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Translate.vc / Inglês → Espanhol / [ J ] / Jack's

Jack's tradutor Espanhol

10,459 parallel translation
Yeah, and that's a gala for Jack.
Si, y esa es un fieston para Jack.
I just want to thank everyone for coming out and helping us celebrate Jack and Lisa's marriage...
Quiero agradecerles a todos por venir y ayudarnos a celebrar el matrimonio de Jack y Lisa...
But now, it's called the Jack and Lisa star, so that, whenever Jack and Lisa are apart, they can both look up at the same star and know that they'll always be together.
Pero ahora se llamara la estrella de Jack y Lisa, asi que cuando Jack t Lisa se separen, ambos pueden ver a la estrella y saber que estan juntos.
It was a rough ride while I was married to Jack's daughter and it was a rougher ride while I was getting divorced from Jack's daughter, so I would have to say that, Jack, you've seen your share of rough rides and heartbreak.
Fue dificil estar casado con la hija de jack y aun mas dificil divorciarme de ella asi que debo decir Jack, Tu has tenido tu parte de altibajos tambien.
It's what we all want for Jack.
es lo que todos hemos querido para ti.
So that's why we're here, to help Lou, and Amy, and Georgie, and Katie celebrate... Celebrate this marriage between Jack and Lisa, and most importantly, to welcome Lisa to the family and into our hearts.
Asi que por eso estamos aqui, para ayudar a Lou, y Amy, y Georgie, y Katie celebrar... este matrimonio entre Jack y Lisa, y lo mas importante, darle la bienvenida a Lisa a nuestro hogar y nuestros corazones.
Well, Jack, it's a timed event, you know?
Bueno, Jack, es un evento cronometrado sabes?
He's right, Jack.
El tiene razon, Jack.
It's part of our culture, Jack.
Es parte de nuestra cultura, Jack.
It's daytime, Jack.
Estamos en horario infantil, Jack.
Let's see if he was in the vicinity of Andrea's house violating that restraining order, and, Jack, it's a Pat Benatar day.
Veamos si estuvo en las inmediaciones... de la casa de Andrea violando la orden de alejamiento... y, Jack, es el día de Pat Benatar.
There's nothing more to talk to you about, Jack.
No tengo nada más que hablar contigo, Jack.
That's not gonna happen, Jack.
Eso no va a pasar, Jack.
We just wanted To get in the van And see the u.S. Like jack kerouac did.
Solo queríamos recorrer los Estados Unidos en una camioneta, como lo hizo Jack Kerouac.
It's a Jack-and-Jill bathroom.
Es un baño compartido.
Jack Westbrook's life reads like a practice guide to being perfect.
La vida de Jack Westbrook parece una guía para ser perfecto.
I came up with zilch until I went back two years ago, and I found an LLC in Jack's name.
No encontré nada hasta que volví a hace dos años y encontré una sociedad limitada a nombre de Jack.
I helped some girl I barely knew Jack her father's private jet to go to a party.
Ayudé a una chica que apenas conocía para ir a una fiesta en el jet privado de su padre Jack.
Released in 1984, it was originally panned by critics as a pale knockoff of John Carpenter's Halloween.
Jack Knife. Se estrenó en 1984, fue originalmente machacada por la crítica como una copia barata de Halloween de John Carpenter.
Is that four-five off suit and the flop's a Jack-queen.
Ese 4-5 de otro palo, y el flop que es J-Reina.
So I stopped at calamari Jack's and went berserk on a Fisherman's dream bucket, but I lost my wallet.
Así que se detuvo en calamares Jack y se volvió loco el sueño de cubo de un pescador, pero perdí mi billetera.
Let's hope she did, Jack, because I'm still recovering from the first degree I got from your dear old dad-in-law.
Esperemos que lo hiciera, Jack, porque aún me estoy recuperando del primer grado que tuve de tu querido suegro.
Jack : It's Vince Walsh.
Es Vince Walsh.
Quesada : I don't think there's enough that can be said about Jack Kirby and Steve Ditko.
No creo que alcancen las palabras para Jack Kirby y Steve Ditko.
If there's a Mount Rushmore of comic-book artists, Steve Ditko and Jack Kirby are definitely carved on it.
Si hay un Monte Rushmore de artistas de historietas, definitivamente Steve Ditko y Jack Kirby están tallados en él.
Well, for starters, she's a total slob, but I did find something useful while you were engaged in your tête-à-Jack.
Para empezar, ella es una vaga total, pero, encontré algo útil mientras estabas en tu cara a cara con Jake.
Jack's said some nice things about you.
Jack ha dicho algunas cosas bonitas sobre ti.
Jack, you distract Kate so I can return her phone without her realizing it's missing.
Jack, distrae a Kate para que le pueda devolver su teléfono sin que se dé cuenta de que no está.
It's not anonymous anymore, Jack.
Ya no es anónima, Jack.
Jack's relationship with Bruce and John created something that defined the entire city.
La relación de Jack con Bruce y John creó algo que definió a toda la ciudad.
Guess who's taking Jack's place - on the program tonight? - Who?
" ¿ Adivinan quién va a ocupar el lugar de Jack esta noche?
He's this go-to jack-of-all-trades for organized crime families and drug cartels and other horrible people that can afford him.
Es un hombre orquesta para las familias del crimen organizado, carteles de la droga y toda clase de gente horrible que pueda pagarle.
You tell us if he's reformed, Jack.
Tú nos dirás si está reformado.
It's called delegating, Jack.
Se llama delegar, Jack.
I just had a really hard day, Jack, that's all.
He tenido un día muy duro, Jack, eso es todo.
Jack, he's talking to you.
Jack, te está hablando a ti. Sí.
Who's Jack?
¿ Quién es Jack?
It's about Jack.
Se trata de Jack.
- It's for Jack.
- Es para Jack.
It's for Jack.
Es para Jack.
So look, Jack, it's always great to see you.
Así que mira, Jack, siempre es bueno verte.
Car jack's a brute tool.
El conector del auto es una herramienta bruta.
What's the use if this kid's underwater by the time they bring back this jack?
¿ De qué sirve si este chico queda bajo el agua para cuando traigan este conector?
We need to keep Owen alive until the jack gets here, but that's not gonna be until he's underwater.
Necesitamos mantener a Owen vivo hasta que llegue el conector, pero eso no sucederá hasta el él esté bajo el agua.
It's a Jack.
Es Jack.
His name's Jack. How cool does that sound?
Se llama Jack.
Jack, I think it's enough.
Jack, creo que es suficiente.
Jack is a giant's slayer.
Jack es un gran asesino.
The key is not with me, it's with Jack.
No tengo la llave, la tiene Jack.
Don't you see it's Jack?
¿ Ese no es Jack?
It's Jack.
Es Jack.

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