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Translate.vc / Inglês → Espanhol / [ J ] / Jenna's

Jenna's tradutor Espanhol

1,111 parallel translation
JENNA M. : There's a lot of other factors that come into my game that may not come into anybody else's game.
Hay varios factores que influyen en mi juego que no influyen en el juego de los demás.
JENNA L : It's not your fault, Rupert.
- No es tu culpa, Rupert.
I just want to let you guys know that there's a lot of things I thought I would be able to overcome here- - just missing family, missing home. JENNA M. : But my mom is really ill, and I think it's...
Oigan, quiero decirles que hay muchas cosas que creí que podría... resistir aquí, extrañar a mi familia, extrañar a mi casa, pero... mi mamá está enferma, y creo que debo estar con mi familia.
That's not fun. JENNA :
no es divertido.
You're not my mom, so it's all good. JENNA :
tu no eres mi mama, asi que todo bien.
Jenna's trying to put her arm around me.
Jenna estaba intentando de poner sus brazos al rededor de mi.
Jenna's out of the game.
Jenna esta fuera del juego.
JENNA : I see Shii Ann's arm moving a bit, so you guys are good.
Veo el brazo de Shii Ann moviendose un poco, asi que están bien muchachos.
So, Jenna, I take it from that comment there's just no secrets in this tribe right now.
Asi que, Jenna, voy a tomar ese comentario que ya no hay secretos en esta tribu ahora mismo. No. No, no los hay.
It's numb. But I need this immunity, like I said, Jeff- - desperately. ( Jenna mouthing words )
Pero necesito esta inmunidad, como dije, Jeff- - desperadamente.
JENNA : It's all right.
Está todo bien.
JENNA : He's annoying the crap out of us.
esta ladiyandonos a todos nosotros.
Jenna's across.
Jenna cruzo.
It's going to be Jenna or Big Tom to join'em.
va a ser Jenna o Big Tom quien los acompañe.
JENNA : Where's Rup?
donde está Rup?
I think Jenna's brain is better than Rupert's.
creo que el cerebro de Jenna es mejor que el de Rupert.
JENNA : There's so much paranoia, but at the same time, I've trusted in this alliance with Boston Rob and Amber and it's worked out exactly how we planned from day 12.
hay mucha paranoia, pero al mismo tiempo, he confiado en esta alianza con Boston Rob y Amber y ha funcionado exactamente como la planeamos desde el día 12.
Jenna, she's an all right girl, but she's a motor mouth.
Jenna, es una chama chevere pero tiene una locomotora en su boca.
AMBER : Let's do it, it's Jenna...
vamos a hacerlo que sea Jenna...
JEFF : Jenna, if it's you, is this okay at 36 days?
Jenna, si eres tu, esta bien durar 36 días?
ROB : It captured the moment. That's a good one.
si hago que Tom acepte con Jenna y yo, los tres pondríamos a Rob y a Amber fuera de este juego.
I'm not worrying about anything that's going on tonight.
porque pensarías que me iría con Rupert y Jenna?
It's the first time they've had a chance to say anything to you since being voted out.
Jenna haciendose camino a traves del arrastadero. Amber y Rob ambos agarrando su sengundo escalon.
"It's just a game."
Rob pasa a Amber en las cuerdas. Jenna esta de regreso con su segundo, Rupert esta de regreso con su segundo.
is a big lie. It's not just a game.
Jenna desatando su tercer escalon.
For all of us out here, for all of you, it's life.
tiene que regresar al centro. Boston Rob regresa con su tercer escalon. Jenna con su tercer escalon.
That's an emotional one to follow.
La Jenna que comenzo en el principio de este juego diría...
I asked her once for her friendship, and she's never wavered the entire time we've been out here.
Asi que Rupert, lo que definirá tu suerte esta noche por lo que estoy entendiendo, es si Jenna va o no va a anotar tu nombre o el de Boston Rob, su unica otra opcion.
The big twist that we've been promoting that's going to be revealed tonight- - that is not it.
si voy con Jenna, quizas haya mas personas arrechas con Jenna. pero luego quedaré como un completo idiota porque les regalaría alsolutamente a cualquiera el juego.
It's a game. JEFF : There were a lot of arguments.
Rupert y Jenna- - expulsada en el ultimo consejo tribal.
Nobody has ever made me feel as secure as he makes me feel, and I just... it's-it's an amazing feeling.
Gracias muchachos. Jenna.
JENNA M. : There's always good news.
Asi que supongo que voy a decirte a ti
By the way, these guys are all getting excited, and Jenna's talking like normal.
Rob... te quería como un hermano.
And I hate to say it, but... it's going to feel good JENNA L. :
¿ Hace falta decirlo? , yo pienso lo mismo.
That's two votes Jenna.
Dos votos Jenna.
That's three votes Tina, two votes Jenna.
Tres votos Tina, dos votos Jenna.
With Jenna's departure,
Con la partida de Jenna,
Jenna's box is empty.
la caja de Jenna esta vacía.
JENNA L. : That's a lot of seafood.
Es demasiada comida marina.
JENNA L. : That's a circle?
Eso es un circulo?
We went back to Indiana, the three of us, for Jenna's funeral.
Regresamos a Indiana, los tres, para el funeral de Jenna.
Since Jenna's an actress maybe you should go to her apartment and run the lines.
Bueno, ya que Jenna es actriz quizás deban ir a su apartamento y leer unas frases.
That's Jenna.
Ella es Jenna.
It's not really about the money, Jenna.
No es el dinero, Jenna.
It's Jenna. Is he there?
Habla Jenna. ¿ Está ahí?
I was gonna go out with him tonight and Jenna fucking hates him, so I'm just gonna tell her I'm with you, if that's cool.
Voy a salir con él esta noche y Jenna lo odia. Le diré que estoy contigo, si te parece.
Chris, it's Jenna.
Habla Jenna.
- Jenna? - Hey, it's me.
Hola, soy yo.
She's eating at Jenna's.
Está cenando en casa de Jenna.
That's my friend Jenna.
Jenna. Ésa es mi amiga Jenna.
I want it in writing that Jenna's job is safe.
Quiero por escrito que el trabajo de Jenna está a salvo.

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