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Translate.vc / Inglês → Espanhol / [ L ] / Let's get him

Let's get him tradutor Espanhol

3,046 parallel translation
Let's get him out of here.
Vamos a salir de aquí.
"Hey, there goes Brick. Let's get him."
"Ei, ahi esta Brick, vamos a por el"
- Let's go get him.
- Vayamos a atraparle
All right, Tavo, let's get him into a room.
Muy bien, Tavo, pongámoslo en una habitación.
Let's get him a mouse and let him chow down on that little fucker.
Quiere sangre. Démosle un ratón y dejemos que devore a ese pequeño cabrón.
Let's get in there and finish him off.
Entremos ahí y terminémoslo.
Let's get over there to intercept him.
Vamos a interceptarlo allí, ahora.
Let's get him loaded up.
Vamos a hacer que lo cargó.
Alright, let's get him into er...
Muy bien, llevémoslo a Urgencias...
Okay, let's get him inside.
De acuerdo, llevemosle dentro.
Let's get him out of here.
Vamos a sacarle de aquí.
Ramiro Help me, Let's get him up, come on.
Ayúdame, Ramiro. Arriba con él, vamos.
Well, let's get him inside.
Bien, vamos a dentro.
Let's solve it after we get him breathing again.
Lo resolveremos cuando vuelva a respirar.
Let's get him into bed.
Vamos a llevarlo a la cama.
Let's get him to trauma.
Vamos a llevarlo a trauma.
Quick, let's get him something to clean him up with.
Rápido, vamos a llevarle algo para limpiar.
Let's get a good line him.
Vamos a conseguirle una buena línea.
When we get to the airport, I give Ben last kiss, and tell him he better try out that recorder as soon as he gets there, and let me know that everything's okay.
Cuando llegamos al aeropuerto, le doy Ben el ultimo beso, y le digo que mejor pruebe esa grabadora tan pronto como llegue y me haga saber que todo anda bien.
Let's get him out of here.
- Muévete.
Let's get him up.
Vamos a levantarlo.
Let's just get this guy and get him home.
Vamos a recoger al chico y vamos a llevarle a casa.
Let's get him.
Vamos a buscarlo.
Let's get him!
¡ Agárrenlo!
All right, well, let's go get him.
Bueno, vamos a cazarlo.
- Let's get him, Charlie.
Vamos a matarlo. - Súbanse en el camión.
All right, whatever, let's get him in.
Está bien, que entre.
Okay, let's get him in.
De acuerdo. Vamos a traerlo.
- Well, shit, let's go get him.
- Bueno, mierda, vamos a ir a buscarlo.
- Let's get him back to the ship.
- Llevémoslo a la nave.
Let's get rid of him.
Vamos a eliminarlo.
Let's get him.
Vamos por él.
Just give him the damn necklace and let's get down along and we're gonna have some beers.
Sólo dale el collar... y vámonos de aquí a beber unas cervezas.
Come on, let's get him outta here.
Vamos, saquémoslo de aquí.
Let's get him out of here.
Saquémoslo de aquí.
Let's get him to his feet.
- Que se pare
Let's get him a patch.
Vamos a conseguirle un parche.
Let's get him out and jog him and, uh, we'll be done.
Saquémoslo a trotar y... será todo.
- Get over here and help me. - I can't breathe! - Let's take him outside.
¡ No puedo respirar aquí!
Let's get him, Grandpa!
- ¡ Atrapémoslo, abuelo!
Let's get him, Cammy.
Atrapémoslo, Cammy.
Let's get him out of here, boys.
Saquémoslo de aquí, muchachos.
Let's get him.
Let's get him to bed.
Llevémoslo a la cama.
Let's get him!
¡ Como él!
- Let's get him up.
- Déjenlo levantarse.
Let's go, your politician friend will get him out, right?
Vámonos. Total, a estos los echará tu amigo el político, ¿ no?
So let's get him on trespassing and felony vandalism.
Los cargos son entrada ilegal y delito de vandalismo.
And that agent's here, so let me go get him.
El agente está aquí. Así es que déjame ir por él. Es un poco teatral.
Let's just get him to the bed. Come on.
Hay que ponerlo en la cama.
Let's get him a long sentence, and we'll all be better off.
Vamos a darle una larga condena, y todos estaremos mejor.

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