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Translate.vc / Inglês → Espanhol / [ I ] / It won't matter

It won't matter tradutor Espanhol

715 parallel translation
If anyone talks foul about him again, I won't leave that person alone, no matter who. Got it?
No perdonaré a nadie que lo insulte.
If you hang around here much more, we're all gonna get blown up and it won't matter if she marries you or not.
Si te quedas mucho más aquí, nos volarán a todos en pedazos y no importará si ella se casa contigo o no.
It's time you learned Joan won't talk to you no matter what name you give.
Es hora de que entiendas que Joan no te hablará, no importa qué nombre des.
If you are Christians, it won't matter much to you, of course.
Si son cristianos, no les importará mucho, claro.
But it won't be much fun for me what with the kid, it's a matter of honour
No creas que me hace gracia, sobre todo por la niña. Pero debo hacerlo, es cuestión de honor.
You won't understand ; it's a matter of civic importance
No puedes entenderlo. Se trata de intereses superiores.
So you're telling me that you won't give it to me no matter what?
¿ Sea lo que sea no me lo va a dar?
You sat down all the time you were King, so I suppose it won't matter now.
Si te sentabas siempre cuando eras Rey, supongo que ahora no tendrá importancia.
Places YOU go, it won't matter.
Desde ahora, usa las tuyas o ve sin medias.
What's the matter with this thing? It won't work.
¿ Qué le pasa a esta cosa?
Once that's accomplished, it won't matter if her marriage to this cowboy does come out.
Una vez que logremos eso... no importará que se sepa de su casamiento con el vaquero.
It can't be this way, I won't do it to any woman, no matter who she is or what she is.
No, es un imposible. No se lo haré a ninguna mujer, sea quien sea.
It won't matter.
¿ De qué serviría?
No matter what happens after we get back it won't matter so much.
Pase lo que pase después, ya no me importa.
No matter what I find out, it won't make any difference.
No me importa lo que descubra. ¿ Cuál es la diferencia?
And it won't, no matter what happens as long as the people at the fair believe in freedom and union.
Y no lo hará, no importa lo que pase, siempre y cuando la gente viva en unidad y en libertad.
If we're caught, it won't matter whether there are three or five or 10 of us.
Si nos cogen, no importará que seamos, tres, cinco o diez.
I won't stand for it, no matter who you are.
No Io toIeraré, no importa quién sea.
What's the matter with the automatic? Won't it run?
NO FUNCIONA - ¿ No funciona el automático?
It won't matter, Dan.
No importa, Dan.
- Then you'll both starve. - It doesn't matter We'll get through it, won't we, Hans.
Ay, Papá, vamos a ser escritores.
- It won't matter?
¿ Que no importa?
You won't let on to him about what we've been saying, no matter how he tries to pry it out of you?
Nunca le dirás lo que te he dicho, ¿ verdad? Tú sabes que no lo haré.
But I won't say goodbye to myself, just because I love someone who demands it as a matter of course.
Pero no puedo separarme de mí misma, sólo porque amo a alguien que así lo exige como lo más natural.
As a matter of fact, I won't be able to accept it. Why not?
Por otra parte, no puedo aceptarlo.
As a matter of fact, I am. Well, it won't do you any good.
- Pues no te servirá de nada.
As long as no one's hurt it won't matter.
Siempre que no haya una víctima, todo va bien.
Doesn't matter. It won't make any difference.
No importa, no hay nada que hacer.
Oh, I beg of you, sir, it won't be a matter of any great inconvenience.
Os lo ruego caballero, ello no ha de causaros una grave molestia
It won't matter if you turn me in.
No importa si me delatas.
It won't matter at all... because when I'm through with him I'll have a second one to my credit...
No importa para nada... porque cuando acabe con él, tendré otro en mi cuenta,
Doesn't matter if it's a boy or a girl, just so long as you won't be forgotten.
No importa si es niño o niña... mientras sepas que no serás olvidado.
It won't matter if you zigzag.
No importa si corres en zigzag.
If it doesn't, it won't matter.
Sino, es igual.
Just so long as we don't look, it won't matter, huh?
Mientras no miremos, no pasa nada, ¿ verdad?
It won't matter.
Eso no importa.
My husband always said if it was a worthwhile fight, didn't matter who won.
Mi marido siempre decía : " Si la lucha merece la pena, no importa quién gane.
What's the matter, you scared you won't get it back?
¿ Tienes miedo de que no te los devuelvas?
It doesn't matter what I say, you won't understand.
Dile al abogado... ¿ Para qué? No comprende nada.
Ah, Well, it won't much matter.
Ah, bueno, no tendrá importancia.
Well, I'm not, but by the time they find that out, I'll have the security I want, then it won't matter.
Bueno, no lo soy, pero para cuando lo averigüen, ya tendré lo que quiero. Entonces ya no importará.
No matter how hard I press it, it won't press back.
No importa cuánto la sujete, no se sostendrá.
That won't matter, it's already done.
No contéis con eso, porque ya no hace falta.
Anyway, should you not, it won't matter.
Si no puede volver, no importa.
The only trouble is by the time she does, if she ever does, we'll both be so old it won't matter.
EI problema es que tarda tanto que en cuanto suceda,... nosotros ya seremos viejos.
No matter how I wash it, why won't this blood wash away?
No importa cuanto la lave. ¿ Por qué no se quita?
If anything happens, it won't matter since it's your men who are on guard duty tonight.
Si algo sucede, no importa, ya que son tus hombres quienes están de guardia esta noche.
You won't understand what I'm saying, but it doesn't really matter any more.
Ud. no entenderá lo que voy a decir,... pero ya no tiene importancia.
You'll go, won't you? No matter how long it takes.
Hazlo, poco importa lo que tarde.
Ah, we won't be living in this joint long enough for it to matter.
Ah, no viviremos con esta unión.... mucho tiempo suficientemente Para que eso importe.
And even if something does happen, it won't matter to me.
Y además, si pasara no me importaría.

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