.
Entonces es hora de levantarse.
It's just taking me a little time to get up my gumption. I'm going out that door, and I'm gonna bring the sheriff.
Tardé unos segundos en reaccionar, pero saldré por esa puerta y llamaré al comisario.
A rare time Tatum doesn't get a cIose-up, and it was played from Ryan's point of view to keep it from being sentimental, because it's easy to overly work the heart strings.
Aquí no le hacemos un primer plano. Mostramos el punto de vista de Ryan. Se evita así todo sentimentalismo.
From the time I get up in the morning till the time I go to bed at night, it's just one blessed thing after another.
Desde que me levanto hasta que me acuesto, me trae un problema tras otro.
It's time to get going, Otomo Hurry up and get ready
- Es hora de irse, Otomo. - Date prisa y prepárate.
Every time you plow up and down a hill, the way you're doing there. whenever it rains, it's gonna wash off more of your topsoil... and gullies are gonna start to form, and they'll get deeper and deeper.
Cada vez que aras de arriba abajo, como lo haces allí... siempre que llueva... arrastrará más tierra de la capa superior.
- You know what time. It's time to get up.
Hora de levantarse.
It's time to get up.
Es hora de levantarse.
Vamos, Charlie, es hora de levantarse.
Said it's up to me to get all this in a week's time.
Me dijeron que era tema mío conseguir todo en una semana.
Come on, get up, it's time to get up.
Venga, arriba, que ya es hora de levantarse.
Do get up! It's time to dress.
Levántese, hay que vestirse ya.
It's just time to wake up. Everybody, get up!
¡ Todo el mundo, levántense!
Chiquinho! It's time to get up.
Levántate, ya es la hora.
Come on, it's time to get up.
¡ Vamos, es hora de levantarse!
Get up, it's time to practice!
Levantate ahora y practica.
It's time to get up, baby.
Hora de levantarse, nena.
If it was her. She's got plenty of time to spritz the place up and get out.
Si fue ella, tuvo tiempo para largarse.
I didn't have time to wait for the metro boys to get around to my call my date was back I'm sorry, I had to go wash up it's kind of a rough day well, let's hope that your evening goes a
Lo sentimos, tuve que salir. Tuve un día difícil. Bueno, esperemos Estás mejor ahora.
And now, now it's time for Frank and me to get out there and dig up some more contributions to keep this place going.
Y ahora, ahora es el momento de que Frank y yo salgamos a buscar más contribuciones para que este lugar siga funcionado.
Jake, honey, it's time to get up.
Jake, cariño, es hora de levantarse.
Well, Rimshot, it's time to get our blood sugar back up into the combat range, you know what I mean?
Rimshot, es hora de endulzar nuestra sangre Comprobare el rango de seguridad de la zona de combate, ya sabes lo que quiero decir?

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