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Translate.vc / Inglês → Espanhol / [ K ] / Kemp

Kemp tradutor Espanhol

636 parallel translation
Hello, Kemp.
Hola, Kemp.
- Here's something, Kemp.
- He encontrado algo, Kemp. - ¿ Qué es?
You wouldn't, Kemp.
- Ya no se usa.
I put you on your honour, Kemp, not to breathe a word of this to anyone.
Confíio en tu palabra, Kemp, de que no le dirás nada a nadie.
- Good night, Kemp.
- Buenas noches.
Don't be afraid, Kemp. It's me
No temas, Kemp.
I want you to listen carefully, Kemp.
Escúchame con atención, Kemp.
You always were a dirty little coward, Kemp.
Siempre fuiste un cobarde.
The sitting room, I said, Kemp.
Te he dicho el salón, Kemp.
Now, Kemp.
Muy bien, Kemp.
I couldn't stay here any longer, Kemp.
No podía quedarme aquí, Kemp.
But there's more to it than that, Kemp.
Pero ahora sé que no se limita a eso.
We'll soon put the world right now, Kemp.
Muy pronto arreglaremos el mundo. Tú y yo.
I must have a partner, Kemp, a visible partner, to help me in the little things.
Un socio visible que me ayude con los pequeños detalles.
Go and get your car out, Kemp.
Saca el coche, Kemp.
I must have those books, Kemp.
Debo recuperar los libros, Kemp.
Here we are, Kemp, in here.
Ya hemos llegado, Kemp.
There you are, Kemp.
Cógelos, Kemp.
We start in earnest tomorrow morning, Kemp.
Mañana empezaremos en serio, Kemp.
There are one or two things you must understand, Kemp.
Ten en cuenta unos detalles, Kemp.
Listen to me, Kemp. No one but you and I know that it's Griffin.
Sólo tú y yo sabemos que es Griffin.
You must keep him calm and quiet for tonight.
Que pase la noche tranquilo. Confíio en ti, Kemp.
He's at Dr Kemp's house now.
Está en la casa del Dr. Kemp.
This is Dr Kemp.
Soy el Dr. Kemp.
Leave it to me and Kemp. We shall work day and night to undo this experiment.
Kemp y yo nos ocuparemos de revertir este experimento.
I can do far more with Jack than you or Dr Kemp.
Puedo conseguir más que tú y el Dr. Kemp juntos.
unlock the door, Kemp. Let me in.
Abre la puerta, Kemp, y déjame entrar.
- What are you doing here, Kemp?
- ¿ Qué haces aquí, Kemp?
There's no need to be afraid, Kemp.
No tienes por qué temer, Kemp.
- He's insane. It's for us to cure him
Kemp y yo lo curaremos.
- Kemp and I. Keep away, Flora.
No te entrometas, Flora.
I shall work in Kemp's laboratory till I find the way back.
Trabajaré hasta dar con el antídoto.
Kemp couldn't sleep.
Kemp no podía dormir.
I put my trust in Kemp.
Deposité mi confianza en Kemp.
Thank you, Kemp, for opening the window.
Gracias, Kemp, por abrirme la ventana.
You're a true friend, Kemp.
Eres un verdadero amigo.
You're not the only one in danger, Dr Kemp.
Usted no es el único que corre peligro.
Dr Kemp called me up. He told me the man was here.
El Dr. Kemp me dijo que el hombre estaba aquí.
I understand you have another assistant besides Dr Kemp, a Dr Griffin.
Veo que tiene a otro ayudante aparte del Dr. Kemp. Un tal Dr. Griffin.
We've doubled the search party around Kemp's house.
Hemos doblado la vigilancia en la casa de Kemp.
He's threatened to murder Dr Kemp at ten o'clock.
Ha amenazado con matar al Dr. Kemp a las diez.
Now, at half past nine, Dr Kemp, with a bodyguard of police, will leave this house and walk down to the police station.
A las nueve y media, el Dr. Kemp, con una escolta de policías, abandonará esta casa y se dirigirá a la comisaría.
It's a natural thing for Dr Kemp to seek protection.
Es lógico que el Dr. Kemp busque protección.
I think this'll do nicely, Kemp.
Creo que no me he retrasado, Kemp.
Oh, Mr. Kemp, was that Gray's sister who just went out with those gentlemen?
Sr. Kemp, ¿ era la hermana de Gray, la que salió con esos caballeros?
- It's all right, Kemp.
- No hace falta.
You mean...?
Necesito un socio, Kemp.
You're my partner, Kemp.
Tú eres mi socio, Kemp.
He's killed a man tonight.
Escúchame, Kemp.
- It was Kemp.
- Kemp.
Well, goodbye, Kemp.
Adiós, Kemp.

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