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Translate.vc / Inglês → Espanhol / [ J ] / Jonson

Jonson tradutor Espanhol

74 parallel translation
Frame Johnson!
Frame Jonson.
Johnson here found him hanging in an oak tree.
Jonson lo encontró colgado de un roble.
It was about a week before Christmas in'44 and two of our guys, Manfredi and Johnson to be exact were just getting set to blow the place.
Una semana antes de las Navidades del 44, dos de los nuestros, Manfredi y Jonson, para mayor exactitud, se propusieron volar el complejo.
The Krauts shoot Manfredi and Johnson and he's out trading with them.
Los nazis mataron anoche a Manfredi y a Jonson, y hoy comercia con ellos.
How come you were so sure Manfredi and Johnson wouldn't get out?
¿ Cómo estabas tan seguro de que Manfredi y Jonson no saldrían del bosque?
About Manfredi and Johnson?
¿ De Manfredi y Jonson?
Those poor suckers, Manfredi and Johnson.
Qué ingenuos fueron Manfredi y Jonson.
So were Manfredi and Johnson.
Y Manfredi y Jonson también.
Or would you rather see Dunbar lying out there in the morning, like Manfredi and Johnson?
¿ Preferís ver a Dunbar en el barro como Manfredi y Jonson?
He killed Johnson and Manfredi, didn't he?
Mató a Jonson y a Manfredi, ¿ no?
Especially when you let Manfredi and Johnson go out there.
Sobre todo, cuando dejó salir a Manfredi y a Jonson.
Oh, Manny. I'm sorry the Johnson job didn't turn out to be the success we anticipated.
Manny... siento que eI trabajo de Jonson no haya sido un éxito.
Maybe Shakespeare and Ben Jonson stood on this very bridge.
Tal vez Shakespeare y Ben Jonson estuvieron parados en este mismo puente.
A 17th century classic by Ben Jonson, no less.
Un clásico del S.XVll, nada menos, Ben Jonson, precisamente.
Ben Jonson's "Volpone".
"Volpone", de Ben Jonson.
Not now Ar. Jonson, please.
Ahora no señor Jonson, por favor.
God moves in mysterious ways, And I'm sure that in his infinite wisdom he let this happen... to communicate with Johnson in the darkness that is around them, And allow him to come back as a better human being, Amen.
Los caminos de Dios son inescrutables, y estoy seguro de que en su infinita sabiduría ha permitido esto... para comunicarse con Jonson en las oscuridad que le rodea, y conseguir que vuelva como un ser humano mejor, Amén.
Wyatt or Jonson. Use your own judgment.
Como Wyatt o Johnson, usa tu mejor criterio.
Quite a nice Jonson.
Es un hermoso Jonson.
Shakespeare, Marlowe, Bacon, Ben Jonson, John Webster.
Shakespeare, Marlowe, Bacon, Ben Jonson, John Webster.
You know, Ben Jonson called time the "old bald cheater."
Ben Jonson llamó al tiempo "el viejo embustero calvo".
Ben Jonson called time the "old bald cheater."
- Ben Jonson llamó al tiempo "el viejo embustero calvo".
Who's Ben Jonson?
¿ Quién es Ben Jonson?
We're all time's captives, hostages to eternity. Ben Jonson?
"Todos somos cautivos del tiempo, rehenes de la eternidad."
Ben Jonson called time "the old bald cheater."
Ben Jonson llamó al tiempo "el viejo embustero calvo".
I thought Miss Johnson might be up here.
Pensaba que la Srta. Jonson estaba aquí arriba.
Ah, certainly, that is what Mademoiselle Johnson had realized... how the murder, it had been committed from the roof.
Ah, ciertamente, ¡ eso es lo que Mademoiselle Jonson había descubierto!
Is there a problem, Jonson?
¿ Hay algún problema, Jon?
- Hold on, Mr. Johnson!
- ¡ Aguante, Sr. Jonson!
... 9 o'clock, near Mike Johnson's...
... 9, cerca de Mike Jonson...
I don't know if you got the bat speed. Oh, I got the bat speed.
Jonson con bases llenas.
It's the last time steward Jonson sees this key during this trip.
Es la última vez mayordomo Jonson considera que esta clave durante este viaje.
We do agree on that, don't we, steward Jonson?
Estamos de acuerdo en eso, no nosotros, mayordomo Jonson?
- Johnson.
- Jonson.
Why are chief johnson and flynn and provenza not back with our suspect?
¿ Por qué no han vuelto la Jefa Jonson Flynn y Provenza con nuestro sospechoso?
Okay... jason M.
Vale. Jonson M.
Edward Jonson, you have set yourself above society.
Edward Jonson, usted se ha establecido por encima de la sociedad
... Jonson stays on as PM and the Coalition stays in power.
... Jonson permanece como Primer Ministro y la Coalición se mantiene en el poder.
Jonson! - Jonson! - That way!
¡ Jonson!
Jonson, show yourself!
¡ Jonson, muéstrate!
Out with you, Jonson!
¡ Sal, Jonson!
Do you smell that, Jonson?
¿ Hueles eso, Jonson?
You are Benjamin Jonson, playwright.
Usted es Benjamín Jonson, dramaturgo.
Son of William Jonson, glassblower.
Hijo de William Jonson, soplador de vidrio.
And have you ever been arrested before, Mr. Jonson?
¿ Alguna vez había sido arrestado?
We are not interested in your plays, Mr. Jonson.
No nos interesan sus obras, Sr. Jonson.
Jonson, wonderful dialogue.
¡ Jonson, maravilloso diálogo!
Thus endeth the brief career of one Ben Jonson.
Y así terminó la breve carrera de un tal Ben Jonson.
No, Boris Pasternak.
¿ Ben Jonson? No, Boris Pasternak.
- Who was Ben Jonson?
- ¿ Quién es Ben Jonson?
The police are requesting your help with any information... Get him out of here.
Jonson, tienes que sacarlos a todos de aquí.

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