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Translate.vc / Inglês → Espanhol / [ J ] / Jigger

Jigger tradutor Espanhol

149 parallel translation
- No. I don't know one jigger from the other.
No sé distinguir una palanca de otra.
You know, I used to watch her as she came across that hill with that funny coat and that little jigger on her head.
Solía mirarla... cuando atravesaba la colina con ese abrigo gracioso... con esa pequeña jarra en la cabeza.
- One jigger.
- 42 ml.
I used this little jigger to click it over a notch with every turn.
Con este chisme hice que dejara una muesca en cada giro.
Let me turn the little do-jigger on.
Voy a encender el cacharro éste.
- I reckon you stand in them little rooms. And water comes down out of that little jigger up there.
- Yo creo que te pones de pie en esos cuartos y el agua sale de ese chisme.
Hi, Jigger! Hi!
¡ Más alto, Jigger, más fuerte!
That's wonderful. That's terrific.
Genial, Jigger.
Please, Jigger.
Por favor, sólo una vez.
- There's gonna be trouble.
Jigger. El trémolo. Va a estallar.
Well, Jigger, here we go again.
¡ Ya estamos otra vez!
Jigger, he's minding his own business.
Jigger estaba tocando.
We see a lot of towns from jail windows.
Otra ciudad que vemos desde la cárcel, Jigger.
Am I seeing double or is that Jigger Pine?
¿ Veo visiones o tú eres Jigger Pine?
- Jigger.
- ¡ Jigger!
- It sure is, Jigger.
Es genial. - ¡ Ya lo creo!
- The name's Jigger.
¡ Eh, pianista!
- You got any moola on you?
- Me llamo Jigger.
Three and a half of this 5 bucks is for bus fare.
¡ Jigger, debemos pagar 3,5 dólares para el bus!
- Are you gonna break it to Leo? - I can't, Jigger.
- ¿ Se lo vas a decir a Leo?
Well, I never heard you say anything different about anyone, Jigger.
A ti todo el mundo te lo parece, Jigger.
- No, don't.
- No, Jigger.
Oh, I don't know, Jigger, but somehow I got a feeling that maybe things might not work out the way they should.
No lo sé. Pero siento que tal vez... las cosas no irían como deberían.
- Will you, Jigger?
- ¿ Lo prometes, Jigger?
Hey, Jigger, how about a cheese sandwich?
¿ Quieres un sandwich, Jigger?
What do you say?
¿ Qué te parece, Jigger?
I know what you mean, Jigger.
Lo sé.
- Sorry. - Jigger.
Lo siento.
They want you downstairs. - All right.
- Jigger, te necesitan abajo.
Why don't you say something? You tell him.
Jigger, ¿ y si hablaras tú con él?
- Good night, Kay. - Jigger.
Buenas noches, Kay.
I still look the same. Come on, Jigger.
Soy la misma, ¿ no?
Let's have a drink, just a little one.
Ven a tomar una copa, Jigger.
Lucky thing for you, Jigger, I like you.
Tienes suerte...
Now, you're my friend. That's why I tell you this.
Un consejo de amigo, Jigger.
Here's to you, Jigger. You did all right.
A tu salud, Jigger. ¡ Bravo!
Jigger, where are you going?
Jigger, ¿ dónde vas?
Jigger, you weren't scared of him, what are you scared of me for?
¿ Cada vez que te tengo en frente, te largas?
Wait until we find out what Jigger's gotta say. You haven't said anything so far. - What do you think?
Escuchemos lo que Jigger tenga que decir. ¿ Qué opinas?
- You can't mean this. - Yeah, Jigger.
- ¿ Lo dices en serio?
You'd have liked it there, Jigger.
Te hubiera gustado.
What happens to you is really important now, Jigger.
Ten cuidado con lo que haces.
Why do you think I stayed here? Why do you think I went through all I did? Why do you think I started with that trumpet player?
¿ Por qué crees que sigo aquí, que he hecho todo eso, que seduje a Leo y a Jigger?
I know Jigger.
Jigger es impasible.
- Jigger Pine.
- Jigger Pine.
Take it easy.
Tranquilo, Jigger.
Yes, Jigger.
¿ Sí, Jigger?
Jigger, just a minute.
Thanks, Jigger.
Gracias, Jigger.
You happy, Jigger?
¿ Contento, Jigger?
Jigger, you explain it to him.
Jigger, explícaselo.

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