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Translate.vc / Inglês → Espanhol / [ I ] / It ain't like that

It ain't like that tradutor Espanhol

334 parallel translation
No, no, it ain't nothing like that.
No, no, nada de eso.
It is like that, ain't it?
Así es, ¿ verdad?
Uh, you know, I got a theory that, uh - well, uh, well, what Joe's nervous system needs... is a - it's a shock, you know... like a-well, like a watch when it ain't running.
¿ Sabe? . Tengo una teoria de que... pues, lo que necesita el sistema nervioso deJoe... es un choque, ¿ entiende?
And if everything that I've told you about out here ain't in there just like I told ya... then you can come out and chop it down.
Y si lo que os he dicho aquí fuera no está... ahí dentro como he dicho,... entonces podéis salir y hundirlo si queréis.
It's worth any sacrifice, ain't it, to be able to protect your home and family and things like that?
Uno tiene que sacrificarse, para proteger su hogar, su familia, y todo eso.
Well, I've been talkin'it over with some of the boys and... Well, you're taking chances, Jesse, that we don't like. I ain't no coward and you know it.
Hablé con alguno de los muchachos y... te estás arriesgando mucho.
Well, with us, it ain't like that.
Con nosotros, no pasa igual.
If you like someone and you don't tell'em right off, why, maybe all that time you wasted, she liked you too, so, well, all that time's wasted, ain't it?
Si alguien te gusta y no se lo dices pronto estás perdiendo el tiempo, porque puede ser que tú también le gustes a ella. Así que, ¿ para qué esperar tanto?
Well, I sure would like to do that, ma'am, but the fact is, we ain't got but a dime for it.
Me gustaría, pero sólo tengo diez centavos.
It's a cinch we ain't got nothing to fight about like people that's in love.
Es fácil, no hay nada por qué pelear como la gente que está enamorada.
Ain't it wonderful to have friends like that all over the country?
Es bueno tener amigos por todo el país.
It ain't gonna be like that no more.
Antes, sí.
It's tough, him gettin'it like that, ain't it?
Es duro que haya acabado así, ¿ verdad?
Because it ain't good for a lady like you not to be married to a good man that you could turn into a preacher and who could help you spread the good Word most everywhere. "
Porque no es bueno para ti no estar casada con un buen hombre uno que se haga predicador y te ayude a promulgar la palabra de Dios ".
Why do you say it that way so I feel like I ain't doing all I can?
Por cómo lo dice, siento que no hago todo lo que puedo.
It's things like this that make me a genius. Ain't they?
Éstas son las cosas que me convierten en genio.
It ain't that I don't trust you, but I'd like to have my money first.
No es que no confíe, pero me gustaría que me dé el dinero.
I see how it would make you sore, naturally, but it ain't like that.
Entiendo que te enfades, naturalmente... pero no se trata de eso.
If I ain't satisfied with the way you're workin'it... I aim to break that contract any time I like.
Si no me satisface tu trabajo romperé el contrato cuando me plazca.
No, it ain't like that, ma'am.
No se trata de eso, señora.
Cody still ain't going to like to hear that she got it in the back.
Aún así, a Cody no le va a gustar que le hayas dado por la espalda.
Well, you know, it ain't everybody can be lucky enough to be out playing in that sun on a beautiful day like this.
Bien... Sabéis que no todo el mundo tiene la suerte de estar fuera jugando al sol en un bonito día como éste.
The only reason I ain't done it up to now is that I kind of like kicking her.
Hasta ahora nunca lo hice porque un poco me gusta patearla.
- It ain't my fault I breathe like that.
- No es mi culpa que respire así.
It's-Well, you see... we ain't exactly the type of citizens that a nice young doll like you... ought to be running around and about with -
Pues, verás... no somos la clase de ciudadanos con los que una chica linda como tú... debe convivir ni...
It's just that he's so big he ain't never been treated like a human... and he don't understand people.
Es solo que el es tan grande, que nunca ha sido tratado como un humano... y el no entiende a la gente.
He's been 100 % lucky, and when it adds up like that, it ain't luck.
Siempre ha tenido suerte, cuando eso sucede, no es suerte.
It ain't that I don't want to do like you say.
No es que no quiera hacer lo que dicen.
Hey, let me do that. Give me that hammer, Mrs. Salvatore. It ain't right a nice woman like you should be doing this.
Déjeme a mí, déme el martillo, no es trabajo para una mujer.
Now, that ain't no way to greet an old pal like me, is it, Goldie?
Así no se saluda a un viejo amigo como yo, ¿ verdad, Goldie?
So, uh... it's better, you know... that he ain't tied down-like.
Así que es mejor que no esté casado.
It ain't like that to me.
Yo no soy así.
It ain't like that.
No es como eso.
It's like that in jail, ain't it?
Como en la cárcel, ¿ no?
- That's just like stealin', ain't it? - I guess.
Eso es como robar, ¿ no?
It ain't like that, honey.
No es así, cariño.
It ain't altogether like that.
No es así.
No, it ain't like him at that.
No, no es propio de él.
If she don't wanna be like the rest of them, that's her business and it's his business, it ain't yours.
Escucha, siella no quiere ser como elresto, es asunto de ella y de él, no tuyo.
It ain't like that.
No, no es eso.
No Christian man'd touch it. We ain't all like you, Holy Joe, we ain't all afraid of the curse that's on it - and it's ours by right!
No somos como usted, Santo Joe, no tenemos miedo de la maldición que pesa sobre él - y es nuestro por derecho!
It ain't gonna hurt you. Just put a shell in like that.
Sólo ponle una bala dentro como ésta.
That ain't what it looks like.
No es lo que parece.
Ain't it a shame to mess up... a pretty face like that?
¿ Es una lastima estropear... una bonita cara como esta?
Nah, it ain't nothing like that.
No, no se trata de eso.
Now, something like that ain't on the house. He's gonna pay for it, Manny.
Algo así no queda impune.
I'm sure it was scabs - uh, gun thugs - Eastover has hired... because, uh, there ain't nobody else who'd want to do anything like that to me.
Estoy seguro que han sido los esquiroles... contratados por Eastover... porque, eh, no hay nadie más que quisiera hacerme algo parecido.
Like holds to like. That's what they told me, ain't it?
Cada uno con los suyos, dijeron, ¿ no?
Well, there ain't much of this left, but there is one final story that I would like to wind up with, folks, and I do thank you for that Visine, but I didn't smoke at half-time, so if they're red, it's just natural eyeball blood pressure, or whatever you call that shit.
Bueno, no queda mucho de esto, pero hay una teoría final con la que me gustaría concluir, amigos, y les agradezco por ese Visine, pero yo no fumé en el descanso, entonces si están rojos, es sólo la presión sanguínea natural del globo ocular,
Ain't it amazing how coincidental fate works... with Daisy showing up like that?
¿ No es sorprendente cómo suceden las coincidencias del destino... al aparecer Daisy así?
You ain't gonna get away with it like that!
¡ No te saldrás con la tuya!

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