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Translate.vc / Inglês → Espanhol / [ J ] / Just between you and me

Just between you and me tradutor Espanhol

598 parallel translation
They don't know this yet, so just between you and me, you know, and whoever is watchin', we'll let them know.
Ellos no lo saben todavía, así que sólo entre tú y yo, usted sabe, y el que está watchin', se lo haremos saber.
Just between you and me, I got quite a bang out of it.
Entre tú y yo, me ha gustado mucho.
Uh, as a matter of fact, just between you and me, we may dine on a boat tonight.
Pensándolo bien, aquí entre nosotros, tal vez cenemos a bordo de un barco.
Just between you and me, what do you give them to keep them quiet?
Aquí entre nos, ¿ qué les da para que se queden tranquilos?
- Just between you and me, Your Grace.
- Sólo entre usted y yo, Su Majestad.
Yeah, well, I hope so, because just between you and me, Mr. Wright, I don't think my men could hit the deck with their hats.
Bueno, eso espero porque, entre usted y yo, Sr. Wright... no creo que mis hombres puedan protegerse con sus sombreros.
I wouldn't like him to know, but just between you and me... -... I rather like him myself.
No quiero que él lo sepa, pero entre nosotros... a mí también me gusta.
That's just between you and me, Steve. Don't tell her agent.
Eso queda entre nosotros, no cuente al empresario de ella,
It's just between you and me, isn't it?
Esto es entre nosotros, ¿ no? ¿ Verdad?
Just between you and me, I don't get it either, but I got to listen to it.
Entre nosotros, no la entiendo, pero tengo que oír esta música.
Just between you and me, I think he's turned out to be a big heel.
Que quede entre nosotros, pero creo que es un granuja.
Well, just between you and me, they're not my type either.
Bueno, entre tú y yo, tampoco son de mi tipo.
- It'll be just between you and me
Tranquila, esto quedará entre tú y yo.
But just between you and me, I've got a hunch he'd be acquitted.
Pero entre nosotros, tengo el presentimiento de que lo absolverían.
Just between you and me I have been thinking about opening my own place.
Entre nosotros, he estado pensando en abrir mi propio centro nocturno.
Just between you and me.
Que quede entre nosotros.
Dave, just between you and me, that little old schoolteacher of yours you know, she ain't too good an influence.
¡ Dave! Entre nosotros, esa maestrita tuya no es buena influencia.
That's why this has to be just between you and me.
Por eso que esto debe quedar entre nosotros.
Just between you and me :
Entre Usted y yo :
just between you and me... does this Inspector Kras have a chance of living much longer?
¿ tiene el comisario Kras oportunidad de vivir mucho más?
This is just between you and me, all right?
Esto queda entre nosotros dos, ¿ está bien?
Just between you and me, pretty as she is, there must be someone in her life.
Entre usted y yo, siendo tan guapa, debe haber alguien en su vida.
Well just between you and me, it looks pretty bleak.
Bueno aquí entre nos, esto se ve muy deprimente.
Y, Saunders, entre tú y yo ¿ cuántas semanas de vacaciones te dieron el año pasado?
Just between you and me, if you want...
Entre tú y yo, si tú quieres...
Master Ichi, just between you and me,
Maestro Ichi por favor, que quede entre nosotros...
Just a little job. And this is private... just between you and me, see...
Pero ha de quedar entre tú y yo, ¿ eh?
Now this is just between you and me.
Esto queda entre nosotros...
It will be just between you and me, Byker.
- Quedaría entre usted y yo, Baker.
Don't worry, this is just between you and me.
No tengas miedo. Todo quedará entre tú y yo. Te lo aseguro.
This is just between you and me.
Esto es solo entre tú y yo.
just between you and me, are you holding anything you shouldn't be?
¿ llevas algo que no está permitido?
Just between you and me,
Entre nosotros,
Just between you and me, this doesn't go any further who was it shot up in your room?
Entre usted y yo, esto no saldrá de aquí ¿ quién se pinchó en su cuarto?
Now remember, this is just a private deal between you and me.
Recuerde que es un trato privado entre usted y yo.
Oh, elemental. Your clothes are Paris, your nose is of the Sureté, I'm a detective, and just between us, you were pointed out to me.
Su ropa es de París... su nariz es de la Sûreté, yo soy un detective... y entre nosotros, alguien me lo señaló.
"I hate to give in and sound so weak, " but you understand me and won't think less of me, "and this is just between us two."
Siento parecer tan débil, pero tú me entiendes, y no te lo tomarás a mal, y además queda entre tu yo.
Well, Googi, if it was just between me and you, I'd say call it off.
Bueno, Googi, si sólo fuéramos nosotros diría que lo olvidáramos.
If we want, we'll put Bean between you and me to keep him warm... because it gets really chilly just before dawn.
Si quieres ponemos al Frijolito en medio de tú y yo para que esté calientito porque en la mañana arrecia el frío.
But I ain't holding these things aging'you and if you're holding a grudge agin'me, Lafe, just remember that between you and Buchanan here, I just had to choose Buchanan
Pero te quería. Y si tú me quieres, Lafe, no olvides que me diste a elegir entre tú, y Buchanan aquí presente, tuve que escoger a Buchanan, por qué es tejano.
Do you mind if we took off the bar, sir, and just lay this on the table between you and me?
te importa si salimos del bar, sir, 522 00 : 37 : 41.108 - - 00 : 37 : 44.305 y poner sobre la mesa entre usted y yo?
Look, just tell me if you saw anything or you didn't between her and Adam.
- El hecho es que...
Would you just believe this? I love you. There's nothing between Miss Prentace and me.
No hay nada entre la Srta. Prentace y yo.
- Why are you so good to me? - I just believe in fair dealings between labour and management.
- Creo en las relaciones justas entre los trabajadores y la dirección.
Well, now you know, sir. But it just must be a secret between you and me.
Ahora lo sabe, señor, pero debe ser un secreto entre Ud. y yo.
- Just between you and me!
- Bueno, que quede entre tú y yo... in 1964... un año punta...
It just occurred to me, this comes down to the one big difference between you and Ivy.
Se me acaba de ocurrir algo, todo se reduce a una gran diferencia entre tú e Ivy.
You just have to keep me company, courage might leave me. Between the crime and its discovery,..
Solo tienes que hacerme compañía, el valor podría dejarme.
Esto es sólo entre tú y yo.
Just between you and me, madam.
Sólo entre usted y yo, señora.
Just between me and you the little dude scares the hell out of me.
Aquí entre nos ese tipo me asusta mucho.

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