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Translate.vc / Inglês → Espanhol / [ I ] / It won't hurt

It won't hurt tradutor Espanhol

871 parallel translation
Before we're too close and before emotions get deep... we should just end it quick. That way, you won't be hurt and it'll be easier to forget me.
Es más fácil romper las relaciones... antes de que los sentimientos se hagan más profundos...
It won't even hurt.
Ni siquiera dolerá.
It won't hurt her much.
No le hará mucho daño.
It won't hurt to wait just a few minutes.
Cada vez que te he necesitado para algo, mi cumpleaños ;
And it won't hurt the free-will offerings either.
Y no afectara los ofrendas de libre voluntad.
It won't hurt you to shrink 30 or 40 pounds.
Más dulce serías con 20 kilos menos.
It won't hurt so much.
No te dolerá mucho.
It won't hurt to put a little more.
Podemos hacer que le pongan un poco más.
Supposing it does rain? Rain won't hurt you.
La lluvia no hace daño.
It won't hurt.
No sufrirás.
Now, this won't take a minute, and really, it won't hurt at all.
Sólo será un momento. Y no te haré daño.
It won't hurt.
No sentirás dolor.
Here, fella, it won't hurt you.
Toma, amigo, no te vendrá mal.
No lo estropeará.
- Well, it won't hurt my feelings.
- Pues, a mí no me va a doler.
It won't hurt you, Albert. It's from my own vineyard
Adelante, bébetelo, Albert.
If he okays it, all the cracking down McLaren can do won't hurt us.
Si él la aprueba, todas las medidas de McLaren no nos harán daño.
I won't deny that it hurt me.
No niego que me dolió.
We kept away from each other so's not to hurt you but it's no good. It won't work.
Nos mantuvimos alejados para no herirle, pero no funcionó.
It, uh, it won't hurt her if I visit a while?
Espero que no le perjudique una visita corta.
- If it's one of your trains, it won't hurt. - Listen!
Si es uno de sus trenes, no le pasará nada.
Hold the gun here. It won't hurt, you'll see. Splendid.
Te apoyas el revolver aquí, no te dolerá, ya verás.
- Won't hurt to take a stab at it.
- No estaría mal intentarlo.
- Promise me it won't hurt? - I promise.
- ¿ Prometes que no me dolerá?
Well, I guess it won't hurt nothing.
Vale, supongo que no pasará nada.
What I say won't change anything and it might hurt us.
Dijese lo que dijese, no cambiaría nada y podríamos herirnos.
It won't hurt you, and we can make the city edition.
Así saldría en la primera edición.
Hey, it won't hurt you to get a little sleep too, partner.
Harás bien en dormir un poco también, socio.
It won't hurt him to be a little jealous.
No le hará mal sentir un poco de celos.
It won't hurt to get her out of the rain.
Le evitaremos mojarse.
I really don't want no lemons, but I guess it won't hurt if I take a look.
No me interesan, pero les echaré una ojeada.
It won't hurt as much as being alive.
No dolerá tanto como estar vivo.
No te hará daño estar guapo.
Then you'll have to move somebody it won't hurt to climb stairs.
Entonces tendrá que cambiar con alguien al que no le afecte subir las escaleras.
It won't hurt you.
No le hará daño.
But it won't hurt to look, will it?
Por mirar no pasa nada, ¿ no?
Please, darling. It won't hurt to look at her.
Por favor, no pasa nada por ir a verla.
Open it. It won't hurt your eyes.
Vamos, no te hará daño a los ojos.
Oh, no te haré daño.
It won't hurt you.
- Vamos, no hace mal.
Oh, well, it won't hurt us for once.
- No nos hará daño por una vez.
It won't hurt you.
No te haría daño.
You won't find it the best in the West. But it won't hurt you to rough it for a couple of days till they come up from Los Angeles for you.
No es la mejor de la zona, pero estarás bien allí un par de días hasta que se te lleven a Los Ángeles.
It won't do you any good to hurt her, so use your head.
No le servirá de nada lastimarla. Use la cabeza.
It won't hurt you.
No te hará daño.
- It won't hurt.
- Eso no mata a nadie.
If you're nice and hand it over without trouble... we won't hurt you. Will we, Snickers?
Si nos lo das sin causar problemas, no te haremos daño. ¿ Verdad, Snickers?
It won't hurt.
No dolerá.
It won't hurt him to ride out there with us.
No le vendrá mal volver a la casa.
Just think, Lizzie, it won't hurt any more.
Sólo piensa, Lizzie, que nunca más habrá dolor.
- Won't it hurt your business?
- ¿ No perjudicará nuestro negocio?

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