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Translate.vc / Inglês → Espanhol / [ M ] / Marshmallows

Marshmallows tradutor Espanhol

681 parallel translation
Yeah, but when you get together in Mr. Tyler's room... and toast marshmallows and things... you talk about who you're going to let in, don't you?
Sí, pero cuando se reúnen en el cuarto del señor Tyler para asar malvaviscos y esas cosas hablan de la gente que van a admitir, ¿ no?
At the hospital calling on Professor Egelhoffer with marshmallows.
En el hospital, de visita a Egelhoffer.
A bottle of pop? Some chocolate-covered marshmallows? A bag of peanuts maybe?
¿ Un refresco, chocolatinas o una bolsa de cacahuetes?
Sit around toasting marshmallows and call each other names?
¿ Sentarse a tomar copas y a insultarse mutuamente?
And he has a bear rug in front of the fireplace, and we toasted marshmallows all afternoon.
Y tiene una piel de oso delante de la chimenea. Y estuvimos allí tumbados toda la tarde.
He told me I had an awful lot to learn and I talked as if I had marshmallows in my mouth. Ha.
Opinaba que tenía que aprender, y que hablaba torpemente.
You're just like World's marshmallows.
Eres justo como los caramelos de World.
I mean, whipped cream, marshmallows, the works.
Quiero decir, nata batida, nubes, todo eso.
Hey look, I found marshmallows.
Oye, mira, he encontrado malvaviscos.
Well, I didn't come here to toast marshmallows, you know.
No vine a tostar malvaviscos.
There was a campfire girls'meeting up the hill, you know, and I snuck in there and let all the air out of the marshmallows.
Había un campamento de chicas arriba en la colina, y yo me colé allí y les desinflé los malvaviscos.
Uh... half chocolate-covered cherries, half marshmallows.
Mitad cerezas cubiertas de chocolate, mitad de malvaviscos.
So, tonight, I'll bring the marshmallows and you bring a rubber.
Yo llevo comida, tú condones.
Oscy is outside. He's bringing the marshmallows.
Oscy está afuera, él llevará la comida.
He'll be marshmallows in 5 seconds!
¡ Se va a hacer dulce de malvavisco!
With a bag of marshmallows.
- Con una bolsa de malvaviscos.
Frankly, I'm surprised the little marshmallows did this well.
Francamente, me sorprende que ese mocoso aguante.
Hot chocolate and marshmallows.
Chocolate y dulces de malvavisco.
It doesn't work without the plastic marshmallows.
No funciona sin los malvaviscos de plástico.
- Get some marshmallows.
- Ir a coger malvaviscos.
[Hannibal On Speaker] Nah, I just wanna squeeze you marshmallows outta my town.
No, sólo quiero echarlos de mi pueblo, malvaviscos. Vamos.
- Forget the marshmallows.
Olvida las nubes.
"The world record for stuffing marshmallows up one single nostril."
"Récord mundial de meterse gominolas por la nariz".
What is the record for marshmallows stuffed up one nostril?
Récord mundial de meterse gominolas en la nariz.
- Marshmallows.
- Malvaviscos.
We used to roast Stay-Puft marshmallows by the fire.
soliamos asar malvadiscos stay puft en las fogatas de los campamentos.
This microwave never melts the marshmallows right.
Este horno nunca derrite bien los dulces de malvavisco.
No marshmallows.
Sin malvaviscos.
You've to have marshmallows.
Tiene que ser con malvaviscos.
Get the marshmallows!
¡ Trae los malvaviscos!
Can I have some more petite marshmallows in my hot cocoa?
¿ Puedes ponerme más malvaviscos en el chocolate?
Excuse me, miss, but do you have any of that jello salad with the little marshmallows in it?
Disculpe señorita, ¿ tiene de esa gelatina con masmelos?
I have beans, I have beef jerky, marshmallows...
Tengo alubias, cecina de carne, malvaviscos...
Yeah, dad wants ambrosia, so I guess we'll get those miniature marshmallows.
Si, papá quiere ambrosia, así que supongo que tendremos esos malvabiscos de miniatura
I forgot the marshmallows for the hot chocolate.
Olvidé los malvaviscos para el chocolate caliente.
The little marshmallows are just swimming in there.
Un pequeño malvavisco esta nadando aquí.
You can set yourself on fire and we'll roast marshmallows.
Tú puedes quemarte, que nosotros asaremos castañas.
I wish we had some marshmallows.
Me gustaría comer bombones.
We could have toasted some marshmallows together.
Podríamos habernos tostado unas palomitas juntos.
Cocoa with teeny marshmallows?
¿ Chocolate con mini malvaviscos?
Instead of raisins, I used miniature marshmallows.
En lugar de pasas, usé malvaviscos en miniatura.
I forgot the marshmallows.
Olvidé el chorizo.
- Let's roast marshmallows.
- Contemos historias de fantasmas. - Comamos malvadiscos.
There's singing. Marshmallows. And all sorts of stupid humans to scare.
Se canta, malvadiscos y muchos estupidos humanos para asustar.
Or help a cat out of a tree... or go door to door collecting for the Red Cross or maybe even roasting some marshmallows with some Cub Scouts.
O bajar a un gato de un árbol, o ayudar a la Cruz Roja o incluso preparar dulces con los niños exploradores.
We were roasting marshmallows.
Estábamos tostando malvaviscos.
You want some brownies? They're the kind with the marshmallows.
¿ Quieres unos bizcochos de chocolate?
¡ Nubes!
- We're up to the marshmallows.
- Bueno, seguimos comiendo. Ya me voy.
Thanksgiving, toasted marshmallows, Sunday Funnies, the Senior Prom, baseball, you'd be crazy not to...
El día de acción de gracias. Los malvaviscos tostados. Las tiras cómicas.
Candied yam with marshmallows.
Camote confitado.

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