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It was meant to be tradutor Espanhol

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It was meant to be like this
Se suponía que debía ser así.
That's how it was meant to be.
Así tenía que ser.
It was meant to be a surprise.
Tenía que ser una sorpresa.
Pero tú, hijo... tú lo empleaste maravillosamente bien... tal y como debía emplearse.
This is the way it was meant to be.
Así es como debía ser.
Because now there is no more need of pretending... and I can be in the tent with you the way that it was meant to be.
Porque ahora ya no tengo que seguir fingiendo. Y puedo quedarme en la tienda con vos, que es lo más apropiado.
Maybe it was meant to be.
Quizá debía ser así.
Perhaps it was meant to be a thunderbolt and there was no thunder available, say.
Quizá tenía que caerle un rayo encima y ese día no había tormenta.
You get a feeling this is how it was meant to be- - like you are Troiano's fate... like you're God.
Tienes la sensación de que esto es como debía ser... de que eres el destino de Troiano... como si fueras Dios.
It was meant to be a comment on the short, unhappy life of paul carson.
Era sólo un comentario sobre la breve... e infeliz vida de Paul Carson.
Seems like it was meant to be.
¿ Le llevamos?
I know it was meant to be
Fue escrito en el destino
I thought it was the way it was meant to be.
Pensaba que era lo justo.
As it was meant to be.
Tal y como está escrito.
If God and your dad command so... then it was meant to be used to fix up the church.
Si Dios y tu papá así lo han dispuesto... sería para arreglar la iglesia.
# So, dear, can't you see that it was meant to be?
"Querida, ¿ no ves " Que así debe ser?
It was meant to be a sort of welcome. - Well, the door was open.
Pretendía darles la bienvenida.
It was meant to be a human being.
Se suponía que era un humano.
I seen what it was meant to be like.
He visto cómo debería ser la vida.
- It was meant to be.
- Tenía que serlo.
Don't just treasure it. It was meant to be worn.
Tienes que llevarlo puesto.
It was meant to be'us moving here.
Queríamos trasladarnos aquí.
- It was meant to be.
- Debe ser asi.
It was meant to be delivered in June, instead, he only got it now. Konrad, you're a genius.
Tenían que dárselo en Junio, pero se lo han dado ahora.
It was meant to be.
Debía serlo.
It was meant to be a speech
Hubiera debido ser un discurso.
It was meant to be.
Tenía que ocurrir.
That's the way it was meant to be.
Esa es la forma que tiene que ser.
I think it was always meant to be, you and Amy.
Creo que estaba destinado a fueran tú y Amy.
It was just not meant to be.
Estaba escrito que no podía ser.
No, if that was meant to be, it will be.
No, si debe ser así, sera así.
When I said it was to be strictly confiidential... I meant only until the deal was completed.
Cuando dije que debía ser estrictamente confidencial... me refería sólo hasta que se completara el trato.
Thought it was gonna be easy until I saw what he meant to these people.
Creí que sería fácil hasta que vi lo que significa para todos.
It was never meant to be found.
Así, no iba a aparecer nunca.
It was always meant to be this way... and it would have come about anyway, if you'd only waited.
Siempre debió ser así. Habría ocurrido antes si hubieras esperado.
It was a lot of Beavers to be hang And lots of beavers meant lots of money.
Y castores significaban dinero.
It was only meant to be for a few hours.
Sólo iba a hacerlo durante unas pocas horas.
Maybe I was low and I thought it might be kicks, like somebody drinks too much or gambles more than he meant to...
Tal vez yo estaba deprimido y pensé que esto podría relajarme a patadas, como alguien que bebe demasiado o juega de más de lo que quiere hacerlo...
It was meant to be shared with the public.
Tiene que compartirse con el público.
If i was starving to death and you were the last man on earth and it meant my survival, i might be, but i'm not, you're not, and it doesn't, so drift, mcnulty.
Si estuviera hambrienta hasta la muerte, y fueras el último hombre sobre la Tierra y quisiera sobrevivir, podría ser, pero no lo soy, no lo eres, y no lo es, por lo tanto, McNulty.
It was not meant to be crossed by us.
No fue hecho para ser cruzado por nosotros.
I meant to say as I was coming here... I meant to say... To you, mother, and to you, Dunya... that it would be better for us to part for a time.
En realidad yo vine para deciros... quería deciros... a usted, madre y a ti, Dunita... que lo mejor sería que por cierto tiempo nos separemos.
The way I see it, it's about time we got us a sheriff who can treat that jailhouse scum like they was meant to be.
Ya es hora de que tengamos un sheriff que trate a esa escoria como es debido.
What I meant was, whatever it takes to be a cop's wife I'm just not sure I'm making it.
Quiero decir que lo que hace falta para ser la esposa de un poli no sé si lo soporto.
He said he was crazy about me and he would prefer a thousand times to be a cellist if it meant having a woman like me.
- Me dijo que estaba loco por mí y que hubiera preferido mil veces ser un simple violoncelista y tener una mujer como yo.
The mutation rate can be made to go as it was meant to.
La tasa de mutación se puede hacer llegar a lo que se pretendía.
- Yes, it was meant to be.
- Sí, quería que lo fuera.
- It was meant to be a joke!
- Solamente era una broma.
I just turned up and did something and when it was cut I realised what I was meant to be doing but it was too late then.
Yo sólo intentaba hacer algo y cuando juntaban todas las partes... me daba cuenta de lo que supuestamente tendría que haber estado haciendo, pero ya era muy tarde.
~ Our love was meant to be ~ ~ And darling, it's a certainty, oh ~
Nuestro amor estaba escrito y es algo seguro.
Maybe you should give it up. - Maybe it wasn't meant to be. - lt was.
Respaldaré con todas mis fuerzas cualquier acción para salvar la pureza de la raza blanca.

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