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Translate.vc / Inglês → Espanhol / [ L ] / Let's get out there

Let's get out there tradutor Espanhol

531 parallel translation
- Let's go out there and get sunburned.
- Vayamos allí a broncearnos.
Let's get out there with the Countess.
Salgamos a ver a la condesa.
Let's get out of here. The door's right there.
Larguémonos, hay una puerta ahí mismo.
Let's swim out there, way, way out until we're so tired that we'll just barely be able to get back.
Vamos a nadar bien lejos hasta que estemos tan lejos que casi no podamos volver.
Let's get out there.
Venga, vamos ahí fuera.
Let's get out of there.
Salgamos de aqui.
Let me see this is a thorn you've got to take it out there's danger of infection you could get tetanus, no jokes... it's enough 24 hours... easy, easy, easy
A ver. Es una espina, hay que sacarla. Hay peligro de infección.
- Let's get him out of there.
- Saquémoslo de allí.
Let's get back out there, Lieutenant.
Vamos a volver a salir, Teniente.
Get out there! Let's go!
Córrase más, Abramowitz.
Slim, let's get out of here. There's dynamite, it's gonna blow up.
Slim, Vámosnos de aquí Hay dinamita, va a volar todo.
Let's get some warm clothes on, it's cold out there.
Pongámonos ropa de abrigo, ahí fuera hace frío.
Let's get out of here while there's still time.
Larguémonos mientras estemos a tiempo.
Hey, let's get out of there.
Oye, salgamos de ahí.
"There isn't a chance in the world, but let's all go out and get killed because we're heroes"?
¿ "No tenemos una posibilidad, pero iremos a morir porque somos héroes"?
Let's get out of there, come on, come on!
¡ Vámonos de aquí, vámonos, vámonos!
- Let's get over there and find out.
- ¿ Y qué haremos allí? - Vayamos y lo averiguaremos.
Come along, let's get out of here before there's any more of this...
Venga, vámonos de aquí antes de que ocurra algo parecido...
Let's get that thing out of there.
Saquemos eso de allí.
Now, let's get out there on duty.
Ahora, salgamos a montar guardia.
All right out there, let's get a little action going!
¡ Bien allí, que empiece la acción!
- Get them out of there. - Let's go.
¡ Sáquenlos de aquí!
Let's get out of here right away and make tons of money like there's no tomorrow.
Salgamos de aquí y hagamos montones de dinero como si no existiera el mañana.
Let's get down there and find out.
Vayamos allí y averiguemoslo.
I have to see the men out there. That's right, get to work. And let's hope you don't mess things up.
Muy bien, un reguerito de pólvora entre caja y caja y estallarán de lo lindo.
Let's get them up out of there.
¡ Sacadlo de aquí!
Now let's get it out of there.
¡ Pues quítala de ahí!
Let's see if I can get you out of there.
Vamos a ver si puedo sacarte de aquí.
Let's get that case out there unloaded now, buttercup.
Vamos a sacar la caja de allá descarga ahora, botón de oro.
Let's hope that beam thing doesn't conk out before we get there!
Sí, y esperemos que el rayo no se escoñe antes de llegar allí!
Let's get out there and have some fun.
Vamos a reírnos un poco.
- Let's get her out of there, quick!
- ¡ Rápido, sáquela afuera!
Let's get over there and find out what they are doing... before it's all over.
Vayamos allí y averigüemos qué están haciendo... antes de que termine.
Now you let him get in there and you catch him on the way out when he's got his hands full.
Entonces, lo dejas entrar, y lo agarras cuando salga, cuando tiene las manos llenas.
Let's get the hell out of here! There's some over here.
Aquí hay algunos.
Yeah, let's get it all out there so we can see it.
Sí, saquemos todo así podemos verlo.
Let's get one out there.
Aquí va otra.
Because you're... you're all mad. Let's get you out of there.
¡ Porque estáis todos locos!
Let's get out there and knock their blocks off!
¡ Salgan y destrocen su defensa!
Get out of there. Let's go.
¡ Salir de ahi... vamos!
- OK. Let's get some speed out there.
- Hay que jugar rápido.
Come on. Let's get out of here while there's still time.
Vamos, salgamos mientras aún quede tiempo.
Let's get her out of there!
Saquémosla de ahí.
Let's get him out of there.
Hay que sacarlo de allí.
Let's get out of here or there won't be enough left of me to put back together.
Vámonos, o ya no quedará nada para reconstruirme de nuevo.
Close. Let's get this back out there.
Saquemos esto afuera de nuevo.
Let's get out there and watch for fire!
¡ ¡ Cerciórense de que no haya fuego.!
Get away from there. - Let's help them out!
Aléjense de ahí - ¡ Ayudémosles!
Let's get out there and get America moving forward.
Vamos a sacar América adelante.
So let's get out there and show some spirit.
Así que vayan todos a apoyar.
Lady, I don't know how you got in there, but I'm going to get you out of me right now! Let's go!
Señora, no se como entró, pero ahora mismo la voy a sacar.

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