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Legged tradutor Espanhol

1,059 parallel translation
A three-legged horse'd bring a price down here.
Un caballo con tres patas tiene valor por aquí.
Perhaps he has got a one legged sister
Quizá tenga una hermana con una sola pierna.
We'd have won that three-legged race if I hadn't let you down.
Habríamos ganado la carrera de tres piernas si no hubiese metido la pata.
A fast-legged donkey.
Un burro de andar ligero.
I never saw your father get out and open the car door for any woman especially not your waddle-legged mother. Now, get on in!
Nunca vi a tu padre abriéndole la puerta del auto a ninguna mujer especialmente a tu madre que andaba como un pato. ¡ Ahora, súbete!
Well, I never shot any four-legged animals before, but there's always a first time, huh?
Bueno, nunca cacé animales cuadrúpedos, pero... puede uno empezar.
- A four-legged horse.
- Un caballo de cuatro patas.
We lost a short-legged chicken recently.
Hace poco perdimos una gallina de patas cortas.
Funny thought though. That duck legged so - and-so Kritzer.
Aunque es una idea curiosa, si no fuera porque es tan descabellada.
- Long-legged, - thin ankle.
- muslos prietos.
That one-legged priest.
El párroco cojo.
To tall, long-legged, dark-eyed passengers.
Altos, de piernas largas y ojos oscuros.
You may call him a two-legged animal. Or the hind end of an ass. Or the forepart of a Connemara pig.
Llamadle animal de dos patas, o trasero de burro, o cabeza de cerdo de Connemara.
That long-legged ass?
¡ Ese mocoso!
This is our chance to get away. I hope you're good at the three-legged race.
Éste es el momento de escaparnos, espero que tengamos suerte.
The one-legged man... where is he?
Ese hombre tullido, ¿ dónde está?
The one-legged man, he's the one I came to see.
El tullido. Quiero verle.
And taking a course from someone like that... would be like betting on a three-legged horse, he said.
Y recibir un curso de alguien así... es como apostar por un caballo con tres patas, dijo.
Lust like I'd kill any four-legged gator!
¡ Igual que mato a los demás caimanes de cuatro patas!
That two-legged gator
Ese caimán de dos patas.
No, she was bare-legged.
No, iba sin medias.
It's been stated you were bare-legged in the bar.
Han dicho que en el bar no llevaba medias.
That's where the two-legged bat got your door open.
Fue cuando El Murciélago abrió su puerta.
Five red, and five black. He has four legged children with tails.
5 rojos y 5 negros... los niños tienen 4 patas y cola.
A three-legged horse is useless.
Un caballo con 3 patas es inútil..
A game-legged old man and a drunk. That's all you got?
Un viejo cojo y un borracho. ¿ Eso es todo?
Bernard and I were talking to her after the rehearsal the other day and she said I'll take him on myself, but I can't bear bandy-legged man.
"Haría el papel, pero no me gustan los patizambos".
Say, do you know the one about the girl tuba player who was stranded on an island with a one. Legged jockey?
Oye, ¿ os sabéis el de la chica que tocaba la tuba que estaba en una isla desierta con un jockey cojo?
So the one. Legged jockey said...
Entonces va eljockey cojo y dice...
So the one. Legged jockey said : " Don't worry about me, baby.
Va eljockey cojo y dice : " No sufras por mí, cariño.
A one. Legged jockey?
¿ Un jockey cojo?
We're not trying to convince you. It's those four-legged creatures out there.
No queremos convencerte a ti, sino a esos bichos de cuatro patas de ahí.
Don't you dare go up there, you big, long-legged lummox!
No se atreva a subir allí. ¡ Sin vergüenza, atrevido!
The trouble with these little bandy-legged buzzards is that they just don't know when to quit.
El problema con estos buitres patizambos es que,... no saben cuando renunciar.
All four-legged animals taste alike...
Todos los bichos de cuatro patas saben igual.
I'm sure that's a yellow-legged claphanger up that tree. Look there.
Estoy seguro que ésa es una cacatúa de cresta amarilla en ese árbol.
I've got to be up bright and fresh for those spraddle-legged coat hangers.
Debo levantarme fresco y alerta para coger a esos pajarracos.
How do those short-legged chickens lay eggs so high?
¿ Cómo esas gallinas enanas ponen huevos tan caros?
"Six-legged dog, faithful friend of mankind on four wheels."
# Perro de 6 patas, amigo fiel del hombre en cuatro ruedas. #
I'd like to have a close look at that four-legged wizard.
Me gustaría mirar de cerca a ese mago de cuatro patas.
That four-legged butter churn run us all the way here.
Esa vaca nos trajo al trote.
used and misused by the two-legged animals who have hung around sporting events since the days of the coliseum.
uso y abuso de los animales de dos patas que han participado en eventos deportivos desde los días del coliseo romano.
A one legged man climbs the stairs. 1 21 steps.
Tiene una pierna para subir, 121 escalones.
If there were not upon poor Jack, then I am no two-legged creature.
¡ Y si no atacaron al viejo Jack es que no hay honra en el mundo!
- Not unless you can call something that looks like... a two-headed man with a three-legged chicken standing on one of them paintings.
- Ninguna. A menos que por "pintura" definas algo que se asemeja a... una gallina con tres patas sentada sobre un hombre de dos cabezas.
Our six-legged friends are very versatile. I have 365 different kinds of honey.
Las abejas son muy versátiles, ya sabe usted, tengo 365 diferentes tipos de miel.
Our four-legged friends need all the help they can get.
Nuestros amigos de 4 patas necesitan todo lo apoyo que puedan conseguir.
A blue-eyed, long legged Italian with hooks.
Una italiana de ojos azules y piernas largas con anzuelos.
I mean, it's difficult enough to prepare a lawn party for 60 people without that 4-legged demolition squad running around in the middle of it. Demolition squad?
Ya es difícil preparar una fiesta para 60 invitados, sin tener que lidiar con una escuadra de demolición de cuatro patas.
Probably from the one-legged man.
Seguramente, al cojo.
So don't go mouthing your sweetnesses at me, you thin-lipped, toothpick-legged conniver.
Todos menos uno.

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