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Translate.vc / Inglês → Espanhol / [ J ] / Just do what you have to do

Just do what you have to do tradutor Espanhol

486 parallel translation
Just do what you have to do.
Haz lo que debas hacer.
Just do what you have to do, Ellen Haney.
Haz lo que creas que debes hacer, Ellen.
Just do what you have to do.
Haga lo necesario.
- Just do what you have to do
- Se acercaron.
Just do what you have to do.
Haz lo que debas.
You don't have to report to the paper what you've just seen, do you?
No le dirá al periódico lo que vio aquí, ¿ verdad?
So,...... you just have to do what I've told you.
Vaya... haga Ud. lo que le he dicho.
that's what I'm asking you, Seydlitz his majesty thinks it's his personal war he thinks he's waging this war all alone and we were just to obey well, we're the marionettes do you have something to drink, gentlemen?
¿ Qué pasa? Sí... qué pasa le pregunto a Ud., Seydlitz Su Majestad cree que es su guerra... que la hace él solo... y nosotros tenemos que obedecer.
You're going to have a doctor, and you're going to do just what the doctor says.
Cuando te visite el médico, harás todo lo que él te diga.
Do I have to get knocked down just so you can prove you don't care what these people think?
¿ Deben golpearme para demostrar que no te importa lo que piensen?
I know you've said what you have to cover her. I'm sorry, it just won't do.
Sé que ud ha declarado para encubrirla, y lo siento, no le servirá de nada.
Just what right do you have to keep us locked up here?
¿ Qué derecho tienen a mantenernos aquí encerradas?
Let's just hope I don't have to see it! What do you know about it?
- Sólo que espero no tener que verlo. - ¿ Y tú qué sabes de eso?
- Didn't I just do what you'd have deputized me to do?
- ¿ No hice lo que me habría autorizado hacer?
Just how are you going to get the situation under control? What arguments do you have?
Querría saber cómo retomarás el control de la situación y con qué argumentos.
Just what do you expect, when I practically have to see you by appointment?
¿ Qué esperas si para verte tengo que pedir cita?
Well, that's just what you're going to have to do.
Eso es justo lo que tendrá que hacer.
- Just you tell me what I have to do.
- Sólo dígame lo que tengo que hacer.
Do you still wish to affirm what you have just said?
¿ Sigue afirmando lo que acaba de decir?
It doesn't just have to do with what you gave me.
No tiene nada que ver con lo que me dio.
- Hey, Joe? Listen, Joe, I was just tellin'Eadie that, uh... you know, you're both friends of mine, and I like ya... and what I'd like to do is, uh... I'd like for you and Eadie to have this apartment.
Escucha, Joe, le estaba diciendo a Eadie... que los dos son amigos míos, me caen bien... y lo que me gustaría... es que tú y Eadie vivan en este apartamento.
But that's just what you'll have to do.
Es lo que tendrá que hacer.
You just have to do what they tell you, that's all.
Tienes que hacer lo que te manden.
These days, you have to do no matter what just to get by.
En los tiempos que corren, se hace cualquier cosa para poder sobrevivir.
The real reason I came over here was to get you to come back to the show no matter what I had to do. But I just don't have the guts.
Lo cierto es que he venido para hacer que volvieras costase lo que costase, pero no tengo las agallas.
In fact, Ky and some of the others are, you could say, puppets of the French regime, and they're just trying to promote, fill in the gaps that the French weren't able to do. And there isn't a nation in the world that can do more than what the French have started.
De hecho, Ky y unos de los demás son, se podría decir, títeres del régimen francés, y solamente intentan promover, llenar los huecos en cuales no lograron los franceses, y no hay ni un país en el mundo que podría hacer mas que lo con que han empezado los franceses.
I wasn't apologizing, Vincent. I just want you to know that I do what I have to do... in order to stay alive.
Sólo quiero que sepa que hago lo que hago para seguir viviendo.
Just exactly what do you have to know, Mr. Grimes in order to make a good, clean, professional job of it?
Exactamente, ¿ qué tiene que saber para que resulte un trabajo limpio y profesional?
What have you fellows got? Electromagnifiers, computers, memory banks... ultraviolet, supersonic microwave machines. They buy you a half-million pound lab and stick you in it... with a bunch of birds wearing skirts just long enough... to cover their parking meters... and what do you come up with?
Que hay tantas computadoras, electro magneticas... bancos de memoria, ondas supersonicas y presupuesta como medio millón de libras para financiar esas cosas en su laboratorio, y solo tenemos para el estacionamiento y las maquinas de café... y que queda para mí.
You're just gonna have to make do with what you got.
- Tienen que lograrlo con lo que tienen.
I do what I have to do. I risk being accused of ulterior motives of just wanting her out of the way. You see that, don't you?
Hago lo que tengo que hacer arriesgándome a ser acusado de sólo querer librarme de esa chica. ¿ Lo entiendes?
Now, in one minute, you will have to predict... just what our unsuspecting subject will do.
Ahora, en un minuto, deberán predecir... lo que nuestro insospechado sujeto hará.
It's being afraid and doing what you have to do anyway, just as you did.
Es tener miedo y hacer lo que tienes que hacer de todos modos, tal como lo hiciste.
You just look straight ahead and don't turn around. Do what you have to do.
Mire hacia delante y no se gire, haga lo que tenga que hacer.
- You just have to believe in what you do.
Me basta con creer en lo que hago.
You know, what we all have to do is just sit down and talk.
Ya sabes que es suficiente con sentarnos y hablarlo.
Search the hotels, search the boarding houses, do what you have to do, just find him!
Buscar en los hoteles, buscar en las pensiones, Hacer lo que tienes que hacer, sólo encontrarlo!
You're just doing what you have to do, Selma.
Solo estás haciendo lo que tienes que hacer, Selma.
Just what do you have to say for yourself, young lady?
¿ Y que tienes para decir en tu defensa, jovencita?
I try to stay out of the way because what you people do here is so important... but, understand, at a time like this, what I have to do is just as important.
Intento no interferir porque lo que Uds. Hacen es muy importante... pero en un momento como éste, lo que yo hago es igual de importante.
What do I have to do to just get in a word with you?
¿ Que tengo que hacer para convencerle?
If that's what you have to do, then just do it.
Si eso es lo que quieres, entonces hazlo.
I beg you, have nothing whatever to do with this. What you're saying, Mother, just doesn't make sense. There are four and a half billion dollars in a Swiss bank, put there by my father for me to use in any way to make amends.
Te suplico que no te mezcles con esto lo que me dices, madre no tiene sentido hay cuatro billones y medio de dólares en un banco suizo los puso mi padre para que los usara.
You think you can do anything you want and lie about it and we just have to take it! Because what are we a bunch of kids.
Usted cree... que puede hacer lo que quiere y mentir, y tenemos que aceptarlo solo porque somos unos chicos?
It's just what you have to do to get it.
Es lo que cuesta obtenerlo.
They're excited to hear about what you can do for them, so, just lay out the program and they'll cut in if they have any questions.
Están ansiosos por escuchar lo que puedes hacer por ellos así que muéstranos tu idea y ellos te interrumpirán si tienen preguntas.
You don't have to see why I'm doing it, just do what I tell you.
No tienes que entenderlo, sólo hazlo.
I might one day go as high as five... but I really don't know what that would do to you... so let's just start with what we have.
Quizás algún día te quite hasta cinco, pero realmente no sé qué te haría eso, así que, empecemos con lo que tenemos.
If we have a stampede, you`ll know just what to do.
Si hay una estampida, usted sabrá que hacer...
Nadine, do you have any idea what you've done to us by just mentioning dogs in our home?
Nadine, ¿ tienes idea de lo que has hecho mentando a los perros en esta casa?
What I want to know is... do you have the gift that I think you have... or am I just being charmed by your line of bullshit?
Lo que quiero saber es... ¿ Si tienes el don que creo que usted tiene... o solo estoy siendo seducido por su trasero de mierda?

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