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It was just a thought tradutor Espanhol

1,277 parallel translation
It was just a thought.
No es más que una idea.
It was just a thought.
Fue sólo una idea.
- It was just a thought.
- Sólo era una idea.
You see, I thought that since you're new here I could lend you my equity, if you will. It was just a courtesy.
Siendo la nueva, te brindaba mi equidad... fue por cortesía.
It's just you. I thought someone was swinging a bag of cats against the wall.
Eres tú. Creí que alguien golpeaba una bolsa con gatos contra la pared.
Well, the crime lab thought it was a robbery gone bad, just like the rest of us.
Los forenses creían que era un asalto fallido...
I thought it was just to get to me.
Bueno, pense que todo habia sido solo para acercarte a mi.
I had heard crazy rumors that sometimes parents help children... but I just always thought it was some kind of beautiful fairy tale.
Yo había oído rumores locos \ ~ que a veces los padres ayudan a los niños... pero yo siempre pensé que \ ~ que era una especie de cuento de hadas hermoso.
Well, at first I thought it was just'cause I'm innocent... but now I believe I have been spared... because I have a destiny to fulfill.
Al principio creía que era porque soy inocente pero ahora creo que me perdonaron la vida... -... porque debo cumplir un destino.
And if I just really stopped and thought, and I just focused on what was real, it--it does kill me that you were with such an amazing woman for so long.
Tenía que pararme a pensar y concentrarme en lo real. Me duele que estuvieras tanto tiempo con una mujer impresionante.
Hey, calm down We just thought that it was so sweet that you wanted to surprise Grace and that she wanted to let you surprise her and, well, we just wanted you both to get what you wanted
Pensamos que era tan bonito que quisieras sorprender a Grace, y que ella no quisiera estropear la sorpresa, que quisimos darles una sorpresa a los dos.
Just curious, um, if you thought more about it, or if it was a factor to be concerned about or not or...
Sólo tenía curiosidad por saber si habías pensado en ello, si es un factor que te preocupa o no o...
We had never thought much about this region. It was just a place that would spend to come to Mongolia. And so far was one of the most beautiful in we've been.
El Altay es, en realidad no teníamos ni idea, sólo queríamos atravesarlo hasta llegar a Mongolia, y hasta ahora ha sido uno de los lugares más bonitos que hemos visto
Just always thought it was a great opportunity.
Creo que es una gran oportunidad.
I thought it was a miracle, but it is just robbed.
Pensé que era un milagro, pero sólo ha sido robado.
So, what, you thought it was okay to just break in and wait for him?
¿ Y qué? ¿ Le pareció correcto entrar a la fuerza y esperarlo?
There's always had a box that was so perfect as we thought might to have someone inside but it was just too much.
Al principio, siempre había una caja de la tienda que parecía tener dentro un caballo o un triciclo dentro porque... ¡ era tan grande!
I thought it was just me.
maldita sea. Pensé que sólo a mi.
Even when they thought I was crazy and should take my liberal views and my pink shirt and move to another planet, I just had to laugh cause it's not pink, it's fuchsia.
Incluso cuando pensaron que estaba loco... y que debería llevar mi punto de vista liberal y mi camisa rosada... y mudarme a otro planeta, yo simple me tenía que reir... porque no es rosada, es fucsia.
And that course correction is the movement to a new paradigm... just an expansion of the old - just as the universe is larger than we thought it was in our modeling.
Y esa corrección del curso es el movimiento a un nuevo paradigma... simplemente una expansión del viejo... tal como el universo es más grande de lo que creíamos que era en nuestro modelo.
It was clear that both Jerry and Chuck Champlin thought... it was just a terrific picture and the kind of picture... that should have gotten attention but didn't.
Estaba claro que tanto Jerry como Chuck Champlin pensaban... que era una gran película y la típica película que... debió recibir la atención que no tuvo.
I just thought it was a dumb remark.
Pero es un comentario tonto.
Wouldn't it be much more fun to just follow wherever they went and just when they thought it was safe to relax, there I'd be, the ghost of the banquet.
Sería mucho más divertido seguirles a todas partes y cuando pensasen que estaban seguros y relajados, ahí estaría yo, como el fantasma del banquete.
He refuses to talk to the media but I thought he might just talk to me as a fellow mathematician. I was wrong. Well, it's interesting.
Todos los problemas se resolvían usando números concretos, y luego, si se hacía una verificación al final, se usarían los resultados en esos números concretos dados, no hay prueba general que ahonde en los textos matemáticos.
Look, kid, we just thought it was a bad movie, so tell us how to get in touch with Mel Gibson so we can get our money back!
Mira chico, nosotros creemos que la película es mala. Dinos como contactar a Mel Gibson para que nos devuelva nuestro dinero.
Well, I thought it was just a custody thing.
Bueno, yo pensé que era un asunto de custodia.
I thought he was just keeping it for after matches, you know, as a reward. Another time, um, he came home with his eyes puffy, bloodshot like he'd been in a fight and he told me he accidentally put in contact lens cleaner instead of saline.
Creía que simplemente estaba guardándolo para después de los combates, ya sabe, como recompensa, otras veces, venía a casa con los ojos hinchados, sanguinolientos, como de haber estado en una pelea.
But I was actually thinking about what you said – about not having a date – and I thought that, umm, you know, maybe we could... It wouldn't be horrible if we just, you know, went together as friends that way that way we wouldn't have to have dates or ask dates.
Pero he pensado en lo que dijiste, sobre no tener pareja y se me ocurrió que... ya sabes, podríamos... no estaría mal, si... vamos juntos, como amigos.
- I don't know. I just thought it was a big deal for first timers.
Creí que sólo era importante para los que se estrenan.
Yeah, it's just I knew that I was gonna have to give up a lot for the piano, but I never thought I would have to sacrifice my friends.
Si, lo unico es que yo sabía que iba a tener que dejar mucho por el piano pero nunca pensé que tendría que sacrificar mis amistades.
I didn't get it, I thought that he was just being a brat, but I-I see it better now.
Yo no le di importancia, yo pensé que el estaba siendo simplemente un mocoso, pero yo lo veo mejor ahora.
I just thought that if there was a place that would spark a memory, this would be it.
Sólo pensé que si había un lugar que provocaría un recuerdo, este sería.
She just left JAG to become a full-time mom, and I thought she was having misgivings about putting off her career. So I visited her, and I asked her about it.
Creí que ella tenía inquietudes por haber dejado de lado su carrera, así que fui a verla y le pregunté sobre ello.
Just thought you might have thought it was a password or somethin'.
Pensé que creías que era una clave.
But I thought you thought it was just a stupid piece of paper.
Pensé que tú creías que es sólo un estúpido pedazo de papel.
I just thought that it was a little light And I could put it in my own voice.
Es sólo que he pensado que era un poco ligero y que podía poner un poco de mi propia voz.
Just when you thought it was safe to go back into the hallways.
Justo cuando creía que era seguro volver a los corredores.
And it was just a routine patrol, or so they thought. But suddenly, the lieutenant pulled him down. And Krystovski hadn't intended to take a picture, but his hands were on the camera and he hit the ground so hard it went off.
El día antes... estaba afuera con la unidad... en una patrulla de rutina o eso pensaban cuando de repente... el Teniente... lo empujó al suelo... y Kristophzky no tenía intención de tomar una foto en ese momento pero... sus manos estaban en la cámara y... al caer al suelo de forma tan brusca se disparó.
No, I just thought it was a funny story.
No, solo pense que era una historia divertida.
Michael, I thought it was just gonna be you, me, and a box of hot lead. Well, it's even better.
Michael, pensé que ibamos a ser sólo tu, yo y una bolsa de plomo caliente bueno, es mejor.
That's funny, because I was just telling someone... how I thought it was time you and I got to know each other better.
Qué extraño porque le decía a alguien que ya era hora de que nos conociéramos mejor.
It's just, I thought, well, Kermit was gonna be here but, you know, it's no big deal.
Bueno, sólo es que crei que la rana Gustavo iba a estar aquí pero, bueno, tampoco pasa nada.
I just thought it was a White House tan.
Pensaba que era el bronceado clásico de la Casa Blanca
She thought it was just a pickup line for him to get laid.
Pensó que le decía eso para ligar.
I thought that maybe it was that... you just didn't want to date a dirty cop anymore.
Pensé que a lo mejor, no quería salir con una agente corrupta.
It doesn't really make a lot of sense, but we thought it was funny that Wallace tried to rehabilitate the rabbits, and just by having their minds merge together it caused this kind of short circuit of DNA or something technical.
No tiene demasiado sentido, pero nos pareció divertido que Wallace intentara rehabilitar a los conejos y que mezclarles las mentes provocara una especie de corto circuito en el ADN o algo así.
From the beginning of writing it, it was five years of work and I know throughout that amount of time I just thought of nothing else, it seemed, you know.
Fueron cinco años de trabajo desde que comenzamos a escribir, y durante todo ese tiempo es como que no pensé en otra cosa.
I'm fine. Thought it was a heart attack, but I think I'm just exhausted.
Creí que era un ataque cardíaco, pero creo que sólo estoy agotado.
I thought about it later, it was a sad thing, they put him in a mental home... because he just had the jitters.
Lo pensé más tarde, era triste que estuviera en un manicomio sólo por estar nervioso.
So I just thought that maybe it was time to, uh get a few things down on the record.
Por eso pensé, que tal vez era hora de dejar algunas cosas en claro.
I seen this light and I thought I was going the right direction, and it was a star, and I just kept following it.
Vi una luz y pensé que estaba yendo en la dirección correcta. Era una estrella. Pero yo continué siguiéndola.

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