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Translate.vc / Inglês → Espanhol / [ L ] / Longstreet

Longstreet tradutor Espanhol

120 parallel translation
Timmins, Longstreet, stand up and reach.
Timmins, Longstreet, en pie y manos arriba.
Timmins, take that whip... and give Longstreet five of the best lashes you got in you.
Timmins, coge el látigo... y dale a Longstreet cinco veces con todas tus fuerzas.
Longstreet... you do the same to him.
Longstreet, haz lo mismo con él.
Now, listen here... - Longstreet!
- ¡ Longstreet!
- I'll go. Where's Timmins and Longstreet?
Se han largado en dirección a Yuma.
Timmins, take that whip... and give Longstreet five of the best lashes you got in you. Longstreet... you do the same to him.
Timmins, coge el látigo... y dale a Longstreet cinco veces con todas tus fuerzas.
Where's Timmins and Longstreet?
¿ Y Timmins y Longstreet?
Pickett's reinforced Longstreet.
Pickett ha reforzado Longstreet.
- I'm Mary Longstreet.
Soy Mary Longstreet.
- Yep. Judge Longstreet's daughter.
- La hija del juez Longstreet.
- Who is Miss Longstreet marrying?
- ¿ Con quién se casa la joven?
Judge Longstreet's got the best collection.
El juez Longstreet tiene la mejor colección.
- Noah Longstreet.
- Noah Longstreet.
That's young Longstreet's dog, Red.
Es el perro del joven Longstreet, Red.
Judge Longstreet :
¡ Juez Longstreet!
Longstreet called.
Longstreet llamó.
¿ Longstreet?
You don't need Longstreet or anyone else.
No necesitas a Longstreet ni nadie más.
Look here, I think I'd better get my lawyer, Mr. Longstreet.
Será mejor que llame a mi abogado, el Sr. Longstreet.
Get Mr. Longstreet on the phone, quickly.
Póngame con el Sr. Longstreet. Rápido.
Mr. Melrose for Mr. Longstreet, please.
El Sr. Melrose necesita hablar con el Sr. Longstreet.
Mr. Longstreet on the phone.
El Sr. Longstreet.
Where's Longstreet?
¿ Dónde está Longstreet?
Long Street Hotel.
En el Hotel Longstreet.
Poor little me barely squeezed through Miss Longstreet's Seminary for Ladies.
Yo casi no consigo salir del colegio para señoritas de la Srta. Longstreet.
Dr. Longstreet.
Dr. Longstreet.
Dr. Longstreet, we are naughty, aren't we?
Dr. Longstreet, somos malos, ¿ cierto?
I'm Dr. Longstreet, you know.
Soy el Dr. Longstreet, sabe.
Did you know Dr. Longstreet?
¿ Conocía al Dr. Longstreet?
I was wounded... on leave from Gregg's Texans, Longstreet's Corps.
Estoy de licencia de la unidad de Longstreet. - ¿ Quién es?
On orders from General Longstreet.
A las órdenes del general Longstreet.
Longstreet's fatal flaw.
El error fatal de Longstreet.
- General Longstreet. I must see him.
- Debo ver al General Longstreet.
Wherever he is, Longstreet is nearby.
Y el general Longstreet está ahí.
At Thoroughfare Gap, you held against Longstreet.
En la fosa de la hondonada Ud. resistió contra Longstreet.
General Longstreet, good morning.
General Longstreet, buenos días.
Longstreet behind that.
Detrás de ellos está Longstreet.
General Longstreet is not up with his corps.
El General Longstreet no llega aún con sus tropas.
I must confess I'm rather curious about General Longstreet.
Debo confesar que estoy muy curioso acerca del General Longstreet.
Under Longstreet.
Por Longstreet.
You know, General Longstreet proposes that we move our army around to the right and flank the Federal army and interpose between Meade and Washington.
Sabe, el General Longstreet propone qe cambiemos nuestro ejército a la derecha y flanquemos al ejército federal y nos pongamos entre Meade y Washington.
Longstreet's corps will be coming up and my boys will be ready to finish the job.
La división de Longstreet subirá... Y mis muchachos estarán listos para terminar el trabajo.
That would make General Longstreet very happy.
Eso haría muy feliz al General Longstreet.
Longstreet will attack on the right with the First Corps.
Longstreet atacará por la derecha con la Primera División.
Look at your names, Lee, Hood Longstreet, Jackson, Stuart.
Observe sus nombres, Lee, Hood Longstreet, Jackson, Stuart.
General Longstreet.
General Longstreet.
General Longstreet, sir.
General Longstreet.
General Longstreet, you have General Pickett now and he is fresh.
Usted tiene al General Pickett ahora y él está fresco.
With General Longstreet in command, my old warhorse meeting the enemy face to face on ground of his choosing and with honor, we will prevail.
Con el General Longstreet al mando, mi viejo caballo de batalla... Nos reuniremos con el enemigo cara a cara en su terreno. Y con honor ganaremos.
- lf you aren't out of town in five minutes...
- Si no te vas de la ciudad en 5 minutos... - Me voy. ¿ Y Timmins y Longstreet?
And if either of you eases up, I'll make it 20.
Longstreet, haz lo mismo con él.

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