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Translate.vc / Inglês → Espanhol / [ I ] / It doesn't matter what i believe

It doesn't matter what i believe tradutor Espanhol

60 parallel translation
I'm sorry I'm the one to do this to you, but it doesn't matter what you believe.
Lamento tener que hacerte esto, pero no importa lo que creas.
It doesn't matter what I believe. You've got to carry that fear inside you, afraid everybody'll take things away, that you'll be remembered as a coward, that you're not a man any more.
No importa lo que yo crea, porque eres tú quien tiene que cargar con ese miedo a que te quiten todo, a que te recuerden como un cobarde, a no ser un hombre.
It doesn't matter what I believe, it only matters what I can prove.
No importa lo que yo crea, tengo que demostrarlo.
It doesn't matter what I believe. It matters what the public believes.
No importa qué crea yo, sino el público.
It doesn't matter what I believe.
No importa lo que yo crea.
It doesn't matter what I believe.
- No importa lo que creo.
- It doesn't matter what I believe.
- No importa lo que yo crea.
No, but it doesn't matter what I believe.
No, pero no importa lo que yo crea.
- It doesn't matter what I believe.
- Da igual lo que yo crea.
It doesn't matter what I believe, Mr Byrne.
No importa lo que yo crea. No puede hacer nada.
Actually, it doesn't really matter what i believe.
¿ qué haces aquí? En realidad no importa demasiado lo que yo crea.
It doesn't matter what I believe, it just doesn't happen that way.
No importa lo que yo crea. Eso que dices nunca sucederá.
It doesn't matter what I believe.
Νo importa lo que yo crea.
I've been charged with murder. Doesn't really matter what I believe in, now, does it?
Me acusan de asesinato... no importa en lo que crea o no, ¿ no es verdad?
It doesn't matter what I believe as long as I can write it.
No importa lo que creo, mientras pueda escribirlo.
When a guest gambles several million dollars per visit, it doesn't matter what I believe.
Cuando un huésped juega varios millones en cada visita no importa lo que creo.
- Look, it doesn't matter what I believe.
- Mira, no importa lo que yo crea.
I know you don't believe half of what you say, but you know what? It... doesn't really matter, because I saw you today, and what I saw was... a guy who was trying to be good. And...
¿ pero sabes qué? porque hoy te he visto y lo que vi fue... a un tipo que intenta ser bueno.
- It doesn't matter what I believe.
- La cuestión no es lo que yo crea.
It doesn't matter what I believe.
- No importa lo que yo crea.
No importa lo que yo creo.
So it doesn't really matter what I believe.
Así que realmente no importa lo que yo crea.
It sure doesn't matter what I believe.
Da igual lo que yo crea.
So now it doesn't matter what I believe
Entonces ahora no importa lo que yo crea.
It doesn't matter what I believe anymore, because the whole world is about to find out about you.
Ya no importa lo que yo crea porque todo el mundo esta a punto de saber de ti
Marv, you can't believe that I would have - - it doesn't matter what I believe!
Marv, no puedes creer que yo haría... ¡ No importa lo que yo crea!
It doesn't matter what I believe.
No interesa lo que yo crea.
But it doesn't really matter what I say, you won't believe me anyway.
Pero realmente no importa lo que diga, no me creerás de todas formas.
But it doesn't matter what I believe.
- Pero no importa lo que yo crea.
It doesn't matter so much what I believe, Mr. Beech.
No importa demasiado lo que yo crea, Sr. Beech.
No, I'm not saying I don't believe you, the truth is, it doesn't matter what I think.
No, no estoy diciendo que no te crea, lo cierto es, que no importa lo que yo crea.
It... it doesn't matter what I believe.
No importa lo que yo crea.
Right now, it doesn't matter what I believe.
En este momento, no importa lo que creo
Tilly, it doesn't matter what I believe.
Tilly, no importa lo que yo creo.
- Alan, it doesn't matter what I believe.
- Alan, No importa lo que crea.
- I told you it doesn't matter what I believe.
- Te dije que no importaba lo que yo crea.
It doesn't matter what i believe.
No importa lo que yo crea.
It doesn't matter what you have to say, because whatever it is, I won't believe it.
No importa lo que tengas que decir, porque lo que sea, no lo creeré.
Anyways, it doesn't matter what I believe.
De todos modos, no importa lo que yo crea.
It doesn't matter what I believe, just like it doesn't matter how wrong it is that rape survivors are held to a higher standard.
No importa lo que yo creo, al igual que no importa lo mal que es que las víctimas de violación se mantienen a un nivel superior.
It doesn't matter what I believe.
No importa lo que creo.
It doesn't matter what I believe.
No importa lo que yo creo.
It doesn't matter what I believe or condone.
No importa lo que yo crea o tolere.
It doesn't matter what I want to believe.
No importa lo que quiera creer.
It doesn't matter what you say, I don't believe you.
Y me da igual lo que digas, no te creo.
But it doesn't matter what I believe.
Pero no importa lo que creo.

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