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Translate.vc / Inglês → Espanhol / [ L ] / Let's try that

Let's try that tradutor Espanhol

622 parallel translation
Let me tell you something. If you let us go now, I'll try and get you off with a light sentence, but if you lock us up, that's legal assault, and I'll see to it that you get the limit.
Permítame decirle algo... si nos deja salir ahora trataré de sacarlo con una sentencia ligera... pero si nos encierra, es asalto, y veré que le den el máximo.
Kind of hot. Let's try a little of that, babe.
Vamos a probar.
Intentemos ese movimiento sueco otra vez.
She's got a chance to feather her own nest - Let her try, that's all. Suppose you all clear out.
Se rie de nosotros. ¡ Que lo intente si quiere!
All right, fellas. Let's try that introduction now without the brass.
Probemos la introducción sin los cobres.
And now that you've finished, let's try a different kind of exercise.
Puesto que ya han terminado pasaremos a otra clase de ejercicio.
Pa. Let's try that other tire.
Papá, probemos con la otra rueda.
I'm afraid not at least he's not conceited and he has nice clear eyes he shall come tomorrow, I'll let him have a volume of Corneille, he shall try his hand at that
No tengo miedo por lo menos, no es presumido y tiene ojos claros él vendrá mañana, le permitiré tener un volumen de Corneille, él probará su mano a eso
That's why I let you try my slippers on, and then I put my cheek against yours ;
Por eso dejé que me pusieras mis zapatillas. Y luego puse mi mejilla en la tuya.
All right, let's try that one again.
Me probaré ése otra vez.
Let's try to be that way.
Tratemos de ser así
That's right. Let's try it right away.
Sí, probemos enseguida.
Let's try it in that tempo.
Probemos en ese tempo.
Just let them try to get my vote. That's all.
Que intenten conseguir mi voto.
But if you think you can manage it, let's try it that way.
Pero si cree que es mejor, hagámoslo de esta forma.
- Let's try that one.
- Probemos esa.
Let's give that a try.
Vamos a intentar eso.
Let's try that again.
Vamos a repetirlo.
Well, well, let's try that goodbye part.
Ensayemos la despedida.
- Let's try that again.
- Intentemos eso de nuevo.
Should you ever think of me in Earls Court, that's where I'll be, helping Harry's parents with the lodgers, if you do ever think of me, try not to let it be too harshly.
Si alguna vez piensas en mí, en Earl's Court, que es donde estaré trabajando con los padres de Harry... si lo haces, intenta no recordarme con dureza.
Let's try that again.
Vamos a intentarlo de nuevo.
Let's both try and remember that.
Intentemos recordarlo.
Let's try that.
Probaremos a ver.
- Fine, let's try that!
- Bien, intentemos razonar.
Now let's try that syrup.
Así que voy a probar con ese jarabe.
Oh, I know he's seen a great deal more of life than you, but you can make that an advantage, too. Let him see how sweet and unspoiled you are, and, darling, you must try your hardest not to be shy.
Ya sé que tiene más experiencia que tú, pero de eso puedes sacar gran ventaja, haciéndole ver lo buena y virtuosa que eres.
Let's try it again. Have the confidence that I'll be there to take you.
Salta con la confianza de que yo te espero para cogerte.
- Enough of that one. Let's try this.
Vamos a intentarlo.
So let's face that and then try and do something about that bird.
Así enfrentemos esto y tratemos de hacer algo con esta ave.
Now, let's try and pass that one today.
Ahora, tratemos de superarla hoy.
Let's try to reconstruct that evening, shall we?
¡ Bueno! ¡ Intentemos reconstruir esa tarde!
Let's try and stay that way.
Procuremos seguir así.
Let's not try to climb that hill in this dreadful heat. "
No intentemos subir la colina con este calor mortal ".
Now you try that first note and come right into it and continue. Let's get together and swing right on through.
Cuando cojas el tono, empiezas a cantar y seguimos juntos hasta el final.
Let's remember only that and not try to understand what we cannot understand or help things that cannot be helped.
Vamos a recordar eso y no intentar comprender lo que no podemos. O evitar lo que no puede evitarse.
Probemos - Probemos con la vieja vaquera aquí enfrente.
And don't let a white fence and a promotion end the world for you. If that's as far as it goes, i'll try not to.
Bien..... bajemos y tomemos una taza de café.
Let's try that accompaniment.
La melodía. Hacemos el acompañamiento.
Let's try some of that clean desert air.
Salgamos a que nos toque el aire del desierto.
Vamos a intentarlo en esa casa.
I am not the kind of person to do that of course he said "let's try to forget"
Que no soy la clase de persona que hace eso. Por supuesto. Dijo : "Intentemos olvidar."
That's my girl. Try on your sweater. Yes, let's see if it fits, huh?
Vamos a ponerte el suéter a ver si te queda.
- All right, let's try that one again.
- Muy bien lo intentaremos de nuevo.
Let's try behind that central scan.
Vamos a ver detrás de ese escaner central.
Let's go! You try that again, friend, and we're going to war.
Vuelve a hacer eso, amigo, y habrá guerra.
Let's try that cellar door again.
Abramos la puerta del sótano.
Let's try that wee door first.
Vamos a intentar que la puerta Wee primero.
"Let's try that again." Yeah.
"Intentemos eso otra vez".
Come on let's try that door again.
Venga, vamos a intentar esa puerta de nuevo.
Let's try that way.
Intentémoslo por ahí.

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