It wasn't just me tradutor Espanhol
764 parallel translation
And ifI told you that just getting out on this barge and being on the sea had changed me and made me feel different about things as if all that I've been through wasn't me, didn't count it was just like it never happened you'd laugh, wouldn't you?
Si te dijera que el sólo hecho de hacerme a la mar en esta barcaza me cambió y me hizo ver la vida de otro modo te reirías, ¿ no?
Sólo me faltó la suerte.
Wasn't it just like me to contract a child's disease?
¿ No es típico de mí contraer una enfermedad infantil?
It's just that you caught me off guard, you know, not knowing too muoh about you, because you always make me talk about myself all the time, so that for a minute there, I wasn't very bright on the uptake.
- Me tomaste por sorpresa. No sé mucho de ti porque siempre me haces hablar de mí. Así que no fui muy brillante.
I just wasn't intended to have that kind of happiness, and I haven't missed it, really I haven't.
Yo no nací para tener esa clase de felicidad. No me ha hecho falta. De veras, no.
- Yes. Well, it was just as though they'd thrown me into a snake pit... and I was shocked into thinking that maybe I wasn't as sick as the others... that I really might get well.
Fue como si me hubieran tirado en un nido de víboras y, horrorizada, pensé que tal vez no estaba tan enferma como las otras que quizás sanaría.
Then I.I just can't believe it myself, no matter how well it was documented no matter how much evidence there was, no matter what they said in the court or in the newspapers, it wasn't true to me even while it was happening
Simplemente no puedo creerlo, no importa lo bien documentado que esté. No importan las pruebas, no importa lo que haya dicho en el juicio o en los periódicos ; no era verdad para mí incluso mientras sucedía.
Then it wasn't just Chris and me.
Entonces no solamente éramos chris y yo.
I wasn't sorry. It's just that Santa Claus was such a deliberate old codgie He got on my nerves, that's all.
Al contrario, sólo que Santa Claus es un tipo tan irritante que me sacó de quicio, eso es todo.
Well, the way the propaganda officials wanted me to clown, it just wasn't funny.
La forma como los oficiales querían que lo hiciera no era gracioso. - El público no se reía.
Wasn't it just a false alarm?
- No me lo creo. Será un rumor.
I was saying, Sergeant Imoto, if it wasn't for a certain fatheaded stool pigeon just waiting for me to do it man, I'd be lapping up that steak juice...
Estaba diciendo, Sargento lmoto, que un globo atado a una cuerda significaría más para un ingrato. just waiting for me to do it man, está buenísima esta salsa...
Oh, honey, you're just upset because it wasn't me that broke the news to you.
Oh, carino, estás enfadada porque no he sido yo el que te ha dado la noticia.
I had always played it safe to avoid humiliation... but this decision wasn't just about me.
Yo siempre había actuado sobre seguro para evitar humillaciones... pero esta decisión no era para mí.
Jason, I have never asked you anything about your past life before, because it just wasn't important, but now it is.
Nunca te pregunté sobre tu pasado... porque nunca me pareció importante... pero ahora lo es.
How extraordinary it must be... what you were telling me just now... to lose your memory just like that... completely, wasn't it?
Qué extraordinario debe ser lo que me contaba hace un momento. Perder la memoria así. Completamente, ¿ verdad?
Well, i'm just glad that it wasn't a horror picture, or i just might have the place full of caskets.
Me alegra que no fuera una de esas películas de miedo... o podría tener la casa llena de ataúdes.
It was just madness what he said, wasn't it?
Lo que me dijo fue una locura, ¿ no?
I'm so glad it wasn't just me who didn't.
Me alegro de no ser el único.
It wasn't just me.
No Lo he hecho solo.
And, it wasn't just me...
Y no sólo yo...
Well, Dee, the bank was there and I was there, and there wasn't very much of anybody else there and it just seemed like the thing to do.
Bueno, el banco estaba ahí y yo estaba ahí, y no había nadie más ahí y me pareció lo más natural.
Because it wasn't just me who won that award.
Porque no fui solo yo quien ganó ese premio.
I guess if it wasn't for Sam I'd just about have missed it.
Supongo que de no ser por Sam me lo habría perdido. Sea lo que sea.
I just wanted to say... It was awfully mean of me, wasn't it?
sólo quería decir... que fue muy cruel de mi parte, ¿ verdad?
I don't expect you to let me see your daughter right off, sir, but I just wanted to stop by and let you know... that it wasn't some wild story I made up in Florida.
No espero que me deje ver a su hija de inmediato, señor, pero quería pasar a saludar y hacerle saber... que no era ningún cuento chino que me inventé en Florida.
Third and mainly... it wasn't just me... lying on that bed.
Tercero y lo más importante... no fui solamente yo... el que estaba acostado en esa cama.
It's just, when I realized there wasn't gonna be no meat on the table, I just acted foolish for a minute.
Es tan sólo que cuando me di cuenta que no tendríamos carne en la mesa,... actué como un idiota por un momento.
I just found out it wasn't Hayward.
Me acabo de enterar de que no era Hayward.
Of course, you'll say it wasn't your fault, but I just don't have it in me to work for you anymore
Por supuesto, dirás que no fue culpa tuya, pero no las tengo todas conmigo para seguir trabajando para ti.
When Tanner sent me over here, it wasn't just to watch out for you.
Tanner no me mandó aquí solo para protegerle.
He said it wasn't just to create me.
Dijo que no sólo era para engendrarme.
But, Rabbit, I wasn't going to eat it. I was just going to taste it.
Pero conejo, no me la iba a comer, solo la iba a probar.
Well, besides, I wasn't trying to be funny. It's just that. The magnitude of what the General showed us this afternoon.
Pero me sentí abrumado por la magnitud de lo que nos mostró.
Gives me the creeps, it wasn't just a mirage what atacked Seeker.
Me pone la carne de gallina. No fue sólo un milagro que atacaran a Secker.
And it wasn't just me, right?
No fue sólo yo, ¿ verdad?
Could it seem to me that I just missed colliding while to you it wasn't even close?
¿ Creería yo que evité por poco el choque y Uds. creerían que no estaba ni cerca?
Could it seem to me that I just missed colliding while to you it wasn't even close?
Hasta que la astronomía escapó de la astrología.
He said it wasn't entirely that but Kurt had just begun to grow up.
Él me dijo que no era solo eso sino que Kurt había empezado a madurar.
You know, for me it was more just good. The sex wasn't as good, you know.
La comida ya no es tan buena, y el sexo tampoco
Now, it's just too damn bad that my mind wasn't paralyzed along with my body because my mind, which had been my most precious possession has become my enemy, and it tortures me.
Qué malo que mi mente no se paralizara junto con mi cuerpo porque mi mente, mi más preciada posesión se ha vuelto mi enemiga, y me tortura.
No I wasn't. I just did it so you could catch me.
Patinaba muy bien, me caía para que tú me recogieras.
It wasn't no severely bad accident, just that I got burnt by wires, that's all.
No fue un accidente muy grave, simplemente que me quemaron unos cables, eso es todo
It wasn't just me, anyway.
No fui yo sola, de todos modos.
It just wasn't.
Me equivoqué.
He wasn't a whole lot of help, he said he didn't know where you were either but he knew it wasn't dangerous so I shouldn't worry, I should just... Try to be patient.
No fue de mucha ayuda, dijo que tampoco sabía dónde estabas, pero que no corrías peligro y que no me preocupe, que debería tratar de... que sea paciente.
I just wasn't certain it was boring... until you told me about the IRS.
No estaba segura si era aburrido... hasta que me dijiste de la agencia de impuestos.
I accept, and so it wasn't strange to me it was just... something was supposed to occur.
Para mí... eso suena como un golpe. No pude... digerirlo.
And it was because I was doing something that just wasn't me.
Y fue porque me estaba haciendo algo que sólo no era yo.
- Well, I guess I just made up my mind I wasn't going to let it lick me.
- Pues, creo que me decidí a no dejar que me derrotara.
Wasn't anything else intrigued me much, it's just stories.
No hay nada más interesante, son sólo historias.
it wasn't meant to be 40
it wasn't me 977
it wasn't your fault 315
it wasn't 1008
it wasn't that bad 112
it wasn't my fault 280
it wasn't hard 37
it wasn't a big deal 50
it wasn't fair 35
it wasn't a date 37
it wasn't me 977
it wasn't your fault 315
it wasn't 1008
it wasn't that bad 112
it wasn't my fault 280
it wasn't hard 37
it wasn't a big deal 50
it wasn't fair 35
it wasn't a date 37