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It never occurred to me tradutor Espanhol

377 parallel translation
it never occurred to me that it was you.
Jamás me imaginé que fueras tú.
It never occurred to me to go out again into the world, as many novices did.
Jamás se me había ocurrido volver al mundo, como a muchos novicios.
It never occurred to me.
Nunca se me ocurrió.
Why, it never occurred to me.
Nunca se me hubiera ocurrido.
It never occurred to me that someday you might.
No se me había ocurrido que podría pasar.
It never occurred to me that maybe you had reasons not to want to get out
Nunca se me ocurrió que quizá tenías razones para no querer salir.
It never occurred to me that that I'd changed so much.
Nunca se me ocurrió pensar... lo mucho que había cambiado.
It never occurred to me he'd take it out on you.
Nunca imaginé que pudiera involucrarte.
Why didn't you wait and see? It never occurred to me.
- ¿ Por qué no ha esperado para verlo?
Say, somehow it never occurred to me... That boat's a little small for 4 people.
Pero estaba pensando que ese bote es muy pequeño para cuatro.
But it never occurred to me..
- Pero nunca pensé...
It never occurred to me someone had taken it.
Nunca creí que alguien lo hubiera tomado.
It never occurred to me you could have been in love.
Si le digo la verdad, no me lo imagino a usted enamorado.
It never occurred to me...
Jamás he...
I up several times a day and it never occurred to me that I might fall because no one fell.
Yo subía varias veces al día y nunca se me ocurrió que pudiera caerme porque nadie se caía.
- Well, it never occurred to me when I -
Pues, no.
You know, it never occurred to me before.
Sabe, nunca me sucedió antes.
It never occurred to me.
No se me había ocurrido.
Silly, it never occurred to me.
¡ No lo había pensado!
It never occurred to me that my character didn't have the slightest idea who I was.
No se me ocurrió pensar que no tenía la menor idea de quién era yo.
It never occurred to me that anybody'd be here.
Nunca pensé que habría alguien aquí.
It never occurred to me that you might misunderstand and be afraid.
Nunca pensé que lo podría malinterpretar y tener miedo.
It never occurred to me they wouldn't want to have me around.
Nunca se me ocurrió que no quisieran vivir conmigo.
It never occurred to me That you would make reservations from Paris. I arranged something.
No se me había ocurrido que reservara mesa desde París y he organizado algo.
It never occurred to me that you had many friends.
No tenía ni idea de que tuvieras amigos.
Mr. Lawrence, it never occurred to me to connect Morton's mental or physical condition with his death.
Señor Lawrence, jamás se me ocurrió conectar la enfermedad mental de Morton con su muerte.
Mr Usher, during the time we spent together in Boston, it never occurred to me that... and I dare say to Madeline either, that we were not destined for each other.
Sr. Usher, durante el tiempo que pasamos juntos en Boston, jamás se me ocurrió que, y me atrevo a decir que a Madeline tampoco, no estuviéramos destinados el uno para el otro.
As a widower for ten years after an idyllic marriage, it never occurred to me to remarry.
Como viudo por 10 años después de un idílico matrimonio, jamás se me ocurrió casarme.
Well, it never occurred to me.
Nunca pensé en ello.
- It never occurred to me.
- No se me ha ocurrido.
It never occurred to me that I should put "female" on the card.
No se me ocurrió que debia haber puesto "mujer" en el anuncio.
It never occurred to me.
Yo no tenía pensado salir con ella.
Dad, I know this is sort of a shock because it's sudden and unexpected... and it never occurred to me that I might fall in love with a Negro.
Papá, sé que esto es sorpresivo porque es repentino e inesperado y nunca se me ocurrió que podría enamorarme de un negro.
I guess it never occurred to me that such a thing might happen.
Creo que nunca imaginé que algo así podría suceder.
- It never occurred to me that...
- Nunca pensé...
It never occurred to you to consult me, did it?
Nunca se te ocurrió consultarme, ¿ verdad?
It never would have occurred to me that bathing here would enrage my mother, it's true.
¡ Sécate, no mojes la alfombra!
Well, it never really occurred to me.
- Pues... no se me ocurrió.
If you hadn't told me, it would never have occurred to me.
Si no me lo hubieses dicho, ni me lo habría imaginado.
It never even occurred to me that a girl like you...
No me imaginaba que una mujer como usted...
I can't imagine why it never occurred to you before.
- ¿ Burlarme? Me extraña mucho que nunca se te haya ocurrido.
Apparently, it has never occurred to you that I can function without orders from anyone.
No se le ocurrió que puedo funcionar sin que me den órdenes.
It just never occurred to me.
No se me había ocurrido.
I don't know. I suppose it just never occurred to me.
No lo sé.Simplemente nunca se me ocurrió.
It just never occurred to me that she would...
No se me ocurrió que ella pudiera...
It had never occurred to me. We met for lunch. I wanted to say :
Así que quedamos y comemos juntos.
It's never occurred to me how close Paris is since the innovation of a jet.
Nunca me di cuenta de lo cerca que está París en avión.
Must admit, it never would have occurred to me.
Excelente intervención, caballeros.
It would never have occurred to me to marry you, even in my wildest youth.
Jamás se me habría ocurrido casarme con usted. Ni siquiera durante mi loca juventud.
It has never occurred to me.
Nunca se me ocurrió.
Now, it just occurred to me that the only possible way... would be if somehow there never was a kidnapping.
Se me ocurrió que sólo habría podido lograrlo si nunca hubiese habido un secuestro.

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