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Translate.vc / Inglês → Espanhol / [ J ] / Jeannot

Jeannot tradutor Espanhol

179 parallel translation
Where's that new suit I got atJeannot's?
¿ Y el traje que compré en Jeannot?
Come on down and meet Jeannot.
Vajemos a enocntrarnos con Jeannot.
- Who's Jeannot?
- ¿ Quién es Jeannot?
Can he stay with Jeannot, do you think?
¿ Puede quedarse con Jeannot, no crees?
He can, and Jeannot can get him forged student papers.
Sí, y Jeannot puede conseguirle unos documentos falsificados.
His name will be Jeannot.
Su nombre será Jeannot.
He occupies a room directly under that occupied by Jeannot Thil who is engaged to be married to Juliette Pinot who is engaged as a mannequin at the shop of Madame Montanot where you were recently employed.
Él ocupa una habitación justo debajo de la ocupada por Jeannot Thil quien se va a casarse con Juliette Pinot que trabaja de maniquí en la tienda de la Sra. Montanot en la que estaba usted recientemente empleada.
You see everyone, Jeannot, Fargier, all our friends....
Tienes que ver a todos, Jeannot, Fargier, todos los amigos...
When Jeannot comes, tell him to meet me at Fargier's.
Cuando venga Jeannot, dile que me busque en casa de Fargier.
Jean Martin, aka Little Jeannot, still active, was an unlucky guy.
Jean Martin, llamado pequeño Jeannot, aún en activo, era un hombre sin suerte.
Jeannot, I don't get it :
Jeannot, no lo cojo :
- Bye, Jeannot.
- Adiós, Jeannot.
Jeannot can't do it... As for Riton... He'd drive down there if I did.
En cuanto a Riton... él irá si yo voy.
But we were, you and I. And Jeannot.
Pero sí contigo. Y con Jeannot.
Thanks, Jeannot.
Gracias, Jeannot.
I'll leave you, Jeannot.
Nos separamos, Jeannot.
Get the hell out of here, Jeannot.
Lárgate, Jeannot.
Or about Jeannot from Bicêtre.
O Jeannot, el de Bicêtre.
We can deal with him later. I need you here, Jeannot
Podemos tratar con él más tarde.
Jeannot's still in a coma
Jeannot continua en coma.
He and Jeannot are both dead.
Él y Jeannot están muertos.
Jeannot's dead?
¿ Jeannot esta muerto?
He'll do fine, better than Jeannot
Todo irá bien, o mejor.
Jeannot, keep your guard up.
Mantén la guardia alta, Jeannot.
Your left, Jeannot!
¡ Tu izquierda, Jeannot!
He almost knocked Jeannot down.
Casí noqueó a Jeannot.
"Shaven Jeannot".
"Jeannot el afeitado".
I will ask Jeannot if he has not forgotten them.
Voy a preguntar a Jeannot si las olvidó.
Come, Jeannot, don't fret.
Vamos, Jeannot, no te preocupes.
Come here, Jeannot.
¡ Vamos Jeannot!
- Evening, Jeannot
- Buenas tardes, Jeannot
- Thanks, Jeannot
- Gracias, Jeannot
The policeman who questioned Jeannot
El policía interroga a Jeannot
Jeannot, the friend I told you about for the next job.
Jeannot, el amigo del que te hablé para nuestro próximo tema.
Jeannot is working on it.
Lo está estudiando Jeannot.
It's Jeannot.
Soy Jeannot.
- Know Renacci? - Jeannot?
¿ Conocías a Renacci?
A letter from Jeannot... telling all about Rossi, Couderc.
En una carta, Jeannot, denuncia a todo el mundo.
Lights out, Mr. jeannot.
Es la hora de apagar las luces, Sr. Jeannot.
Don't move, old boy.
¡ No tires ahora! ¡ Jeannot!
Wanke Stanke, tumbler dolls.
Wanke Stanke. "Jeannot, levántate"
And now, Jeannot.
Y ahora, Jeannot.
A classy café like this can't have Turkish-styIe johns!
Jeannot, un café tan importante no puede tener esas letrinas.
Oh, Jeannot!
¡ Jeannot!
Please, Jean, calm down. Do it for me.
Jeannot, tranquilízate, hazlo por mí.
- Morning, Jeannot.
- Buenos días, Jannot.
madam, your son, Jeannot, makes me puzzled yesterday, in the washroom, I told him to take off his pants himself he did it, and said "yes"
" Señora, su hijo Jeannot me representa un problema. Ayer, en el baño, le pedí que desabroche solo su pantalón.
you are old enough to stand to pee, aren't you? Jeannot, answer me!
Ya eres grande para hacer pipí parado, ¿ no?
only boy stand to pee aren't you a boy?
¿ Jeannot, me respondes? Los niños hacen pipí parado. Las nenas, no.
Jeannot's calling for you
Claro, pero al delirar no para de llamarle.

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