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Translate.vc / Inglês → Espanhol / [ I ] / Ivamos

Ivamos tradutor Espanhol

308 parallel translation
My Lady... Come!
Señorita... ivamos!
I never sing.
iVamos, por favor!
It'll relax you. Come on.
iVamos, ven a la cama!
Come on, Buttons.
iVamos, Buttons!
We'd have been right if you'd kept your head. Come on.
Si no hubieses perdido la calma, no pasaría nada. ivamos!
You'll find the left hand most confusing. Come on.
Veréis como mí izquierda es desconcertante ivamos!
Why, Sadie!
iVamos, Sadie!
Something went wrong.
iAlgo ha fallado! iVamos!
Come on, snap out of it.
iVamos, despierta!
Come on.
- Yes, sir.
iVamos! - Sí, señor.
We can't have that. Come on, Lazy Bones!
No les dejaremos. ivamos, vagos!
- Come on, let's go.
- iSi! - ivamos!
Now you just mind what your mother tells you.
iHaced Io que vuestra madre diga! - ivamos!
Let's go.
Let's go!
Come on, Jack!
- ivamos, Jack!
Come on, Burton!
iVamos, Burton!
come on, Burton!
iVamos, Burton!
Mariquita, the last one will go and see if they live or die, to run away!
Mariquita la de atrás, que vaya a ver, Si vive o muere, para echarnos a correr, iEstá Caliente! iVamos, das la vuelta!
- Let's see the surprise you have for us.
- ivamos a ver qué sorpresa nos tienes!
Come on, run!
IVamos, vamos!
Come on, pay up, Þay Up, Sucker!
¡ IVamos, paga, paga, tonto! ¡ ;
Come on!
Go on.
Come on, this is really stupid.
iVamos, que estupidez!
Well, go ahead, open it.
iVamos, ábrelo!
- Come on, Tommy.
iVamos, Tommy!
Let's go!
¡ IVamos!
Come on, you lazy bastard.
¡ Ivamos, vago bastardo!
Hey, Dutch, I'm cutting in. Come on, lady.
Tomo tu lugar. ¡ Ivamos, señora!
Come on, Freddy, we've got a long way.
¡ IVamos! ¡ ; Es un largo camino!
Let's go.
¡ IVamos!
Goddamn son of a... Come on!
Maldito hijo de... ivamos!
- off we go!
iVamos, pues!
Come to bed.
Stick around, I'll open up a bottle of glue.
Tenemos que cogerla. ivamos!
- Let's string him up!
- ivamos a colgarlo!
Come on, leave it!
Come on, get in at once!
iVamos, entra ya!
Voy a ver si... ivamos! Adiós, ojos preciosos.
- Help, I've been beaten up.
- First prize to the winner, if he can catch her.
iListos! iVamos! iVamos, muchachos!
Come on, follow the car!
iVamos, persígalo!
- All right.
les bastante guapo! iVamos, mamá!
Get back.
Come on!
¡ IVamos!
Come on, Pike!
¡ IVamos!

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