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Translate.vc / Inglês → Espanhol / [ M ] / Maybe you've heard of it

Maybe you've heard of it tradutor Espanhol

37 parallel translation
The San Andreas Fault, maybe you've heard of it?
La falla de San Andrés, ¿ te suena?
Maybe you've heard of it.
Puede que hayas oído hablar de él.
Maybe you've heard of it? Uh...
¿ No la ha visto?
Maybe you've heard of it, "Mind Your Knickers"?
Tal vez escucho de el. ¿ Te preocupan tus interiores?
Maybe you've heard of it. Le Cigare Volant?
Quizás lo conozcas. ¿ Le Cigare Volant?
Well, my sales clerk friend, I happen to write for a little publication. Maybe you've heard of it.
- Bueno, mi amigo... escribo para una pequeña publicación que quizás conozcas.
- Maybe he is. - But you've heard of it.
- Pero lo has oído.
"Roots"? Maybe you've heard of it?
Llamado "Raíces." Tal vez lo conozcan.
- Maybe you've heard of it?
- ¿ Les suena de algo?
We're providing three tickets to Gameland to a private screening of a new game, maybe you've heard of it.
Estamos dando 3 entradas para una prueba privada de un nuevo juego. Puede que lo conozcas.
His speech. Maybe you've heard of it.
No podemos hacerlo.
Maybe you've heard of it.
A lo mejor has oído hablar de ello.
Maybe you've heard of it.
Tal vez la has escuchado.
And he said, "Maybe you've heard of him." He said, "It's Charlie Crist."
Y agregó : "Quizá lo hayas oído nombrar". "Es Charlie Crist."
Maybe you've heard of it.
Tal vez haya oído hablar de eso.
- Maybe you've heard of it.
- quizas lo haya oido.
Maybe you've heard of it.
Tal vez ya hayas oido de ella.
And then I heard you tell Andy how much your father would've liked it if he were alive. And then I thought maybe your dad loved the idea of being an astronaut, because he wished he had a more adventurous life.
y escuché que le dijiste a Andy cuánto le hubiera gustado a tu padre si estuviera vivo, y luego pensé, tal vez a tu papá le hubiera gustado ser astronauta porque deseaba tener una vida más aventurada.
Maybe you've heard of it.
Puedes que hayas oído hablar de él.
But they've heard of you. They want you to come down, grab a camcorder, maybe get girls to take their blouses off, sign autographs maybe sign tits, if I could have your life for one minute, I'd pound it to myself in the mirror everyday.
Ellas te conocen, quieren que vayas, tomes una cámara las muchachas se quitarán la blusa, firmarás autógrafos podrías autografiar tetas, si yo pudiera ser tú no pararía de tener sexo.
Maybe you've heard of it.
Tal vez usted ha oído hablar de él.
Maybe you've heard of it.
Puede que hayas oído hablar de ello.
Maybe you've heard of it?
Quizás hayas oído hablar de él.
Maybe you've heard of it.
Quizás haya oido hablar de ello.
Hey, do you know how sometimes you hear a song that you've heard a million times before, and maybe you're even tired of hearing it... but this time... maybe because of something you've been through
Eh, ¿ sabéis cuando a veces escucháis una canción que habéis escuchado un millón de veces antes, y tal vez estáis incluso cansados de escucharla...?
Maybe you've heard of it.
Quizas hayas escuchado hablar de ello.
Maybe you've heard of it.
Tal vez hayas oído hablar de él.
Maybe you've heard of me, maybe it's rapping like this.
♪ Por rapear así ♪ Crema suiza... ♪... con coco
Maybe you've heard of it.
Tal vez oíste hablar de él.
Math- - maybe you've heard of it.
Matemáticas... tal vez hayáis oído hablar de ellas.
Maybe you've heard of it?
El teléfono. ¿ Quizás hayas oído hablar de él?
Any trouble comes our way, I'll give it my famous whip-kick to the guts. Maybe you've heard of me?
- Quizá hayas oído de mí.
The Internet. Maybe you've heard of it?
Internet. ¿ Oíste hablar de eso?
What part? " " Maybe you've heard of it.
? A cuál parte? ". " Quizá la conoces.

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