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Jalal tradutor Espanhol

36 parallel translation
My brother... he wants to see Uncle Jalal.
Mi hermano... él quiere a ver al tío Jalal.
Meet Capt. Jalal Akbar He's from the IMA too Which course, sir?
Capitan Jalal Akbar viene de IMA tambien que curso, Sr?
¡ Jalal!
Like Colonel Osmani and also Shah Jalal, both from Sylhet.
Como el Coronel Osmani y Shah Jalal. Ambos de Sulhet.
Jalal, the Mughal army awaits your signal.
el ejército Mughal espera tu señal.
Jalal, there was almost a riot on my way to Ajmer when some Hindu Rajputs stopped Muslim pilgrims from coming to this shrine.
hubo al menos una revuelta en mi camino a Ajmer cuando unos indios Rajputs... impidieron que algunos musulmanes en peregrinación llegaran a este santuario.
Jalal regards her above all the others.
Jalal la aprecia por encima de todas las demás.
She nurtured Jalal during my 15-year absence.
Crió a Jalal durante los 15 años que yo estuve ausente.
Never forget your marriage to Jalal is just an alliance.
Nunca olvides... que tu matrimonio con Jalal es solo una alianza.
And since Jalal won't even touch you, an heir?
Y si Jalal ni siquiera te ha tocado... ¿ un heredero?
If anyone tries to come between Jalal and me, I will destroy them.
le destruiré.
No, Jalal!
No matter how much light, a mirror reflects, it has a dark side.
Jalal, countless thanks to Allah for giving you a new life.
doy gracias a Alá por darte una nueva vida.
Jalal knows you were behind the assassination attempt.
Jalal sabe que estabas tras el intento de asesinato.
Prince Jalal Najib.
Príncipe Jalal Najib.
So Jalal is the culprit!
Así Jalal es el culpable!
Nasser, Khadija, Jalal...
Nasser, Khadija, Jalal...
- I'll stay with Khadija, Nasser, and Jalal
- Me quedaré con Khadija, Nasser, y Jalal
I should've sent Jalal to London to study Engineering
Debería haber enviado a Jalal Londres para estudiar Ingeniería
Ladies and gentlemen, Tahet's CEO, Jalal El-Amin, has been unavoidably detained so may I suggest you hold all further questions until this afternoon?
Damas y caballeros, al director general de Tahet, Jalal El-Amin, le ha sido imposible venir, así que, ¿ puedo sugerirles que guarden todas sus preguntas hasta esta tarde?
However, Jalal El-Amin, her partner in this cable venture, is amongst the survivors.
Sin embargo, Jalal El-Amin, su socio en esta empresa del cable, está entre los supervivientes.
Jalal El-Amin. To what do I owe this honour?
Jalal El-Amin. ¿ A qué debo este honor?
No, Jalal El-Amin, I'm not.
No, Jalal El-Amin, no lo haré.
After an extensive process, I am delighted to announce that Jalal El-Amin and Tahet Technology has won the contract to share in the next stage of this exciting journey.
Después de un largo proceso, me complace anunciar que Jalal El-Amin y Tahet Technology han ganado el contrato para compartir la siguiente etapa de este emocionante viaje.
I am delighted to announce that El Jalal-Amin and Tahet Technology have won the contract and share in the next stage of this exciting journey.
Jalal El-Amin y Tahet Technology han ganado el contrato para compartir la siguiente etapa de este emocionante viaje.
The Shahi Imam of Jama Masjid Delhi, Sayyed Ahmed Bukhari has mentioned in his appeal that Sayyed Ahmed Jalal, requests the people and the President of Pakistan that they view Sarbjit's case through humanitarian view.
El Shahi Imam de Jama Masjid ( Mezquita ) en Delhi.. .. dijo en su apelación que.. .. le pido a la gente y al Presidente de Pakistán..
Are you ill, Jalal?
¿ Estás enfermo, Jalal?
That is why I forgive you, Jalal!
You are no longer a child, Jalal.
Bring her back, Jalal!
Call me Jalal.
¿ Jala?

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