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Translate.vc / Inglês → Espanhol / [ K ] / Kazar

Kazar tradutor Espanhol

16 parallel translation
Besides our host, his daughter and grodin, There will also be gregori sergal kazar... And his wife.
Además de nuestro huésped, su hija y Grodin estarán también Gregori Sergai Kazar... y su esposa.
After the police laboratory had finished with them, Just as a routine double-Check, Comrade kazar and i had the two corpses taken...
Cuando el laboratorio de la policía terminó con ellos, como rutina de doble control el camarada Kazar y yo enviamos los dos cadáveres a otro grupo de doctores, Coronel.
That silly madame kazar and that stuck-Up mrs. Grodin.
La ridícula Madame Kazar y y la esnob Señora Grodin.
I'll try malina kazar first.
Sondearé a Malina Kazar primero.
KAZAR : Let us bring them back to the village.
Llevémoslas de vuelta a la aldea.
Now what? KAZAR : The land changes.
- La tierra está cambiando.
KAZAR : Those are the volcanoes that heat the Savage Land.
Son los volcanes que calientan Tierra Salvaje.
-... I swear to keep my love -... for my involuntary sorrow! Distant, longed-for shore, o my Khazar lands!
-... juro conservar mi amor -... por esta tristeza involuntaria iRibera lejana, ribera anhelada, oh, mis tierras de Kazar!
We think we know what happened to the Kazars.
Creemos saber lo que les pasó a los Kazar
- I am Kazar.
- Soy Kazar.
We must tell Kazar.
Debemos decirle a Kazar.
- Kazar!
- ¡ Kazar!
- Kazar! Don't listen to him!
- ¡ No lo escuches a él!
- Kazar! Over here! - Kazar!
¡ Aquí!
Kazar, I think you'll be very pleased with what I brought you.
Kazar, estarás muy complacido con lo que traje.
It's not like I told them our plan is to use them to defeat Kazar's...
No dije que queremos usarlos para derrotar a Kazar.

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