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Kidney failure tradutor Espanhol

223 parallel translation
That's kidney failure.
Es un problema de riñón.
You piss, then you give'em urine back, they research it, and in a half of hour they determine... this kidney failure.
Orinas, y les das la orina, la chequean y en media hora tienen el resultado... el problema de riñón.
Kidney failure?
¿ Insuficiencia renal?
But if you neglect it, you're at risk for kidney failure, blindness and vascular disease.
Pero si se lo salta corre el riesgo de sufrir fallo renal, ceguera... -... y problemas vasculares.
Kidney failure, he's going into renal shock.
Sufre un choque renal.
Anyone in Trevento could drop dead at any minute... heart attack, lungs collapsing, kidney failure, brain tumor, blood poisoning...
Cualquiera en Trivento puede morir en cualquier momento. Infarto, colapso pulmonar, malfuncionamiento renal tumor cerebral, intoxicación...
Jefferson Keane's sister's in kidney failure.
La hermana de Keane, falla renal.
Kidney failure.
Falla renal.
Lindsay Wagner had kidney failure and Patty Duke was goin'deaf.
Linday Wagner teniendo una insuficiencia renal y Patty Duke quedándose sorda.
We believe it's an E. coli infection causing the kidney failure.
Creemos que la infección por E. coli provoca el fallo renal.
Well, when you said you were dying of kidney failure, and I donated you one of my kidneys and then you said it was an April fool and we had to throw my kidney away.
Salvo cuando nos hizo creer que se moría. Yo doné un riñón para salvarlo. Entonces dijo que eran los Santos Inocentes y hubo que tirarlo.
He could have kidney failure, heart disease go blind, lose limbs.
Podría sufrir un fallo de riñón, problemas de corazón ceguera, perder algún miembro.
Kidney failure, liver damage, your red blood cells could explode.
Fallo de riñón, daños en el hígado, tus glóbulos rojos están a punto de explotar.
She could go into kidney failure. What's it take to get her treatment?
¿ Qué hace falta para que se le dé tratamiento?
Possible side effects may include depression, general discomfort, headaches, blurred or distorted vision, loss of balance, dry mouth, numbness, periodontal disease, lockjaw, tremors, heart palpitations, varicose veins, liver damage, kidney failure, loss of taste, loss of smell, loss of sight,
Sus posibles efectos secundarios son depresión, malestar general... jaquecas, visión borrosa, pérdida de equilibrio... boca seca, entumecimiento, enfermedad periodontal... temblores, palpitaciones, várices... daño al hígado, insuficiencia renal, pérdida de gusto, olfato, visión...
April, her kidney failure is temporary.
April, el fallo renal es temporal.
You'll also get major fluid imbalances and possible kidney failure.
También tendrá pérdida de líquidos y posible fallo de riñón.
-... kidney failure, stroke, impotence...
-... a un fallo renal, un infarto...
Kidney failure can, or it was introduced by an outside source.
La insuficiencia renal o una fuente externa.
It's Mrs. Schuler And I gotta go because she's having kidney failure
Tengo que irme, porque tuvo una falla renal.
Currently in the hospital with kidney failure.
Actualmente en el hospital con insuficiencia renal.
Ah... U.T.I. versus kidney failure.
Infección urinaria contra Insuficiencia renal.
Which means the antibiotics are causing the kidney failure.
Los antibióticos causan la insuficiencia renal.
If we leave them on both the antibiotics, they'll die of kidney failure.
Y si los dejamos, morirán de insuficiencia renal.
Which drug's causing the kidney failure?
¿ Cuál causa la insuficiencia renal?
The kidney failure was caused by the antibiotics.
- Los antibióticos causaron la falla renal.
What'd you find out? Kidney failure.
- ¿ Qué averiguaron?
- It means the antibiotics didn't cause the kidney failure.
Significa que los antibióticos no causaron la falla renal.
The colchicine, a gout medicine, blocks mitosis and stops cell division, which will result in abdominal pain, rash, nausea, fever, kidney failure, low blood pressure... and will also mess with the bone marrow.
La colchicina, un medicamento para gota, bloquea la mitosis, la división celular. Lo cual traerá como consecuencia dolor abdominal, erupción náusea, fiebre, falla renal, presión arterial baja y también altera la médula ósea. Pero no tiene gota.
Your victim or your perp is dying of kidney failure.
Su víctima o el autor se está muriendo de una insuficiencia renal.
So all we've got is a perp who may have kidney failure.
Sólo tenemos un autor que tiene insuficiencia renal.
You're dying of kidney failure.
Está muriendo de insuficiencia renal.
Maybe Christina's mystery girlfriend with kidney failure is our Conductor.
Homicidio no premeditado. Quizá la novia misteriosa con insuficiencia renal es nuestro Conductor.
It's a rare genetic disorder that causes deafness and kidney failure.
Es un desorden genético extraño que causa sordera y deficiencia renal.
Even the kidney failure didn't bother me because I knew it was coming.
Incluso la deficiencia renal no me molestó, porque sabía que vendría.
They put me on antidepressants, but I told them that didn't change the fact that I was dying of kidney failure.
Me dieron antidepresivos pero les dije que eso no cambiaba el hecho de que moría de insuficiencia renal.
- Lambert Lawson, of kidney failure.
- Lambert Lawson, de falla renal.
Reclusive billionaire Lambert Lawson died today of kidney failure.
El billonario Lambert Lawson murió hoy de falla renal.
Warrick Tennyson is dying from kidney failure and heart disease.
Warrick Tennyson está muriendo de falla renal y enfermedad cardiaca.
Last July, Jamal Othman died of complications from kidney failure in federal prison, where he was serving a life sentence for conspiracy to commit terrorism.
El pasado julio, Jamal Othman murió por insuficiencia renal en una prisión federal, donde cumplía cadena perpetua por conspirar para cometer actos terroristas.
Turned out I was suffering from chronic kidney failure
Resultó que sufría de una insuficiencia renal.
Sounds like she might be in kidney failure.
Parece como si tuviera fallo renal.
Now, is it true that she's suffering from kidney failure?
Ahora, ¿ es cierto que ella sufre una insuficiencia renal?
She had kidney failure and brain problems...
Tuvo insuficiencia renal y trastornos cerebrales.
Some people get bone loss, kidney failure, some people's testes shrink, and some people lose their sense of smell.
Algunos tienen pérdida de masa ósea, insuficiencia renal, hipogonadismo y otros pierden el sentido del olfato.
She got rheumatoid arthritis and kidney failure.
Le dio artritis reumatoide.
She's at Mount Adams Hospital kidney failure, two weeks ago.
Está en el hospital Mount Adams fallo de riñón, hace dos semanas.
But he's in severe renal failure and can't travel to Hope Zion, so we will coordinate with St. Donald's to deliver his kidney.
Pero es en la insuficiencia renal grave y no puede viajar a Hope Sión Así que vamos a coordinar con San Donald Para entregar su riñón.
- Seventy percent kidney failure. - He's right, Jim.
Tiene razón, Jim.
This meant his liver and kidney's leaking out of him and that would explain the failure of cidofovir.
Lo que significa que su hígado y riñones estarán licuados y eso explicaría el fracaso con cidofovir
Your kidney function is decreasing and I'm afraid you'll go into multi-system organ failure if we don't operate.
Tu función renal decae rápidamente y me temo que entrarás en disfunción múltiple de órganos.

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