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Translate.vc / Inglês → Espanhol / [ K ] / Kerrigan

Kerrigan tradutor Espanhol

316 parallel translation
I - I really must go and find, uh, Jimmy Kerrigan.
Tengo que ir a buscar a Jimmy Kerrigan.
Who is this Jimmy Kerrigan?
¿ Quien es Jimmy Kerrigan?
¿ Kerrigan?
Then, after I left Father Conroy, I met Barney Kerrigan there.
Después, cuando se fue el Padre Conroy, vi a Barney Kerrigan.
Tell us what you did after you left Kerrigan.
¿ Qué hizo después de ver a Kerrigan?
- Kerrigan.
- Kerrigan.
Show him out, Kerrigan.
Acompâñalo, Kerrigan.
- It's Kerrigan.
- Es Kerrigan.
Pardon me, Miss Kerrigan. The telephone.
- Al teléfono, Srta. Kerrigan.
Why, good evening Miss Kerrigan.
Buenas noches, Srta. Kerrigan.
I'll have the Kerrigan woman inside of an hour.
Tendré a la Srta. Kerrigan dentro de una hora.
"Driven by young woman known as Kay Kerrigan."
Kay Kerrigan.
"Attention, all cars." "Be on the lookout for a woman known as Kay Kerrigan." "Wanted for the murder of Thomas Bruhme the 2nd."
Atención a todos los coches, se busca a Kay Kerrigan, por la muerte de Thomas Bruhme, hijo.
Kay Kerrigan is a corpse at the bottom of the sea. I saw it with my own eyes.
Kay Kerrigan está en el fondo del mar.
Goodbye, Kay Kerrigan.
Adiós, Kay Kerriga.
Designed for Miss Kay Kerrigan, San Francisco, 1929.
Diseñado para Kay Kerrigan, San Francisco 1929.
So. Kay Kerrigan is a corpse at the bottom of the bay, huh?
Así que Kay Kerrigan se convirtió en un cadáver,
How do you know that Kerrigan did commit the murder?
¿ Cómo sabe que Kay Kerrigan le mató, jefe?
Colonel Bruhme convicted Kerrigan. So.. Colonel Bruhme's newspapers convicted Kerrigan.
El coronel Bruhme sentenció a Kerrigan, de modo que los periódicos también la sentenciaron, y todo San Francisco quiere que la cojamos.
"Yeah, Kerrigan was seen in Honolulu. Okay, come over and see me right away." Sure.
Si va a Honolulu, llámeles enseguida.
Sam, do you really think Kerrigan murdered him?
¿ Cree que esa chica le mató?
But it's obvious to me that it's Kerrigan. In disguise.
A mí me parece muy claro que era Kerrigan.
But Kerrigan's gone to New Zealand.
Pero Kerrigan está en Nueva Zelanda.
I got her, Sam. I got Kerrigan.
¡ Tengo a Kerrigan!
She's nice but she's not Kerrigan.
Es rubia pero no es Kerrigan.
Kerrigan is in New Zealand.
Está en Nueva Zelanda.
No-one happened to offer rather a reward for Kay Kerrigan, did they?
¿ No ofrecen alguna recompensa por Kay Kerrigan?
Old man Bruhme's offered a hundred grand for Kerrigan and I know where Kerrigan is.
Bruhme ofrece dinero. Y yo sé dónde está Kerrigan.
Kerrigan is on her way to a village in the interior.
Irá hacia el interior.
Listen, bloodhound. I know that girl is Kerrigan.
Sé que esa chica es Kerrigan...
We split it as soon as we catch up with Kerrigan.
Cuando cojamos a Kerrigan.
Oh stop that. You know as well as I do Holden is Kerrigan.
Sabes tan bien como yo que Holden es Kerrigan.
Kerrigan is in New Zealand. Running a shooting-gallery.
Kerrigan está en Nueva Zelanda, montando un campo de tiro.
I know she's Kerrigan.
Sé que ella es Kerrigan.
Mary Holden is Kay Kerrigan.
Mary Holden es Kay Kerrigan.
George Faulkiner is waiting by the gangplank to take charge of Kay Kerrigan.
Faulkiner está esperando, para encargarse de Kerrigan.
I'd like to personally hand Kay Kerrigan over to George myself.
Quería entregar yo mismo a Kay Kerrigan.
─ Listen, I'm not Kerrigan.
- No soy Kerrigan.
What do I have to do to prove that I'm not Kerrigan?
¿ Cómo puedo demostrárselo?
Your Miss Kerrigan doesn't like her new charm bracelet.
A la Srta. Kerrigan no le gusta su pulsera.
This isn't Kerrigan.
No es Kerrigan.
Kay Kerrigan. I arrest you in the name of the city of San Francisco.
Kay Kerrigan te detengo en nombre de San Francisco.
You know, Sam. I could fix a ring-side seat for you when Kerrigan hangs.
Quiero estar en primera fila en el juicio de Kerrigan.
Now, don't give up hopefulness, Miss Kerrigan.
No se desespere, Srta. Kerrigan.
Now don't be too severe on Sam, Miss Kerrigan.
No sea tan severa con Sam.
Why, Miss Kerrigan, Sam is thinking of you right along.
Sam está siempre pensando en Ud.
Oh now, Miss Kerrigan..
- No, Srta. Kerrigan.
[Radio] "Newsflash! We interrupt to bring the news from the Kerrigan murder trial."
"Damos las últimas noticias sobre el juicio de Kerrigan."
Kerrigan flatly denies ownership of the gloves and refused to take them as a gift.
Kerrigan dijo que no eran suyos y no los aceptó.
"We go to the Kerrigan trial."
"Juicio contra Kerrigan."
You see, it's like I say. Kerrigan is as good as dead already.
Es así, Kerrigan está prácticamente condenada.

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