It's your mother tradutor Espanhol
2,258 parallel translation
It takes more than a pair of pointy boots and your mother's scarf to make you a Pre-Raphaelite, you know.
Hace falta algo más que un par de botas puntiagudas y la bufanda de tu madre para convertirse en un Prerrafaelista, sabes.
If it shall please you to make me a wholesome answer, I will do your mother's commandment.
Si os place darme una respuesta sensata, cumpliré las órdenes de vuestra madre.
# In your case, it's your mother # David?
* En tu caso, es tu madre *
What interests them, it's not your mother but the baby. Your brother.
- Alo mejora esa gente no le interesa tu madre, sino ese niño, tu hermano.
It's a bribe. He just wants you to get your mother to choose him.
Es un soborno, sólo quiere que le digas a tu mamá que se quede con él.
It's your mother.
Es tu madre.
- It's just... It's not your typical mother-son conversation.
Es que no es tu típica conversación de madre a hijo.
Remember in high school, your mother always used to say, "it's too bad Rusty doesn't have a girlfriend or date..." 'cause "any parent would be thrilled to have him dating their daughter."
¿ Recuerdas cuando estabas en secundaria y tu madre siempre decía, "es una pena que Rusty no tenga novia ni tenga citas porque cualquier padre estaría encantado que él salga con su hija"?
It's your mother's call.
Vuestra madre decide.
Believe nothing just because a wise man said it or you read it in a book or it's of divine origin or simply because your mother told you.
No crean nada... sólo porque un hombre sabio lo dijera, o lo hayan leído en un libro, o sea de origen divino, o simplemente porque su madre se lo contara.
It's the mother of your baby making out with another due.
Es la madre de tu bebé enrollándose con otro tio.
I know what your mother must have told you. It's what she told everyone. But it's not true.
Ya sé lo qué te dijo tu madre, es lo que les dijo a todos, pero no es cierto.
It's not use making your mother up.
No es necesario despertar a tu madre.
Your wife says it's because your mother walked out two weeks before you took your A-levels.
Su esposa dice que es porque, tu madre te abandonó dos semanas antes de tomar sus A-levels.
It's your mother.
Habla tu madre.
It's your mother gets everything wrong... with all that Jesus talk making everyone's life hell.
Quién entiende todo mal es tu mamá... que me viene con eso de Jesús. Lo que quiere... es atormentarle la vida de los demás.
- Es tu madre
It's sadly enough, that you don't told anything your mother.
Ya es suficiente que no le hayas dicho la verdad a tu madre.
It's painful to lose someone you're close to, like your mother.
Mother, your attendance here is a credit to you but it's not really necessary.
Madre, que estés aquí habla en tu favor, pero no es realmente necesario.
My mother was your mother's cousin, according to Uncle Max. It's an uncanny resemblance.
Mi madre era la prima de tu madre de acuerdo al tío Max.
I think it's a little weird to introduce your prom date to your 80-year-old mother.
Creo que es un poco raro presentar a tu pareja del baile de graduación a tu madre de 80 años.
- Is it possible that this relationship with Susan is your mother's choice? She had no one to talk to, no one to comfort her.
Ella no tenía con quien hablar, nadie la consolaba.
You breathe a word of this to anyone, you mincing fucking cunt, and I will tear your fucking skin off, I will wear it to your mother's birthday party and I will rub your nuts up and down her leg whilst whistling Bohemian fucking Rhapsody, right?
Susurras una palabra de esto, gilipollas remilgado, y te desuello, te llevo al cumpleaños de tu madre y le restriego tus huevos en su pierna mientras silbo Bohemian Rhapsody ¿ estamos?
Swear to me that it isn't true, you are not responsible for my mother's death. Give me your word!
Júrame que no es verdad, que no eres responsable de la muerte de mi madre. ¡ Dame tu palabra!
And I know you're rolling your eyes, and yes, I'm a horrible mother, but we have 30 wreaths to deliver by dinner, so let's move it.
Sé que estás poniendo los ojos en blanco, y sí, soy una madre terrible, pero tenemos 30 coronas para entregar para la cena, así que movámonos.
And little Timmy says, not so funny when it's your mother, is it?
Y el pequeño Timmy dice : "No es muy gracioso cuando es tu mamá, ¿ cierto?"
It not you but your birth mother w.ho came to us, that's w.hy w.e have to protect her rights first.
No fue usted sino su madre biológica quien vino a nosotros, es por lo que tenemos que proteger sus derechos primero.
It's time for you to go to that guy who's going to help you find your mother.
Irás con ese señor que te va a ayudar a encontrar a tu madre.
I told your mother it was coming down, so by God, it's gonna come down.
Le dije a tu madre que lo destrozaría, así que por Dios lo voy a hacer.
I've longed to witness such an event, and yet I neglect that in human coupling millions upon millions of cells compete to create life for generation after generation until finally, your mother loves a man Edward Blake, the Comedian, a man she has every reason to hate and out of that contradiction, against unfathomable odds it's you -
He ansiado ver tal suceso y, sin embargo, no he considerado que en el apareamiento humano millones de células compiten para crear vida de generación en generación hasta que finalmente, tu madre ama a un hombre. A Edward Blake, a quien tiene razón de sobra para odiar. Y de esa contradicción, con probabilidades inimaginables sales tú.
I think it's possible that there are people like your mother, Lucinda, who can see things before they occur.
Creo que es posible. Que hay personas, como tu madre, Lucinda, que pueden ver las cosas antes que ocurran.
I saw your lips moving, but it was your mother's nagging-ass voice -
Cada vez que te oigo hablando así, es como si escuchara a tu madre.
It's the anniversary of your mother's death, after all.
Después de todo es el aniversario de tu madre.
It's where your mother lives?
¿ Aquí es donde vive tu madre?
And what's it like, watching TV with your mother?
¿ Y cómo es eso de mirar la tele con tu mamá?
Apart from anything else, it would break your mother's heart.
Aparte de cualquier otra cosa, rompería el corazón de tu madre.
Elvira, it's me, Soraya, your mother.
Elvira. Soy yo... Soraya, tu mama.
Selling love will make you rich. That's what my mother taught me. Just don't put your heart in it.
El buen amor de alguien te haría rica, es lo que mi madre me dijo... sólo no involucres al corazón.
It's your mother's ring.
Es el anillo de tu madre.
Hally? It's your mother.
Hally, es su mamá.
It's a letter from your mother.
Es una carta de su madre.
And, beyond that, it corresponds with your mother's wish to retire from the world that has made her suffer so much, and to respect the memory of the Count of Santa Barbara...
Y corresponde, además de eso, a la voluntad de su madre el retirarse de un mundo que tanto la hizo sufrir, y de respetar la memoria del conde de Santa Bárbara.
- Yeah, on a scale between a prostate exam and a reggae festival, it's somewhere around giving your mother multiple orgasms.
- Sí, en la escala entre un examen de próstata y un festival de reggae, se acerca a darle a tu madre orgasmos múltiples.
I must tell you here that it was your mother's decision.
Aquí tengo que decirles que es la decisión de su madre.
I know it's very unusual, but... your mother was not crazy, Jeanne.
Sé que es muy inusual, pero tu madre no estaba loca, Jeanne.
And it's not gonna be to make your mother happy. And it's not gonna be to make me happy.
Y no va a ser para hacer feliz a tu mamá ni para hacerme feliz a mí.
It's what your father said to your mother... the day he proposed to her.
Eso le decía tu padre a tu madre el día que le propuso matrimonio.
And that's not my fault, it's not your mother's fault, and it certainly isn't God's fault.
Y no es mi culpa ni la de tu madre y, ciertamente, tampoco la de Dios.
Soon it's going to be five years... since your mother died.
Pronto van a ser cinco años que tu madre ha muerto.
There's nobody out there, Lydia. It's your mother trying to scare you.
No hay nadie afuera, Lidia, tu madre dice eso para asustarte.
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it's your turn now 40
it's your call 289
it's your birthday 200
it's yours 974
it's your turn 401
it's your move 63
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it's your turn now 40
it's your call 289