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Translate.vc / Inglês → Espanhol / [ I ] / It just came to me

It just came to me tradutor Espanhol

423 parallel translation
It just came to me sort of sudden-like.
Me percaté de algo, de pronto.
- It just came to me.
- Simplemente me inspiré.
It just came to me.
Se me acaba de ocurrir.
It just came to me.
" Justamente así.
It just came to me all of a sudden.
Se me ocurrió esta mañana.
as for the model... - It just came to me out of the blue.
se me ocurrió por casualidad.
One night it just came to me.
Una noche se me ocurrió.
It just came to me now.
Acaba de venírseme a la cabeza.
- It just came to me out of thin air.
- Se me ocurrió de repente.
It just came to me.
Acabo de darme cuenta.
I didn't think! It just came to me.
No soy estupida, lo sabes.
Listen. It just came to me, what was wrong with that picture.
Algo estaba mal con la foto.
It just came over me! Something stronger than I forced me to do it!
¡ Algo me obligó a hacerlo, algo más fuerte que yo!
And when I came here to bring you the mail it was just like fate and I was glad of it.
Y cuando vine hoy a traerle el correo fue como el destino y me alegré de ello.
I just want you to know it and to believe me. I haven't loved anyone before you came, and that I certainly won't love anybody when you don't love me anymore.
Sólo quiero que lo sepas y que me creas que yo no he amado a nadie más que a ti, y que no amaré a nadie más cuando ya no me quieras.
Why, tonight I fell asleep wishing... everything could go on and on... just as it has ever since I came to you.
Hoy me dormí deseando... que todo siga siendo igual... a como es desde que te conocí.
I was driving around yesterday afternoon and it came to me just like that.
Me ha venido cuando conducía.
You made a nervous wreck out of me, you tortured me, you took my pride away, my self-respect and I stood for it, but if you try to tell me that he just came here to bring a handbag, I'll kill you.
Me hiciste poner nervioso, me torturaste, me quitaste mi orgullo y mi autoestima y lo soporté, pero si intentas decirme que sólo vino a traerte una cartera, te mataré.
I mean, it just sort of came to me.
Creo, que vino a mí.
Still, it's no concern of mine, I just came here to talk about Shakespeare.
En fin, eso no me concierne, yo venía a hablarle de Shakespeare.
It came to me just like that.
Me levanté esta mañana y se me ocurrió de repente. - ¿ De qué se trata? - Miren.
No, dear, because I remember when Mr. Hoskins first came in it occurred to me that he'd make just an even dozen.
No, querida, porque recuerdo que cuando llegó el Sr. Hoskins... pensé que completaba la docena.
It was only after a talk with Ruth that the idea came to me. Then it was too late to explain. So I just had to take a chance.
Fue después de echar un sermón a Ruth cuando se me ocurrió y ya era tarde para explicar nada.
Yes, it's true, they came to me just to hide stolen goods... but who had been their master up to that point?
Sí, es cierto. Se habían venido conmigo para ocultar un robo ¿ pero quién había sido hasta ahora su maestro?
You just came to tell me that you couldn't make it.
Has venido a decirme que no podías hacerlo.
By some premonition I can't explain, I understood that God didn't want me to die without knowing something of this risk. Just enough for my sacrifice to be complete when it's time came.
Por un presentimiento inexplicable, comprendí también que Dios no quería que muriese sin conocer ese riesgo, para que mi sacrificio fuera total.
Then I'll swear it came as just as big a surprise to me as any one of you here.
Entonces yo juro que esto ha resultado una sorpresa para mí, tanto como para cualquiera de los presentes.
And I just naturally meant it for a joke. Twelve days later when she came back... and she told me how she was engaged to this Howard... and how he was this manufacturer from Newark... honestly, I don't know, it was like supernatural.
Desde luego era solo una broma, pero cuando volvió doce días después diciendo que se había prometido con un tal Howard y que era un hombre muy rico de Newark, me dieron escalofríos.
When you came to the door just now, it suddenly hit me.
Cuando abriste la puerta, me entraron ganas de hacerlo.
I've been thinking about it and an idea came to me just now.
He pensado en ello y se me ha ocurrido una idea.
You know, it`s hard to believe me being the same Lloyd Gruver... that came over from Korea just a little bit ago.
Es difícil creer que soy el mismo Lloyd Gruver que llegó de Corea hace tan poco tiempo.
I told him I didn't want to swim in it but he just grabbed my hand and dragged me into the water all the way in and I came out looking naked.
Le dije que no quería bañarme con él pero tomó mi mano y me arrastró al agua me sumergió y al salir fue como si estuviera desnuda.
I believe you came around here just to see me, isn't that it?
Creo que ha venido usted solo por verme. ¿ No es cierto?
It just came home to me today, when we were passing through Cooma seeing all them sheilas.
Es que hoy lo he visto claro, cuando pasábamos por Cooma viendo a esas muñequitas.
If you came here to park this i'll just charge you nominal rates but if you're here to sell it you'll have to give me three and a half minutes for my little laugh.
Si ha venido a aparcarlo, le cobraré un precio simbólico. Si está aquí para venderlo, necesito tres minutos y medio para reírme.
I came pretty close to doing the artwork on it this year, but I just missed out.
Casi me encargan el de este año, pero lo perdí.
I puzzled over it for days, let me tell you, and then suddenly the answer came to me just like that. Are you ready?
Lo he meditado durante días, y entonces, de repente la respuesta se me ha ocurrido sin más. ¿ Estás listo?
It just came back to me.
Recién me doy cuenta
I just came up to bring back your pen I forgot to give it to you at the inquest
Vine para devolverle su pluma. Me olvidé de dársela en la indagatoria.
It just came to me.
Sólo lo he pensado.
Just that when you first came to visit me in prison... that you said... if they don't wanna spring you... and if you knew where the stone was... you could get it... and sell it. And use the money to spring me.
Que cuando fuiste a visitarme a la prisión... dijiste... que si ellos no querían liberarme... y si tú supieras dónde estaba la piedra... podrías tomarla y venderla... y, con el dinero, liberarme.
I'm not interested, it's not just my wife. To where you came?
No me interesa, es sólo mi esposa, ¿ A dónde vas?
Just a moment ago it came back to me.
Hace un momento regresaron.
Yes, as I was saying, it came to my attention that just before Dr. Ashley's untimely death he was planning to make some very big changes here at the Institute.
Pues sí, como les estaba diciendo, me he enterado de que el Dr. Ashley, justo antes de su muerte repentina, pensaba realizar algunos cambios importantes aquí en el Instituto.
I was just staring at it and the words of my old flight instructor came back to me.
Estaba mirándola, y de repente, recordé las palabras de mi antiguo instructor de vuelo.
It came to me. Those were just some automobile models, different kinds of Mercedes cars.
Son solo de algunos modelos De automóviles,
26 years have passed since I came to work here It just so happens that I love my work
Han pasado casi... veintiséis años desde que vine a trabajar aquí, y a mí... me gusta mi trabajo.
my courage is restored all at once and that fear I had not known before, that fear you had just begun to teach me, that fear, I do believe, has left me as quick as it came!
Y el miedo que nunca aprendí el miedo que tú apenas me enseñaste ¡ ese miedo, creo, tonto de mí, ya lo he olvidado por completo!
It's just that I once came across a reference to something called the Record of Rassilon in one of the old data books.
Es sólo que una vez me encontré con una referencia a algo... llamado el Registro de Rassilon en un libro de datos antiguos.
It's just that I find it so heartwarming to hear your voice ringing out vibrantly... after you came so close to being... shall we say... dead.
Es que me consuela mucho oír su voz con ese timbre tan vibrante... después de haber estado tan cerca, ¿ cómo decirlo?
It just came to me. Unheard of!

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