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Kitchener tradutor Espanhol

150 parallel translation
Today the Royal North Surrey Regiment... is under orders to join Sir Herbert Kitchener's Anglo-Egyptian army... for the reconquest of the Sudan!
Hoy, el regimiento de North Surrey tiene órdenes de unirse al ejército anglo-egipcio para reconquistar Sudán.
- I've just received this telegram from General Kitchener.
He recibido un telegrama de Kitchener.
I have a mission to reach the army of General Kitchener.
Debo llegar hasta el ejército de Kitchener.
But the army of General Kitchener is 400 miles away... across country in the hands of the enemies.
Kitchener está a 650 kilómetros y el país está en manos enemigas.
- Kitchener's been talking to me.
Hablé con Kitchener.
Now, General Kitchener can't spare a regiment, much less a brigade... but he can spare a company.
El general no puede prescindir de una brigada ni de un regimiento, pero sí de una compañía.
Part of Kitchener's army is going up the river in boats.
El ejército remontará el río en barcos.
We'll soon be up to Omdurman... and Kitchener can have his battle where he wants it.
Pronto llegaremos a Omdurman... y Kitchener tendrá su batalla justo donde la quería.
The Khalifa has gone out to meet Kitchener.
El califa se enfrentará a Kitchener.
Paper! Paper! Khartoum recaptured by Kitchener!
It's just come through. Kitchener broke the Dervishes's army at Omdurman.
Kitchener destruyó el ejército de los derviches.
To Kitchener and his bright lads in Khartoum.
Por Kitchener y los chicos de Jartum.
You lie, you old soup-kitchener, you.
Mientes, viejo idiota.
So long, old soup-kitchener!
¡ Adiós, viejo idiota!
Supreme Commander Sir Colley and put General Kitchener in charge of the command in South Africa.
Comandante Supremo, Sir Colley, y poner al General Kitchener a cargo del mando en Sudáfrica.
Please share your plans with us, General Kitchener.
Por favor, General Kitchener, le ruego que exponga sus planes.
Kitchener will never agree to that.
Kitchener nunca estará de acuerdo con eso.
Cronje asked Kitchener for free passage for them.
Cronje le pidió a Kitchener paso libre para ellos.
All farms in this district shall be destroyed, order of Supreme Commander Kitchener!
Todas las granjas de este distrito deberán ser destruidas, ¡ órdenes del Comandante Supremo Kitchener!
Mr. Kitchener will get the better of you yet!
¡ El sr. Kitchener os va a atar corto!
Too bad you didn't marry that Kitchener boy.
Qué mal que no te casaras con el joven Kitchener.
Give us a roll.
General Kitchener aside, Emily, the only thing that's going on here... is a woman trying to shake off her lover.
Dejando de lado al Gral. Kitchener, Emily, lo que yo veo aquí... es a una mujer que quiere deshacerse de su amante.
Yeah, used to know all of Kitchener's staff.
Lo recitaba al revés.
This came yesterday, via Cairo and Kitchener.
Esto llegó ayer, vía El Cairo y Kitchener.
- Who's Kitchener?
- Quién es Kitchener?
Major Kitchener sends his greetings.
El mayor Kitchener envía sus saludos.
Most interesting man, the Major Kitchener.
Hombre muy interesante, el mayor Kitchener.
He should have reached Major Kitchener in five or six.
Debería haber llegado en cinco o seis donde está el mayor Kitchener.
Kitchener knows the route and the wells.
Kitchener conoce la ruta y los pozos de agua.
Excellency, from Major Kitchener, a message at last.
Excelencia, del mayor Kitchener, al fin un mensaje.
The messenger from the Major Kitchener eats, - and says "Thank you."
El mensajero del mayor Kitchener come, y dice "Gracias."
"Is it true that the Major Kitchener has big dark eyes like fires in the night?"
"Es cierto que el mayor Kitchener tiene grandes ojos negros, como fuego en la noche?"
The Major Kitchener has eyes as blue as little flowers.
El mayor Kitchener tiene ojos tan azules como las florecillas.
He'd never seen Kitchener.
Nunca vió a Kitchener.
I'm Freddy. Kitchener's valet?
- Soy Freddy. ¿ El Valle de Kitchener?
The great majority of those who volunteered were like sheep.
SU PAÍS LO NECESITA La gran mayoría de los que ofrecieron sus servicios... LORD KITCHENER PIDE MÁS HOMBRES eran como ovejas.
I'd been brought up outside the flock. So when Lord Kitchener pointed his finger at me... I shook my head.
Signed, Kitchener, "Secretary of bleeding State."
Firmado, Kitchener, el maldito secretario de estado. "
Tell me, Douglas, what do you think of this fellow, Kitchener?
Dime, Douglas, ¿ qué piensas de Kitchener?
Mr. Kitchener occupies this floor.
El Sr Kitchener ocupa este piso.
We'll put her in Kitchener's place.
La pondremos en lo de Kitchener.
Mr. Kitchener, an old gentleman.
Del Sr. Kitchener, un caballero de edad.
Inspector, you'd, uh... You'd want to look at his flat, Mr. Kitchener's, I expect.
Inspector, usted... querrá ver el piso del Sr. Kitchener, me imagino.
" If General Kitchener should ever find time...
" Si el General Kitchener encontrara tiempo para leer el nuevo libro de Mr.
" The news here is that Kitchener is going to fight the dervishes in the Sudan.
La noticia es que Kitchener va a combatir a los derviches en Sudán.
"And now that you, unfortunately, have lost most of our money... "... in that American stock market swindle... "...
Y ahora que has, desgraciadamente, perdido la mayoría de nuestro dinero en la Bolsa americana debo ir a Sudán con Kitchener.
"Mother, darling, you won't forget about Kitchener, will you?"
Madre, querida, no te olvidarás de Kitchener, ¿ no? "
"Darling, as you asked... "... I have written to General Kitchener...
" Querido, tal como me pediste he escrito al general Kitchener y debería tener una respuesta pronto.
What do you know of Kitchener's army?
¿ Qué sabes de Kitchener?

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