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Kickboxing tradutor Espanhol

182 parallel translation
My boyfriend teaches kickboxing.
Mi novio enseña kick boxing.
Thai Kickboxing Amazon Seven
Amazones 7 Kick Boxing tailandes.
Styles include a combination of Tae Kwon Do, Karate, Judo, and kickboxing.
El estilo incluye una combinación de tae kwon do, karate, judo y kick boxing.
I understand kickboxing was invented there and they're the best at it.
El boxeo tailandés se originó allí...
I rarely drink, as I kickbox.
Rara vez bebo, practico kickboxing.
So lately I've been kickboxing.
Así que últimamente estuve practicando kickboxing.
I've created the United Kickboxing Association.
Creé La Unión de Kickboxing Americana
heavyweight kickboxing champion.
Si. Campeón de Kickboxing, Peso Pesado.
El karaté, el judo, el jutsu de ji, El kickboxing.
Look, you told me that you could have the kickboxing story in by lunch.
No puedo ni pensar en regresar.
I don't just play the role-play games. What about zero-G kickboxing and Wimbledon?
No juego sólo a juegos de role-play. ¿ Qué hay del Gravedad Cero kickboxing y el Wimbledon?
You have 48 hours in which to eliminate mr. Sloan and enlist the new american kickboxing champion. Of course.
Tienes 48 horas para eliminar al Sr.Sloan y al nuevo campeón de kick boxing.
All right. Ladies and gentlemen, welcome to the main event... you listening?
Señoras y señores, bienvenidos al Campeonato Americano de Kickboxing.
There's no money in kickboxing, max, at least not for the fighters.
El Kickboxing no da dinero, Max. Al menos a los boxeadores.
It's an invitation to join the negaal kickboxing federation and a first-class ticket to johannesburg, south africa to meet with mr.
Una invitación para unirse a la Federación Negaal de Kickboxing. Y un boleto de primera clase a Johannesburgo. Allí se reunirá con el Sr. Negaal.
¿ Federación Negaal de Kickboxing?
Negaal kickboxing federation?
No he oido hablar de ella.
11 international champions have already joined the negaal kickboxing federation, johnny.
Once campeones internacionales ya se han unido a nosotros.
This kickboxing federation of yours is meeting resistance.
Su federación de kickboxing está encontrando cierta resistencia.
Why screw it up with the kickboxing federation?
¿ Para que estropearlo con una federación de Kickboxing?
With that in mind, kickboxing just doesn't make sense.
Eso no le veo el sentido en el kickboxing.
The world kickboxing council accused me of unsportsmanlike conduct when i killed a dutch champion in the ring.
Se me acusó de conducta antideportiva cuando maté a el holandés aquel en el ring.
I formed the negaal kickboxing federation to protect the art and the sport against small minds, and now you have a problem with this?
Mi federación en el deporte son trampas de la mezquindad. ¿ Y tú crees que es un problema?
No, i... i was just... i'm gonna break the world kickboxing council. You got that?
Voy a acabar con el jurado de la Federación Mundial de Kickboxing.
Yes, you are. I'm a little confused. I thought this was where to find the negaal kickboxing federation.
Creía que la federación Negaal de kingboxing era aqui.
I represent the new, higher standard of world kickboxing. You represent the old.
Yo represento la nueva mejora del nivel del kickboxing.
I would just like to take this moment to congratulate mr. Negaal and his newly founded negaal kickboxing federation.
Me gustaría felicitar al Sr. Negaal y a su recién fundada Federación de Kickboxing Negaal.
The federation was formed because mr. Negaal, a former kickboxer himself, was kicked out and banned from competition for using an illegal move and killing his opponent.
La federación fué creada porque el Sr. Negaal, a su vez luchador de kickboxing,... fué expulsado y excluido de la competición por usar un golpe ilícito y matar a su oponente.
Oh, right. Except they either got on a plane for south africa to join the negaal kickboxing federation or they received your letter on your letterhead inviting them to.
El problema que todos ellos viajaron a sudáfrica para unirse a la Federación Negaal o recibian una carta tuya invitándolos.
A little kickboxing?
Un poco de kickboxing?
I heard about a small kid, half-blood he's now a kickboxing champion in Haarlem.
oí que un chico pequeño, un mestizo... ahora es campeón de kick-boxing en Haarlem.
Then, I might wanna be a part-time boxer... or maybe a kickboxer so I can kick some butt. "
Luego, quizas ser un boxeador de medio tiempo... o hacer kickboxing para patear traseros "
And do not try any of your kickboxing tricks.
Y no intentes utilizar ninguna de tus artes de boxeo.
Kickboxing's fine, Kate. But that's not what I mean.
Eso está bien, Kate, pero no es lo que quiero decir.
Kick boxing.
Patadas de kickboxing.
Did you see the movie Kickboxer?
¿ Estas bromeando? hablas como si fuera kickboxing...
- You kickbox on dates. Hayley seems...
Bueno, tú practicas kickboxing cuando sales.
You said kickboxing would help.
Dijiste que el kick boxing ayudaría.
This kickboxing. It's perfect!
Esa pelea. ¡ Es perfecta!
I have a kickboxing match.
Tengo un combate.
I'm sure it gave your office pause. You then faced arrest yourself for kickboxing a man.
Tú misma fuiste arrestada por golpear a un tipo.
Simulated motor racing aeroplane dogfighting, virtual-reality kickboxing....
Carrera de motos simulada caza con aviones bombardero, kickboxing de realidad virtual....
He's the super middleweight kickboxing champion.
És el campeón de peso mediano.
She was hit in the face kickboxing.
Le golpearon en la cara haciendo kickboxing.
Not kickboxing.
Kickboxing no.
- Kick-boxing.
- El kickboxing.
I used to take kick-boxing, but it was too high-impact.
Ah, yo solía tomar kickboxing, pero me pareció de alto impacto.
I just have enough time for kickboxing class.
Así llegaré para la clase de kickboxing.
As this handsome certificate will attest, I finally attained the second level of kickboxing.
Como este hermoso certificado puede atestiguar, finalmente he alcanzado el segundo nivel de "Kickboxing".
What made you take up kickboxing?
¿ Qué le hizo tomar clases de Kickboxing?
champ. the United Kickboxing Association of America welcomes you to your main event! in his first fight in over two years
Damas y caballeros La asociación estadounidense de Kickboxing... Le da la bienvenida a un gran peleador

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