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It doesn't make a difference tradutor Espanhol

239 parallel translation
I know what you're going to say but it doesn't make any difference.
Sé lo que vas a decir, pero no cambia las cosas.
And it doesn't make any difference what someone is or does or anything when you love him.
Cuando amas a alguien, no importa cómo es ni Io que hace.
Well, what I mean is, it doesn't make any difference what you do, but I think it's kind of unfair to expose the kid to this kind of business.
Lo que quiero decirte es que... no importa lo que tú hagas, pero no es justo que el niño esté expuesto a todo esto.
If you put him back, you tell your 3,000 honest employees it doesn't make any difference whether they're honest or not.
Al readmitirlo, les decís a tres mil honrados trabajadores que da igual ser honrado o no.
My... my goodness. It... it does make a difference, doesn't it?
Dios mío, hay diferencia, ¿ verdad?
I'm on a vacation and it doesn't make any difference where I go, right?
Yo estoy de vacaciones y me da igual ir a un sitio que a otro, ¿ sabe?
That makes me a sap, I know, but it doesn't make any difference one way or the other now.
Eso me hace un tonto, lo sé, pero... no cambia las cosas ahora.
I didn't think she was, but if she's sick... it doesn't make a difference what kind of woman she is.
- Ya me Io suponía. - Si está enferma, da igual Io que sea.
It doesn't make any difference to me what they think.
A mí me da exactamente igual lo que piensen.
It doesn't make any difference how many people you talk to during the day.
Da igual con cuantas personas acabes hablando a lo largo del día...
It doesn't make much difference, does it when a person wants something else.
Ahora ya da igual, ¿ no? Cuando alguien quiere otra cosa.
It doesn't make any difference to Denny.
A Denny le va a dar igual.
It doesn't make any difference. Not to him, it doesn't.
A él no le importa.
It doesn't make a difference one way or another.
- Dejemos esto.
It doesn't make any difference to me, I'm sure.
A mí me da exactamente igual.
That's why it doesn't really make much difference that we have brought you to this town in Connecticut.
Por eso no importa mucho... que los traigamos a esta ciudad de Connecticut.
I'll say I saw a ghost. It doesn't make any difference to me.
O que he visto un fantasma, a mí me da igual.
It doesn't make a difference!
No hay diferencia.
Merritt doesn't love her, but it don't make no difference to her.
Merritt no la quiere, pero a ella le da igual.
It doesn't make a difference.
No establece ninguna diferencia.
- It doesn't make a bit of difference.
- No se preocupe por nada.
What difference does it make if you have fun anyway? It doesn't cost any more. You know, you ought to join a corps.
- Puede divertirse igualmente, le costará lo mismo debería unirse a una hermandad es más divertido que las salchichas con col.
It doesn't make any difference when a fight's forced on you.
Porque si te obligan a luchar, da igual.
You buried a man once. "In the long run, it doesn't make a difference."
Yo le vi enterrar a un hombre : "A la larga, no tiene importancia".
No cambia en lo más mínimo.
It doesn't make any difference because the old saying happens to be true - beautyis in the eye of the beholder, in this year or a hundred years hence, on this planet or wherever there is human life,
La verdad es que da lo mismo. Porque el viejo dicho parece tener razón. La belleza está en el ojo del observador.
- No existe la menor diferencia,... ni la más pequeña.
But, it doesn't really make any difference, anyway because I don't intend to answer every little point that the Assistant Prosecutor brought up.
Pero eso no importa realmente porque no tengo intención de responder a cada cosita que el asistente del fiscal sacó a relucir.
It does make a difference, doesn't it?
Eso lo cambia todo, no?
He figures he's got a plan so clever it doesn't make any difference what you do.
Se imagina que tiene un plan tan bueno que no importará lo que ud. haga.
It doesn't make a bit of difference whose it is.
No importa de quien sea.
Yes, but it doesn't make a difference.
Sí, pero eso no altera nada.
I couldn't live in a world menaced by a bomb and i find out now that it doesn't make any difference if it's a world or 12 children burned in a fire.
Crei que en tu mundo seria por fin feliz y he visto que no hay diferencia porque este es un mundo donde 12 niños son quemados por el fuego.
Well, it doesn't make any difference.
Vi a un chico anoche.
You tell people to do things around here, and it doesn't make any difference.
Ves, le indicas a la gente que haga cosas y no pasa nada.
It doesn't make much difference. Whatever you paid, it was a bad investment.
Poco o mucho no tiene importancia, pero fue una pésima inversión.
Maybe all I'll ever be is big enough so it doesn't make any difference.
Puede ser que nunca llegue a triunfar del todo.
It doesn't make any difference to me what a man does for a living.
Me es indiferente lo que un hombre haga para ganarse la vida.
It doesn't make a difference about our bet. You still owe me 10,000 Francs.
Eso no cambia nuestra apuesta Todavía me debers 10.000 Francos.
It doesn't make a difference what I figure him for.
No importa lo que yo crea.
Oh, I'm sure it doesn't make a difference at all, but, you see, uh, like I was saying earlier, see that's the kind of loose end that, uh, I got to tie up, those tiny little things.
Seguro que no cambia nada, pero como le decía antes ése es el tipo de cabo suelto que tengo que atar, esas pequeñas cosas.
Yes. It doesn't make a difference whether it's two or three people.
Sí, no hay tanta diferencia si somos dos o somos tres.
It doesn't make any difference how old a man is he needs his privacy.
Por más viejo que un hombre sea... necesita privacidad.
It doesn't make any difference what happens to me.
Lo que me pase a mí no marca ninguna diferencia.
It doesn't make any difference what we're going to eat because we're gonna drink the driest martinis I've ever made in my life.
Da igual lo que vayamos a comer porque vamos a beber los Martinis más secos que he preparado en mi vida.
It doesn't make a difference to me.
No te preocupes por eso.
If it doesn't make any difference, then why don't you bring him a copy of it?
Pero él no aprueba mucho de lo que hago.
the relief is lost somewhere on fire island, so I'll be working tonight. and it doesn't make a difference - coming through!
y su relevo está perdido en algún lugar de Fire Island así que yo trabajo esta noche y eso no significa nada.
Just make it easy on yourself'cause it doesn't make any difference anyway.
Facilítate las cosas, porque de todos modos, nada va a cambiar.
It doesn't make any difference. You're a curwin.
Eres una Curwin.
When you love someone... I guess it doesn't make any difference who, what or why.
Cuando amas a alguien, supongo que no importa el quién, el qué, ni el por qué.

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