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Translate.vc / Inglês → Espanhol / [ J ] / Jaffar

Jaffar tradutor Espanhol

98 parallel translation
And in my whole vast kingdom, I could find nothing to do - no task, no aim, no purpose - for always my grand vizierJaffar stood between me and my people.
Y en mi vasto reino, no hallaba nada que hacer : ni tarea ni objetivo. Mi gran visir, Jaffar, se interponía entre mi pueblo y yo.
- Tonight, Jaffar.
- Esta noche.
And as for the madman, our great sultan Jaffar is merciful. Only his head.
Y al loco, el gran Jaffar se apiada de él, cortadle sólo la cabeza.
There's a new king, Jaffar.
El nuevo rey es Jaffar.
Jaffar would not make all that fuss over me. He would not send the whole guard after me.
Jaffar no se esforzaría tanto por mí, no movilizaría a tantos guardias.
¡ Jaffar!
- Jaffar!
¡ Jaffar!
- Yes.Jaffar. It's always Jaffar.
Sí, Jaffar, siempre Jaffar.
Always Jaffar.
Siempre Jaffar.
- Jaffar- on the ship.
- Con Jaffar, en el barco.
[Jaffar] Wind!
¡ Viento!
Father, I don't want to go to Bagdad with Jaffar.
Papá, no quiero ir a Bagdad con Jaffar.
[Ahmad] Jaffar!
¡ Jaffar!
El-Hadi Jaffar.
El-hadi Jaffar.
Jaffar says you must stop.
Jaffar ha dicho que te pares.
Jaffar says you weren't in favor of the strike.
Jaffar dice que no estabas a favor de la huelga.
Go tell Jaffar to surrender or we'll blow up the house and everyone in it.
Dile a Jaffar que se rinda o sinó volaremos la casa con todos dentro.
Hello, Jaffar?
Aló, Jaffar.
Calling Jaffar Claude here.
Llamando a Jaffar, aquí Claude.
Come in!
¡ Vamos Jaffar!
- Who are you talking to? - Jaffar?
- ¿ Con quién hablas?
This is Claude.
- Jaffar, soy Claude.
Jaffar, this is Claude
Jaffar, aquí Claude.
Jaffar, the hornets attacked us by surprise!
Jaffar, los Frelons nos atacaron por sorpresa, fue horrible.
Goodbye, Jaffar and thank you Claude
Adiós Jaffar,... y gracias,... Claude.
Jaffar, the hornets attacked us by surprise!
Jaffar, ¡ ellos nos atacaron por sorpresa!
Goodbye Jaffar...
¡ Rezo por ti!
and thank you Piel!
Adiós Jaffar, y gracias, Claude.
Look, Jaffar, he can't understand
Escucha, Jaffar, creo que no te puede entender.
So what were you saying about your friend Claude?
¿ Qué decías Jaffar de tu amigo Claude?
- Jaffar, your friend is crazy!
Te lo digo Jaffar, tu amigo está predestinado.
You see, Jaffar when I said a little while ago that I wanted to be useful I truly meant it
Veras Jaffar cuando te dije hace un rato que quería ser útil,... era sincero.
Jaffar, please come here immediately
Jaffar, debes venir inmediatamente.
Tell Jaffar I tried to kill the child, and he'll throw me out into space
Si le dices a Jaffar que intenté matar al chico,... me lanzarán al espacio.
We have to do something First of all, let's not lose Jaffar
Primero, no tenemos que perder de vista a Jaffar.
I'm terrified
Somos los únicos que podemos sacar a Jaffar de este lío.
We're the ones who got Jaffar into this mess
Ahora, tenemos que rescatarle.
My dear lady, there's nothing we can do but wait and hope Jaffar will make it back before the passage of the Blue Comet which means he only has five hours
No mi bella dama, creo que no podemos hacer nada. Hay que esperar que Jaffar pueda regresar a bordo,... antes de que pase el Cometa Azul dentro de cinco horas.
We can always return later to save Jaffar
Siempre podemos volver para salvar a Jaffar.
You know what will happen to Jaffar in just a few hours, if we leave him here
Sabes muy bien lo que le sucederá a Jaffar en un par de horas si le abandonamos aquí.
Not against that, Jaffar.
No contra él, Jaffar.
- It doesn't have a name
- No tiene nombre, Jaffar.
Pull, Jaffar!
¡ Tira Jaffar!
- Goodbye, Jaffar
Adiós, Jaffar.
Jaffar, do you think I'm a coward and a cry-baby and all those things Jad called me?
Jaffar, ¿ piensas que soy una cobarde llorica? ¿ Y todas esas cosas que me llamó Jad?
Now goodbye Thank you, Jaffar
Gracias, Jaffar.
- My daughter? [Jaffar] Mm-hmm.
¿ Mi hija?
Jaffar, I've crashed
Jaffar, me he estrellado.
Jaffar, I've crashed
Jaffar, he chocado.
Jaffar, you rascal!
Jaffar, ¡ eres un canalla!

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